Trump’s Go-To Meals – It Ain’t Pretty

December 05, 2017 By: El Jefe Category: Trump

Fired campaign manager ( I mean the one before Paul Manafort, who was also fired) Corey Lewandowski wrote a book about Trump’s campaign, along with a campaign aide, David Bossie.  I won’t link or name the book here in an effort to deny it a few web clicks.  One of Trump’s more disgusting habits is his taste in, uh, food, and Lewandowski describes some of his favorite indulgences.  He loves everything that’s bad for you –  huge slabs of beef overcooked to the extreme, double scoops of ice cream, “big beautiful chocolate cake”, Diet Cokes, and fast food including KFC and his favorite, McDonald’s.  Lewandowski described Trump’s favorite meal – TWO Big Macs, TWO Filet of Fish sandwiches, and a LARGE chocolate malt.  That’s a whopping 2,430 calories in one sitting.

Not only does he live the intellectual life of a 12 year old, he also eats like one.  No one his age eats like this – his cardio vascular system must be a wreck.  Maybe he’s trying to commit suicide by Big Mac?

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