Turn About is Fair Play, Right?

November 27, 2019 By: El Jefe Category: Trump

In one of his now well known narcissistic fits last night at his rally in Florida, Trump curiously boasted about his “gorgeous chest”, which is anything but.  Even more curiously, this morning he tweeted out a photoshopped pic of the character Rocky Balboa with his head on it.  Hold your nose, here it is:

Of course, we all know he actually looks like this:

So, turn about is fair play, yes?





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0 Comments to “Turn About is Fair Play, Right?”

  1. WA Skeptic says:

    Bwahahahahahaha!!!! He never looked that good in his entire life!!!!!!

    Melania, come look, quick!!!!

  2. Of course, we all know he actually believes he looks like photo #1. AND that Stallone looks like #3.

    I’m with Richard II. Will no one rid us of this meddlesome pres?

  3. Texas Expat in CA says:

    I think the hunky-but-with-his-head image is porn for 45. He’s 100% narcissist, and what turns him on his himself, or himself as he imagines. It’s amazing that he shares that with the world, on the PRESIDENT’s Twitter account. Ew.

  4. Jane & PKM says:

    Sez the sagging sack of antonym to pulchritude who “thinks” exercise decreases longevity. It’s really not fair that with Donnie’s diet and lack of exercise that he breathed a day past 40. Although it’s no surprise that the ***king moron of living off other people’s money is also living on borrowed time.

  5. Grandma Ada says:


  6. Couldn’ta said it better myself, Grandma Ada.

  7. Trump in a boxing ring?
    When can we look forward to his 12 round match?
    I’m talking REAL boxing, REAL rounds, cause I’d watch that.

  8. He is truly insane. Or, as the psychologists say: Coo Coo Bananas.

  9. Suzanne Melton says:

    ..and Junior gets ratioed on Twitter:

  10. Linda Phipps says:

    He will have his cult believing this, they are disenchanted with fact and critical thinking, and will insist that the tent like jackets and the clown tie are just to fool democrats.

  11. Wow! Every minute of every day he just keeps piling up the proof that he is paranoid schizophrenic!

  12. Stallone should sue, no question about it!

  13. Steven from Beaverton says:

    His poor golf cart seat. I’ll bet he smells as bad as he looks

  14. Buttermilk Sky says:

    You know it’s time to diet when your watchband gets that tight.

    Well, most people know.

  15. Meanwhile the demented ones campaign accusd the Washington Post of having no “proof” that the photo was doctored
    Team Trump
    Washington Post claims – without evidence – that @realDonaldTrump shared a “doctored” photo.
    Check Raw Story

  16. Linda Phipps says:

    K #15 – They are doubling down on that photo is real? The taint of Sarah Sanders still lingers on.

  17. Avis Puckett says:

    And I thought I was the only one walking around with an unreasonable fantasy of what I look like filling my head, but at least I have the wit and decency NOT to re-tweet it.
