Trump’s Sinking Approval Ratings

April 09, 2020 By: El Jefe Category: Coronavirus, Corruption, Lie, Trump, Trumpists

Trump’s approval ratings, which always hover around the low 40s, has risen in the last month as many Americans rallied around him as he thrashed around trying to make the Coronavirus pandemic go away.  He started daily briefings for the first time in over a year and his approval went up.  Now an interesting effect of his daily exposure is occurring – people (who don’t pay much attention) are figuring out that Trump actually is doing a terrible job with the crisis.  I believe they’re figuring that out because every day, Trump:

  • Lies, lies, lies.  His incessant lying results in his staff having to continuously crisis manage, backtracking on his bombastic claims of everything from cures to numbers, to non-existent vaccines and tests.
  • Is permanently radically partisan.  He attacks everyone who criticizes him and airs old grievances daily.
  • Cuts off the experts to spout conspiracy theories and bullshit.
  • Insults the international community, WHO, NATO, and many others including his usual targets, China and “shithole” countries.
  • Insults the press, refuses to answer a straight question repeats “fake news” every minute.
  • Holds his “briefings” at the 5 pm newshour so his ratings are higher.  He sometimes blathers for up to 2 hours, providing very little actual new information. It wrecks news programing throughout the country.

This worked for a few weeks, but Trump is wearing pretty thin with millions of Americans.  His ratings are falling in new polls, and Biden is rising against him in key states like Florida.  I can’t watch it, but Trump is inadvertently damaging his re-election prospects by putting his incompetence and cornered badger personality every day on national television.  Even most loyal Trumpists have backed away from their idiotic boasting and taunting of normal Americans who are watching this debacle slack-jawed in disbelief.

Trump’s “winning” has now erased ALL of the stock market gains since he took office.  Unemployment this morning is 13% the highest in almost 100 years.  We are struggling with a global pandemic without the benefit of a strong pandemic response team because it was dismantled.  We are struggling with confusing and often conflicting information.  Our infection rate is understated because there is virtually no testing available.  Those who had it and have recovered have no way of confirming their illness because no serum antibody test is available.  The CDC is paralyzed by politicized appointments and slashed budgets.

Trump couldn’t do a better job of destroying the US economy if he tried.  The silver lining here, though, is that he’s putting his corruption, incompetence, and hatefulness of full display for hours every day.  Doing that is actually starting to get through to Americans who normally don’t pay attention.

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0 Comments to “Trump’s Sinking Approval Ratings”

  1. RepubAnon says:

    Hopefully, everyone but Fox and Sinclair Broadcasting will stop the live coverage.

    Letting Trump control the conversation helped him win in 2016. We need to get our own message out.

  2. Jefe, what makes you think Combover Crime Lord isn’t trying to destroy the economy? Well, other than the fact that he never really tries at anything at all?

    I don’t know what’s worse – the sheer incompetence or the depravity of this administration. The country has been on the slippery slope toward fascism since 2017, we’re almost there, and there’s a lake of fire at the bottom.

  3. Jane & PKM says:

    El Jefe, Republicons know Covidiot* 45 is a moron. They and their benefactors do not care. It’s all about power. They don’t care if Demented Donnie* wins re-election or Joe Biden takes a win. Hedge the stock market, win-win, even if Covidiot* 45 crashes the economy of the little people. Reinvent capitalism on steroids, and there they go again siphoning the gains from production to the top .01%.

    Here’s the rub. Republicons are all about staying in power which in 2020 means the Senate for them. They don’t care about Joe or Donnie*. In fact they’re betting on Joe to suppress Democratic enthusiasm thus effecting the down ballot Senate races. Suppression combined with ratsoaping, they win.

    To not repeat 2016 make no mistake about it, Biden will be as heavy a lift as was Hilz. Question is how do Democrats get out the vote to take control of the Senate which is the power plum in the Republicons sights? Will selecting either Senator Harris or Senator Warren be enough to excite the Democratic electorate and will Biden do that? There have been slight signals coming from President Obama that Warren will be the VP candidate. Bets? Ideas on how to regenerate voter enthusiasm?

