Okay, so the Donald took to Twitter this morning and made a damn mess.
Let’s check it out.
The White House has a councel? I don’t have a councel. Does anybody know where I can buy or borrow one? I know he has one because he spelled it the same way in two different tweets this morning. Maybe it’s a lawyer who sits on a city counsel?
And John Dean is a “rat?” Yeah, I’m almost certain he is in Richard Nixon’s mind. Nobody else, though.
John Dean replied:
Most importantly:
And that having nothing to hide deal … can we see your tax returns?
Maybe he means consigliere?
The best part of Twitter right now is following John Dean!
1Donnie, you really shouldn’t bad mouth someone who doesn’t owe you anything, and is perfectly willing to tell you so. (I never thought I would say) Go, John Dean!
2Donnie–Dooonnniiiieeee! We’re coming for you, Donnie!!! Don’t look behind you, Donnie!!! Heee heee!!
3How dose that go?
4The guilty Tweets, And no man believes a word of it.
Also—Show me the Taxes.
We need to print up some cards for ‘Trump-Nixon Bingo.’
5Instead of letters & numbers, we have names of Nixon Watergate and Trump Whatever’s Illegal participants. Every time one of them is quoted in a news article, you put a penny on the square.
In re Dean: IMO trump knows pretty well what McGahn has told Mueller.
6Team Mueller may need roller skates, or Team Butterfly Net may beat them to Dotard45.
8He (trump) allowed them to testify? oh boy talk about imperial presidencies !
9The major “RAT” in the public sphere today is none other than RAT45 (RussianAssetTrump45).
Tsar Trump is steeped in mafiosa history, lingo, and practices, the NYC style Italian, Israeli, and Russian varieties (and maybe some we’re still unaware of, Chinese?); he’s been owned by them for decades.
10J.K. Rowling’s response to the morning tweet:
I do’nt care what Kids at School call me because they are all Disgusting Fake Losers and my Real Friends go to a diffrent Scool you haven’t heard of and they think Im the Coolest and Smartest and we go to parties and I don’t have to tell you there Names for this to be True.
11Donny knows very well what a RAT is. The New York mobs warned him often enough while they were ‘building’ his towers that it would be good for his health if he wasn’t one.
12OT (except for general Snacilbuper stupidity,) for some reason, I lost an unspecified amount of sleep last night over this one. Seen it?
13The link might be helpful… sorry ’bout that….
14Sounds like Trump doesn’t know that the White House Counsel is not his personal attorney.
15Trump’s inability to spell affects me less (remember in grade school first graders are encouraged to just use “invented spelling”) … than his invented “truth”. Nevertheless, his base won’t catch the spelling errors any more than his fantasy reality.
16And now the Cyber Bully-in-Chief likens Mueller to Joe McCarthy.
17So who is it that compiled a black list of Intelligence Leaders to lose their clearance? Ah, yes, that would be Joe Trump, aka Donald McCarthy.
Thank you lazrgrl for the wonderful J K Rowling post.
18To many english words that sound ALIKE! I will fix this!
No collusion!
19Now that Trump has “nothing to hid”, there’s no reason not to reveal his income taxes.