Trump’s Health

June 15, 2020 By: El Jefe Category: Lie, Trump

We all know that generally, Trump is in poor health.  He’s obese, and lies about his weight and his height to conceal that.  He wears lifts in his shoes to appear taller which throws off his posture.  At the G7 summit in Italy in 2017, he rode in a golf cart while other world leaders strolled through the town where it was being held.  His diet is terrible, and he was rushed to Walter Reid Hospital last November for an unknown reason, only that it was for pre-work for his annual physical.  That physical is reported to have occurred in April, but results weren’t released until June 3rd, showing weight gain but stating the he “remains in good health”.

There have been a lot of questions about his true health as frailty, unsteadiness, and slurring his words have come to light regularly.  At It happened again on Saturday during the West Point graduation that Trump invited himself to attend, demanding that graduates already released to protect them from COVID-19 were ordered back to provide a backdrop for another of his rambling, self-aggrandizing word salad speeches.  This time, though, he struggled to drink water out of a glass, unable to raise it to his mouth with one hand, struggled to pronounce the word “ceremony” and then, after the speech unsteadily negotiated a shallow ramp down from the stage.  Here’s the walk.

Some make the excuse that he’s 74 years old; some think that he’s unsteady with those lifts in his shoes; I think he has some kind of health issue that he’s concealing from the public.  The slurring of words and weakness on his right side are telling, and feed speculation about Trump’s health on social media.  The lies and bombastic rhetoric pouring out of the White House  and his enablers tend to numb the public to his outrageous behavior; add that to his doctors exaggerating his “good health” and you get what you have today – speculation about his true condition.  Trump even gaslights the American people about his own health.  It’s time for him to come clean before the election, but I’m not holding my breath.

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0 Comments to “Trump’s Health”

  1. Robert McClellan says:

    Donald J. Trump
    Many Democrats want to Defund and Abolish Police Departments. HOW CRAZY!

    This from the guy who wants to defund the FBI and all the inspectors

  2. LizzyMom says:

    He lies about everything — so this is no surprise. He’s at least as paranoid about health info getting as he is about the financial stuff…but one day it’s all gonna be public.

    I’m just wondering when he’s gonna stroke out in front of us. You can only do uppers in massive doses just so long before you blow a gasket. It’s coming, folks.

  3. JDS2017 says:

    My sister sent me a link to a Mayo Clinic site that describes Frontotemporal Dementia. This is an actual condition and the illustrations shown versus photos of Trump are scarily similar. You may want to google this condition. After this weekend, I have zero doubt that something is medically wrong with him.

  4. AliceBeth says:

    In addition to all the rest, are those really his feet in those pointy toe shoes??????

    He walked that ramp like someone with really bad knees (I should know) or someone with balance issues, but when got off of it he walked more normally. That rules out the knees, so it must be a problem with balance.

  5. Jane & PKM says:

    El Jefe, wake us up with the ***king moron’s* obituary, please. We deserve good news. No rush. In a few weeks will be just fine. No sense in giving the Vice Poodle more than a few weeks to organize his campaign. Although he’s probable had that plan in his back pocket since their first campaign.

    At your leisure and our pleasure, El Jefe. Please be sure to use a printable format. There will be many of us framing copies. tia!!!

  6. He is not only walking on 2-3 inch heels but he has the heels of his shoes on top of that. Women often look unsteady when they are on heels but imagine having both spike stuck onto an unfastened 1-inch block of wood under that.

    Then do stairs. While 30-40 pounds overweight.

    I think if he just stuck to normal shoes he would walk as well as overweight people normally do.

    I’ll just take this as just one more illustration (as if we needed it) of his total dependence on and commitment to illusion over substance.

  7. Ralph Wiggam says:

    I remember when Trent Lott diagnosed a woman in Florida based on a video. He was very wrong. Let’s not play Trent Lott.

  8. Trump’s health summary is like his tax returns, there’s a reason he keeps them hidden from public view. Otherwise we’d take away the keys from cranky old Fox News granpa.

    He’s even dangerous behind the wheel of a golf cart.

  9. Jane and PKM: sometimes prayers are answered. I really hope he lives a looong time in agony, drooling, with no one but paid staff to visit and care for his bloated personage. Of course Covid-19 or a stroke could start the ball rolling.

  10. megasoid says:

    Sippy cup meme on your 10 o’clock!

    Should we be concerned that Trump needs 2 hands to drink a glass of water?

    Kurt Eichenwald

    Edit: Showed this to a doctor. This is a big deal. “Definite neurological damage of some form. Could be he has had a small stroke or it could be Lewy Body Dementia. Other possibilities. He needs an MRI.”
    Aaron Rupar
    · 23h
    Trump still hasn’t totally figured out how to drink water
    Show this thread

  11. Old Fart says:

    Not being someone who has worn high heels, I would like to ask people who have: How difficult is walking down a moderate decline in high heels? Do they cause a decrease in balance?