  4. We’ve been through that “He can’t possibly win” scenario once. We definitely don’t need to make that mistake again. And, yes, if we don’t win the Senate, it’ll be another four years like Obama had.

  5. charles phillips says:

    Gee, that’s swell! What does any of that do to keep him from being re-elected?

  6. Jane & PKM says:

    AK Lynne and charles phillips, here the rub. Republicons want to maintain power by keeping control of the Senate. George Conway and his merry band of concern trolls have endorsed Biden. Yeah. Ruh roh. It’s not that the “top of the ticket” is up for grabs. Republicons are actively suppressing Democratic voter enthusiasm by endorsing Biden. They’re willing to “give” us Biden in return for keeping the Senate. Beware of Republicons bearing gifts and all that. How do we make the pitch to those who with reason are not willing to vote for Biden to at least vote the down ballot Senate races? How to light a fire under a group of people not known to be highly motivated nor particularly politically engaged? Maybe President Obama can help with the heavy lift of ol’ Joe, but who will help and how do we win those essential Senate races?

  7. And now CNN says Pence’s office is keeping top health officials from appearing on their network unless they start running f**king trump’s campaign rallies in full.

  8. When the Dems win in November the Republicans will suddenly become fiscal conservatives and try to cut SS , Medicaid, and Medicare to pay for their Godawful governance with Trump. This is an old playbook for them; they tried it with Obama.

  9. Steve from Beaverton says:

    Yesterday, Bernie gave a very cool (weak) statement about how important it is to defeat Trump in “suspending” his campaign. He has the ability to stir many younger voters (and others) to follow him. In 2016 his actions and words resulted in enough of his followers staying home, voting for a 3rd party candidate or even Trump that we are now living in the resulting hell. Bernie has only a few months to get his shit together to not only help the country rid us of Trump and his administration, but also take back the senate. To me, that could be his legacy if he does in fact lead his followers to vote as democrats up and down the ticket. Make it an epic landslide. Otherwise, this will be an epic lost opportunity, again.

  10. Grandma Ada says:

    While his majesty is blathering on, the GOPers continue to act. The folks in WI had to go vote in person, McConnellcontinues approving judges, here in Tx we can get a drink and a gun but not an abortion. When I hear him start up, I change the channel, and the various networks should also turn him off!

  11. well for fs don’t let him find out

  12. charles phillips says:

    Anyone who thinks Fat Donny is the worst president ever should vote for the nominee of the other major party and screw symbolism. Symbolism won’t save our country, nor will it save the thousands who will surely die in Fat Donny’s next crisis of failure.

    A vote for anyone but the democratic nominee is a vote for Trump and chaos.

  13. G Foresight says:

    RE P.P. “CNN says Pence’s office is keeping top health officials from appearing…”

    How about Biden holding a short presser every day featuring leading scientists and health care people explaining verified FACTS about the pandemic? “Experts and scientists — not political hacks — will staff the Biden administration” sounds like a good narrative to deploy.

  14. We’d all benefit from a laugh just now so felt soeone wold enjoy this:

    A male patient is lying in bed in the hospital, wearing an oxygen mask over his mouth and nose. A pretty, young, student nurse appears to give him a partial sponge bath. ‘Nurse’, he mumbles, from behind the mask. ‘Are my testicles black?’ Embarrassed, the young nurse replies, ‘I don’t know, Sir. I’m only here to wash your upper body and feet.’ He struggles to ask again, ‘Nurse, please check. Are my testicles black?’ Concerned that he may elevate his blood pressure and heart rate from worry about his testicles, she overcomes her embarrassment and pulls back the covers. She raises his gown, holds his manhood in one hand and his testicles in the other.

    Then, she takes a close look and says, ‘There’s nothing wrong with them, Sir!’

    The man pulls off his oxygen mask, smiles at her and says very slowly: ‘Thank you very much. That was wonderful, but, listen very, very closely…… ‘A r e – m y – t e s t – r e s u l t s – b a c k ??’

