Trump’s Lies about Canadian Trade

June 13, 2018 By: El Jefe Category: Alternative Facts, Trade War Based On Lies, Trump

As we all are painfully aware, Trump wrecked the G7 summit by attacking our closest allies, and picked a fight with Canada over trade tariffs.  On top of all that?  Trump’s reasons to attack Canada is 100% based on lies.  Steve Rattner was on MoJoe this morning and talked about the idiocy of Trump’s tariffs.  Here are the facts:

We don’t have a trade deficit, we have a trade surplus with Canada. Also, Canada’s tariffs are the LOWEST in the developed world. Third, Canada’s tariff on dairy is a tiny piece of trade between the two countries. Lastly, since Trump put tariffs on Canadian lumber, price IN THE US have increased 27%.

You can watch it here.  It’s very informative, even with Joe S. interrupting Rattner every 15 seconds which is his most irritating habit.


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