Try Horse Russlin’, Mitch

July 01, 2011 By: Juanita Jean Herownself Category: Uncategorized


It’s almost easier shooting the side of the barn from inside than to make fun of Mitch McConnell.

First, he’s goofy lookin’.  Second, he’s goofy.

Third, he likes the Sport of Kings.

Fourth, it’s gonna cost him.

Sen. Jeff Merkley (D-Ore.) plans to go to the Senate floor Thursday and call for eliminating the $126 million in tax breaks for the horse-racing industry that McConnell secured in the 2008 farm bill. Democrats are dubbing it the “Bluegrass Boondoggle” and are spotlighting it as part of their broader offensive to pressure Republicans to agree to eliminate corporate tax breaks in any bipartisan debt deal.

So, Mitch, we can’t tax your jet fuel to get to your horse races to drink your mint juleps?

Mitch tries to argue that horse racing employs 50,000 people.  I wonder how many of those job pay a living wage?  I also wonder how much profit margin is there for guys like Mitch McConnell?

Thanks to Carl for the  heads up.

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