Twenty One Pages. No Answers.

September 23, 2010 By: Juanita Jean Herownself Category: Uncategorized


“Good Lord, God Hisownself only had Ten Commandments.  The Declaration of Independence is on one page.  But, the GOP takes 21 pages to explain how they are going to totally screw the middle class,” Juanita stomps this morning.

Screw the elephant - this is the new GOP symbol

“They don’t get around to explaining how you keep the Paris Hilton Tax Breaks while reducing the deficit.  Isn’t that what got us into this mess in the first place?”

“They do not say what they are going to cut, but John Boehner drolls every time  he looks at Social Security and Medicare.”

“And while they say that they are not concerned about social issues, hidden in the 21 pages is this sucker:”

We pledge to honor families, traditional marriage, life, and the private and faith-based organizations that form the core of our American values.

Juanita is perplexed.  “They had 8 years to do those things and they didn’t do it.  They are not going to do it now.  They’re just using this stuff to raise money.”

“This is just my idea.  Nobody else may agree with me,” Juanita admits. “However,  I think the Tea Party should quit using tea bags for their symbol.  They should get a nose ring.  They are being led around by the nose so they might as well just fess up to it.  Besides, it’s make those old farts look more hip.”

“The GOP can take their 21 pages and file it where they filed the last contract with America – in the defeat box.”

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