Trump’s America

November 24, 2016 By: Juanita Jean Herownself Category: Uncategorized

In Texas, Burnet County Judge James Oakley was the first Republican elected to serve in that position since the Civil War and by gawd, he’s got some scores to settle about that.

oakley2015First off, white Republican men need to keep their butts off social media because they keep forgetting that there’s no closed door on social media.

Also, they keep forgetting that there’s no eraser on social media.  When ya say crap, somebody is gonna take a screen shot.

Which is what happened to James.

The top elected official in Burnet County commented on Facebook that it is “time for a tree and a rope” in a post regarding the arrest of the man suspected of killing San Antonio police Det. Benjamin Marconi this weekend, according to a screenshot of the Facebook post.

County Judge James Oakley issued a public apology about the comment Wednesday.

Want to see his apology?

Oakley said his comment was “off the cuff” and “indeed curt and harsh.”

Gee, I think the word he’s hunting for is … racist.

“It is for that reason that I deleted it soon after posting and apologize for not being more thoughtful and comprehensive in my expression,” Oakley said in an email.

That is NOT an apology. It’s not even a very good excuse.

Thanks to everybody for the heads up.

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