Trump’s Lawyers Lied?

February 08, 2021 By: Juanita Jean Herownself Category: Uncategorized

Well, having Trump’s new lawyers act like his old lawyers is a big giant enormous ho hum.

Brian Kalt, a constitutional law scholar and presidential historian at Michigan State University School of Law, was cited multiple times in a brief filed by Trump’s lawyers ahead of his impeachment trial, but the professor said they took his work out of context to craft the opposite argument he’d made.

Dude, they thought it was opposite day in congress.

And, while we’re discussing Trump, CNN reports that he’s fuming and has got the cray-crays.

“a stir-crazy Trump has spent the last two days livid and fuming to aides and allies about what he views as a betrayal by McCarthy for standing by Cheney and not punishing her for her vote to impeach.”

We should get to watch that.  They ought to do a live feed with the sound turned off.

And by the way, I do not like having to defend Liz Cheney. Not one bit.


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0 Comments to “Trump’s Lawyers Lied?”

  1. RepubAnon says:

    The enemy of my enemy – is still my enemy. I just need to prioritize.

  2. treehugger says:

    Yeah, when Liz Cheney seems a voice of reason in the Senate … wow.

  3. thatotherjean says:

    What RepunAnon said. Credit where credit is due: she was right, this time.

  4. Jane & PKM says:

    Romney in the Senate and Cheney in the House are two Rs who at least have situational ethics on occasion. But before “praising Caesar,” will wait for signs of actual ethics from both of them.

  5. Kenneth Fair says:

    Paul Campos was also cited out of context in Trump’s brief, to claim that the First Amendment prevents Trump from being impeached. (Voiceover: It doesn’t.)

  6. “They ought to do a live feed…”

    My taxes spent on C-SPAN Mar-a-Lago would be money well spent as far as I’m concerned. Trump might even go along if it’s presented to him as his own TV network.

  7. Harry Eagar says:

    Needz moar commas: . . . what I wrote, quite badly.

    Better yet: distorts quite badly what I wrote.

    I know, I am going to hell for picking grammar nits from a tweet.

  8. Re: Liz Cheney

    She’s like a broken clock–correct twice a day. Or, in her case, once in her life.

  9. Steve from Beaverton says:

    A Trumpf lawyer lies? Boy, that’s unbelievable. Not.
    I wonder how Liz Cheyney voted on ousting greene? I didn’t see where she was one of the 11 repugnicans that voted with democrats.
    I just saw that the average of all polls still shows 87% of repugnicans backing Trumpf. The crazies still own the party and McCarthy is one of them. As for Liz???

  10. Sorry, Harry: The comma you want is optional, and omitting it is probably the stronger way to make the statement. Probably best: “Quite badly distorts what I wrote.”

  11. Hogs gotta (s)wallow ~
    Headline: The Three Strains of the GOP: Crazies, Quiets, and Hostages. And Yeah, They All Suck.
    Call us GOPITIFULS…
    In this twilight of Trumpism, Republicans have shown no more backbone than they ever have. And most, of course, are worse than spineless.

  12. The requirement to lie is clause number one in any Trump contract.

  13. thatotherjean says:

    @megasoid #11

    That column is as true today as it was when it was written back on December 2. Maybe even moreso.

  14. thatotherjean@13 guilty. I sometimes forget (geezer… cough) to post the publish date and the header was a keeper.

  15. john in denver says:

    Tim Miller, one-time Republican communication guy, now a Never-Trump writer at The Bulwark, put the Republican House this way in an article entitled
    “Understanding the House Republican ClusterFrick ”

    He writes:
    I would posit that it looks more like this:
    1) The Fear Caucus (Floaters)
    2) The Kraken Caucus (Freedom)
    3) The Milhouse Caucus (Institutionalists)

  16. Jane & PKM says:

    Bad news for the never tRumpers, Freedumb Caucus, Quack-a-Non Caucus and the recently rehabbing R$Money and Liz Cheney – you are all one in the same. Suggestion: rebrand yourselves as the Not Now Party. Too soon/too late to hold Donnie accountable. Too soon/too late to enact sensible gun safety legislation after every mass shooting. Etc., Etc., Etc.

    Back at you – too soon/too late to expect any of you to govern.

  17. I read the brief. I didn’t spit out my coffee until near the end when they had to talk about the Russia Hoax and Hillary. Yes. Even now – four years later, whatever happens to Trump is all about Russia Hoax and Hillary.

  18. I would say that he is down the rabbit hole again but frankly he never was above ground.