  15. If we have %2 trillion for a reelection slush fund for the demented one as soon ass D’s take over and eliminate the filibuster when they control the Senate we can have at least $2 trillion for environmental/ global warming solutions and if we can spend at least a trillion dollars off the books for endless slaughter and illegal wars we can have at least that amount for universal health care. Leverage would be either universal health care or no health care for any gov. official up to and including potus, senators, cabinet members etc and shutting down the VA while renegeing on any health care support by any means for our baby merc’s.
    Either equal (1 level nothing extra for any one even potus) gov. health care for all or no health care for anybody. Either way a level of equality will be aicheved.

  16. slipstream says:

    14,000 dead.

    And Trump appoints as his new press secretary the bimbo who told Fox in late February, “We will not see diseases like the coronavirus come here.”

  17. twocrows says:

    From the piece:
    “many Americans rallied around him as he thrashed around trying to make the Coronavirus pandemic go away.”

    many Americans rallied around him as he thrashed around trying to make the Coronavirus pandemic worse.


  18. Jane & PKM says:

    slipstream, ya gotta be more bimbo specific. From Sean Spicer to Kayleigh McEnany, that could have meant the return of the Mooch.

  19. thatotherjean says:

    From the tips of your typing fingers to the eyeballs of the gods, El Jefe. I’m delighted that the more the Trumpanzees see of Trump, the less they like what they see. I don’t think we’d survive four more years of this demented buffoon.

  20. Jefe:
    Thanks. That’s an aspect of this I definitely hadn’t considered.

  21. If anyone is interested in signing, Care2 Petitions has several online petitions with respect to Trump’s behavior and response to the pandemic.

    Tell the media: Stop repeating Trump’s pandemic lies — they’re getting people killed!

    American Media, Protect The Public From Trump’s Dangerous Lies!

    As of 4:35 PST there are 1,587,209 confirmed cases of Covid-19 globally. There have been 94,850 fatalities.

    The United States leads the world in confirmed cases. There are 464,865 confirmed cases of Covid-19 and a heartbreaking 16,498 deaths. The majority of confirmed cases and deaths could have been prevented if the United States had had competent leadership. Trump refused to believe intelligence briefings, he refused offers of help, he refused offers of Coronavirus tests, both from South Korea and the WHO. He knew better. He had a ‘hunch’. It was all a hoax!

    Interestingly, South Korea and the United States both reported their first confirmed case of Covid-19 on the same day, March 20, 2020. Because of aggressive and decisive action on behalf of the South Korean government, the number of confirmed cases in South Korea is 10,423 with 204 deaths. This number has remained steady.

    The results of his America First jingoistic bombast are stunning in the numbers. One can only pray he is ultimately punished for crimes against humanity, not only for his arrogance, spewing of misinformation, and being “America’s Cheerleader” at the expense of American’s very lives, but also for his misappropriation of much needed medical equipment not only from American first responders, so he and Kushner can ? sell them to the highest foreign bidder?, but also because of his demands that 3M only provide N95 masks to the US ignoring the needs of Canada and Latin America.

    I think ultimately the United States of America may find itself standing alone in the future. He has alienated the world with his avarice, incompetence, and disregard for humanity.

    He has the blood of thousands on his hands and he does not care.

  22. Oldymoldy says:

    thatotherjean says:
    “I’m delighted that the more the Trumpanzees see of Trump, the less they like what they see”

    As much as I’d like to agree with this, and I’ve heard a few anecdotal comments that seem to agree a bit. I’ve been reading a number of comment threads from FB and Twitter wherein many avowed trumpanzees think he’s extremely funny and clever and appear to get a tremendous laugh from him.
    There’s an awful lot of what appears to be young people that “love” him because he “tells it like it is” what ever that means and “is just so goddamned funny and quick witted”!
    I’ve been of the opinion for some time that many of his minions think this is all a fun game. They appear to have no idea that it’s their lives that are at stake or that this is a real world danger. They seem to think they are watching some sort of outlandish television program!
