Twitter, Dammit

January 08, 2011 By: Juanita Jean Herownself Category: Uncategorized


Through the urging of a good friend, I set up a Twitter account in January of 2008 and made one twit.  Then I got distracted for three years.

Other friends are now urging me to twitter from the DeLay sentencing hearing.  I’m going to try because I can do that from my iPhone.  I’m going to try. That’s the only promise I’m making.

If you want to follow me, and I cannot for the life of me figure out why you’d want to because I have no clue how to do this thing and am highly liable to break the whole damn Twitter Machine, my Twitter name is Crabbait.  I know that most of y’all don’t Twitter either, but those who do might get the results first.

I will explain the Crabbait name thing sometime when I’m so inclined.

By the way, there promises to be some fireworks at the hearing.  A good read for Delay followers.

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