Tweeting His Way To Hell

June 28, 2020 By: Juanita Jean Herownself Category: Uncategorized

You can erase it from Twitter but somebody always makes a copy.


Now they are trying to say Grandpa Golfer was just making a joke.

It’s all a joke.

To be a Republican, you have to have a humorectomy. It’s required. Have you ever seen a Republican humorist? No, you have not. That’s not how humor works. Humor works when you make fun of yourself, which fragile Republican egos simply cannot do, or when the powerless make fun of the powerful, which is opposite of what Tump did when he mocked a handicapped journalist.  There’s a term for that.  It’s called “punching down.” Don’t do it. It’s not funny.

Republicans can’t joke. They do not know how. So screw that excuse.


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0 Comments to “Tweeting His Way To Hell”

  1. RepubAnon says:

    If it was a joke – why wasn’t anyone laughing?

    To modify Jeff Foxworthy’s skits: If someone thinks yelling “white power” is a joke – they might be a racist.

  2. Back in the dinosaur days when I was young it was just called “bullying.”

    I’m still waiting to see the First Stripper’s program to stop cyberbullying. I understand she’s the only person he listens to.

  3. Steve from Beaverton says:

    The most obnoxious racist part of this was 8 seconds into the video. We know he has a short attention span, but he most certainly knew exactly what he was retweeting. He’s running to replace Jefferson Davis, so of course he knew. I think DUHTrumpf is looking long term- he wants a statue of himself in several places and his face on Mt Rushmore. I’m sure that will be the focus of his 4th of July event.

  4. Jane & PKM says:

    Make America Walk Again

    Admittedly there are doctors who over prescribe opioids, but when did the AMA declare the “war on exercise” as represented by Covidiot* 45, the covidiots on golf carts who support him*, and those particularly covidiotic morons driving mobility scooters as if they were APCs for assault style weapons carriers for the moronically lazy?

    Understood, and certainly with compassion, doctors do prescribe golf as exercise and in some instances a golf cart would be necessary for medical reasons. But at the rate conservatives appear and never on their feet?

  5. Grandma Ada says:

    I had a great grandfather named John Caldwell Calhoun from SC. He wasn’t THAT one but I’m pretty sure he was from what genealogist call an allied family. I don’t really discuss my southern lines because I find them embarrassing and not how I believe. That these grown men went on a parade to profess their superiority is shameful and disgusting. Perhaps their children should be shopping for a nursing home?

  6. Rthugs are not on their feet because they are on their knees doing what they do best.

  7. Sandridge says:

    Steve from Beaverton @3, Certainly not Mt. Rushmore, but rather Stone Mountain, Georgia, which deifies the Confederate losers 24/7.
    I’m waiting for tRump’s big ConfederNazi rally from that damned place, you just know they’re working on scheduling it.

  8. BarbinDC says:

    He’s just hoping this will deflect the treasonous allegations against him vis-a-vis his good buddy Putin putting a bounty on US soldiers in Afghanistan. It won’t work. We already know what his supporters are.

  9. Linda Phipps says:

    I don’t see any outcry over the use of the words, “Biden” and “shot’ in the same sentence.
