Tucker Carlson Should Put His Name On The Kill List

July 01, 2019 By: Juanita Jean Herownself Category: Uncategorized

Okay, so here’s the deal.



No, seriously.

Trump took Tucker Carlson to North Korea instead of John Bolton. He shipped Bolton off to Mongolia during the trip. Quit shaking your head. It makes perfect sense. If you’re pint of alcohol short of a craft beer, it makes perfectly good sense.

In the bell curve of crazy Bolton stands on one end and Carlson on the other.  Between them, they’ve got the whole damn bell covered.

So, after the Trump trip, Carlson wimp-splained the situation.

The frequent Trump ally said there “is no defending the North Korean regime, which is a monstrous regime. It is the last really Stalinist regime in the whole world. It is a disgusting place, obviously.”

“On the other hand, you’ve got to be honest about what it means to lead a country. It means killing people,” Carlson continued. “Not on the scale the North Koreans do, but a lot of countries commit atrocities, including a number that we are closely allied with.”

Then Carlson uses a stick to try to make Trump look like a fan of democracy.

Carlson said he thinks Trump sees Kim as a “competent, scrappy guy,” though “he’s not an admirer of the atrocities he’s committed, obviously.”

Obviously?  No, not obviously. All Trump has ever done is talk about the love between him and KJU. The only thing obvious is that Tump would love to be able to kill people.

Want a refill on that Kool-aid, Tucker?


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