    Dotard has made it his life’s ambition to be a lie, no matter what the cost (to others), so no surprise he can’t live with being “above average” height…

    I bring to your attention a “Daily Mail” article: “Donald Trump’s niece reveals in new book that she leaked details of his ‘fraudulent’ tax schemes, alleges he contributed to his brother’s death and says his retired federal judge sister disapproves of him” []

  12. Old Fart, I’m sure the Daily Mail article is interesting, but I’m not removing my ad blocker or subscribing to read it. Perhaps you could take a screen shot or cut and paste. If I had to pay for every publication that I read one article a year in, I’d go broke.

  13. Fred Farklestone says:

    Here are the lawful requirements for a ‘walking’ ramp, as put out by the ADA (Americans with Disabilities Act.)
    I’m pretty sure the Army follows the code for that ramp or any other ramp used for walking.
    The ‘wheelchair ramp’ has different numbers to be followed!!,to%20be%20more%20steeply%20sloped.

  14. Fred Farklestone says:

    AK Lynne,
    Try this site, the story isn’t hidden behind a paywall!

  15. He should get some tips from RuPaul for walking in those heels.

  16. Harry Eagar says:

    Trump and I are the same age. Although I am in good health, I walk down ramps the same way, especially when transitioning from light to dark or dark to light. Our old eyes do not react quickly, so it’s difficult to determine the angle of the slope.

    I use a cane, which has saved me from several falls.

    I also did not find the moment with the glass unusual.

    Trump has had several small strokes, including one on camera. These explain his aphasias. There has also been a long-term decline in his language. If you listen to old interviews, he used to have a larger vocabulary and could speak in complete sentences.

  17. @11
    Ol Fart, when I was pregnant many years ago, the doc said to stop wearing high heels. Heels and a belly through off one’s center of gravity.

    Now that I am really old and again have a belly I can promise you he can’t see over his belly, hence the careful walking. I remember him walking down an White House inclined sidewalk with A. Merkel not long after he was elected. He grabbed her hand. This is not new.

  18. twocrows says:

    If being 74 is the excuse being given, I’m looking at a STEEP decline over the next year and a half. Guess I’d better sign up for that nursing home right this minute.

    But wait! How did my friend [82 years old] who walked the streets of downtown St. Pete daily till the lock-down began get passed over? Wow. Some good genes there, apparently.

    So what does that say about Trump’s genes? Not the best in the world, as he claims.
    Or [whisper it softly] could it have something to do with his habits?
    Nah — that would suggest he’s to blame for something . . . .

  19. Crone @ 17; “He grabbed her hand.” WHEW! You gave me a start there for a second!! 🙂

  20. Old Fart. From personal experience, it’s really hard to walk down an incline in 3 inch heels. However, I agree that that boy ain’t right.

  21. Big belly out front, leaning forward due to lifts in his shoes. It’s surprising he didn’t fall forward.

  22. Grandma Ada says:

    He’s just a train wreck! Years of bad habits, vanity and genetics have caught up with him.

  23. slipstream says:


  24. Elizabeth2 says:

    This looks really familiar. I have multiple sclerosis, and he walks on an incline much like I do. I don’t think MS is his problem, and I don’t claim to be a medical person, but it sure looks to me like there’s something neurological going on. Stroke?

  25. Anybody see a video of how he got up the ramp?

  26. Sandridge says:

    Let’s remember how Trumpigula and the Rethugs went into a frenzy at the slightest hint of Hillary Clinton’s occasional, very routine minor health glitches, like having the flu or a cold. They spun it like she was critically ill with ‘somethingsomething’ sure to be fatal shortly after getting elected, so she was therefore unqualified.

    Comrade Bonespurs obviously has multiple health issues of some degree or other, one or more with the potential to take him out at any moment. WTF is it waiting for?

    Screw this bloated SOB, we know he’s not near 100%, neither physically or mentally. We sure as hell don’t need to give him another four years, whether he would survive them or not.

    And yeah, like others, I don’t ‘wish him well’; the most agonizing, slowest way out is too good for him.

    If Twitler were to be incapacitated [or defunct] before the election, who would take his place in the election? Would the Repiglikans go with Pence? Or, given the choice, would they pick someone else?

  27. I agree that he looks like something is going on neurologically. My guess from watching my father go through it, is Parkinson’s. If it isn’t the heels making him walk like that, Parky’s walk on their toes, and have that running gait also.

    I feel for him on a personal level that he will be going through some things, but then I remember the American Ambassador to Ukraine, and rein the compassion in.

  28. Saw the video of the glass of water and the trip down the ramp. That’s karma coming home for a really rousing holiday. Yup. She always knows where you live and how to be totally unexpected and unfeeling of your nasty self.
