Trump’s Storage Unit

December 16, 2022 By: Juanita Jean Herownself Category: Uncategorized

Trump’s storage turns out to be the pantry of sticky fingers privilege.  Aside from classified documents, TFG had enough prizes to start his own upscale version of The Price is Right game show.

A person familiar with the matter said the storage unit had a mix of boxes, gifts, suits and clothes, among other things. “It was suits and swords and wrestling belts and all sorts of things,” this person said.

Congressional investigators are looking for dozens of pricey mementos gifted to former president Donald Trump and his family members by foreign governments, according to three people familiar with the matter.

The sprawling request sent to the Archives also includes an antique framed signed photo of Queen Elizabeth II; a marble slab commemorating the opening of the U.S. Embassy in Jerusalem; dresses from Oman; a bust of Mahatma Gandhi; an Afghan rug; a crystal ball; and various pieces of jewelry including diamond and gold earrings, according to the person familiar with the request.

Personally, I don’t think the crystal ball is worth crap or TFG would know he’s in for some trouble.


Pictured above here’s the Saudi King and a necklace worth like, I dunno, but probably worth more than Trump could afford to buy.

In fact, during Trump’s visit, the White House accepted at least 83 separate gifts from Saudi Arabia, according to a document The Daily Beast has obtained via a Freedom of Information Act request to the State Department. Note: follow that Daily Beast link to see the whole list of stuff TFG rode off into the sunset with. I think he may have used all that stuff to decorate the body of whoever posed for his Superman trading card – See El Jefe below.

The gifts range from the regal (“Artwork featuring picture of President Trump”) to the martial (multiple swords, daggers, leather ammo holders and holsters), to the baroque (tiger and cheetah fur robes, and a dagger made of pure silver with a mother of pearl sheath).

Here’s the rules about presidents accepting gift from foreign countries:  A tangible gift of more than minimal value accepted for reasons of protocol or courtesy may not be kept as a personal gift, however, but is considered accepted on behalf of and property of the United States, and in the case of such a gift for the President or the President’s family, is handled by the National Archives and Records Administration.

Theft of federal government property is a felony subject to a prison sentence of up to ten years.

0 Comments to “Trump’s Storage Unit”

  1. It just keeps getting better.

  2. charles r phillips says:

    Pass me the popcorn, babe, and another beer!

  3. Grandma Ada says:

    You know all that stuff would end up a fire sale to keep the Old Pretender out of jail. As for the country’s secrets, copies of them have already been sold, and he had to put the originals somewhere.

  4. Speaking of sticky fingers, I wonder if the Saudi King hustled off to wash his hands after touching TFG’s hair?

  5. Let’s try. Seriously. Let’s accept the conservative’s challenge that democracy will collapse if a former pResident is sent to prison. I am so ready to go for it. Because. Democracy is collapsing due to all the GOP/conservative election ratfucking, court stacking. and KKKristians who daily storm the separation of church and state.

    C’mon with it, Merrick and DOJ. Grab up TFG, his family and associates, and those in Congress who committed treason 1/6 and before that date. Toss in a few liars from SCROTUS for lying to Congress.

  6. The Surly Professor says:

    Is that a picture of the (ex-) President … bowing to the King of Saudi Arabia? I vaguely recall the Bat-Guano signal being cast on the heavens by Fox News when they thought a previous president bowed to King Faud. It was the biggest outrage ever, at least until Obama wore a tan jacket.

    So surely it must be fake news, or the right wing Chock-Full-of-Nuts media would have been screaming. Right?

  7. Jane & PKM says:

    Early Christmas present. The tRump families’ legal woes have gone international. Thank you, Ireland!

  8. Kenneth Fair says:

    How is this not a felony under 18 U.S.C. sec. 641?

    “Whoever embezzles, steals, purloins, or knowingly converts to his use or the use of another, or without authority, sells, conveys or disposes of any record, voucher, money, or thing of value of the United States or of any department or agency thereof … [s]hall be fined under this title or imprisoned not more than ten years, or both ….”

  9. Kenneth Fair says:

    It’s not like there aren’t precedents as well:

  10. Here’s the rules about presidents accepting gift from foreign countries:

    It is almost as if you believe the law will be applied to Trump.

    If this was a Clinton? Oh, yeah full throttle. But this is Trump, a Republican.

  11. TFG has a nice *storage unit* under MarryLago .

  12. Surly Professor, I was in a waiting room once and two old dudes walked in complaining about Obama bowing to a Saudi king. I may be old, but quick with the Google so I whipped out a photo of Bush holding hands with a Saudi prince. They left to wait in the hall.
    -Surly Emerita 🙂

  13. thatotherjean says:

    @ #5 Jane and PKM:

    What they said.
