TwitterFinger and Other Thoughts
Author’s Note: Someone last week pinned a new name on Cheeto Jesus – TwitterFinger. I like it, so will begin using it in addition to my favorite moniker, CJ.
Random Thoughts for today:
Favorite slogan from his aborted run in 2012:
TwitterFinger has been busy. Besides signing a virtual plethora of Executive Orders (that Republicans hated until January 20, 2017 at 12:01 pm), our senior overcomber has been obsessing over size. Size really matters, probably because TwitterFinger is a euphemism for TinyFinger. Anyway, I digress. Last night, about 9:30, his favorite subject, television ratings, was top of mind:
He congratulated Fox News for apparently having highest ratings during the inauguration. He also couldn’t resist another shot at CNN. That’s right, folks, the President of the United States is still obsessed with not only ratings, but the inauguration. Speaking of ratings, here’s one from a couple of nights ago about the same subject:
Here’s another attempt to jab the media in the eye, a photograph of the ceremony which will be hung in the WH briefing room (which he calls press hall).
And lastly, this gem TwitterFinger issued after his awkward CIA appearance bragging about standing ovations and packed house.
Apparently, he forgot to mention (or maybe 140 characters is not enough) that the standing ovations came from paid shills who he brought to cheerlead.