Trump Tightens the Noose on the GOP

March 08, 2021 By: El Jefe Category: 2024 Election, Trump, Trumpists

Last week, Trump sent a cease and desist letter to the RNC, NRCC, and the NRSC, ordering these organizations to stop using his name in their fundraising campaigns.  His takeover, and ultimate destruction of the GOP is now unavoidable.  The Republican party that we came to know and disagree with no longer exists; in 2016, the party handed trump the keys to the kingdom and he’s now burned the whole thing down.  He’s coopted the entire organization with all of its members, and now has cut off the money they were using to perpetuate themselves.

Think about it – CPAC this year was nothing short of a Trump coronation.  Every single speaker worshiped him, and declared him the only brand the GOP had.  Hell, they even had a golden idol of Trump and everyone wanted to be photographed standing next to it.  No Republican will oppose him on any policy or even publicly disagree with him.  Trump has so amassed support for himself with a radical (and violent) base that he’s cowed the entire Republican delegation at the local, state, and federal level.  After handing the party over to Trump, he’s now cut off the money so he can take it all for himself.

After coopting the party, he’s now using the same tactics he’s always used in life – lawsuits.  Trump’s primary tool, besides prolific lying, is to use lawsuits as a bludgeon to force capitulation to his demands. That didn’t work as president, but it most certainly works in private life, and now he’s turned it on those who have handed him their party and their fundraising apparatus.  Trump’s plan is now crystal clear – when he announced at CPAC last week that he’s not starting a third party, what he meant was there was no need to, because he was taking over the GOP.  Now party leaders have a decision; start a new party to siphon people away from Trump, or just lay low, hoping that one of the criminal cases against Trump sticks enough to take him out of the limelight.

This will be interesting for those of us on the outside of this soap opera to watch.  I can only hope it continues to weaken the GOP and its really bad ideas.

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0 Comments to “Trump Tightens the Noose on the GOP”

  1. Although there are many variant’s of the parable (frog and scorpion for example) it still comes down to “You knew what I was when you picked me up.”

    I find I am really content if the ridiculous and willfully ignorant showboats of the GOP kill off the party with their lack of moral compasses.

  2. Everything Trump touches dies.

    As for the GOP, Trump hasn’t just just touched it. He has his loamy wriggling fingers far up the rectum, grabbing everything they can since the pussy isn’t enough anymore. You would feel sorry for the GOP but by now they are obviously so into it.

    What is really nauseating, however, is that Nate Silver seems to think that GOP will get the House and Senate back in 2022. I sure as hell hope he is wrong on that one.

  3. Jane & PKM says:

    The Lincoln Project (what’s left of it) can continue to throw money against the ***king moron and his QOP wingnuts, or they can address the real problems of the Republicon Party beginning with Morton C. Blackwell. Mort has been the literal rules makes of the RNC since the late 70s. He trained the Vice Poodle and nearly 250,000 others like him at the Leadership Institute, a 501(c)3 non-profit educational foundation that teaches political technology to conservative activists. Mort is Virginia’s national committeeman on the Republican National Committee and has served on the RNC rules committee forever.

    Remember that meeting Reince Priebus had with Donnie from which Donnie emerged as a candidate when all resistance to Donnie mysteriously evaporated? One can “believe” Reince” acted alone, or explore the reasons Mort directed him to accept the ***king moron.

    Alan @2 2022 is about the Democrats choosing to lose. They can do whatever it takes to throttle Manchin so they can move the ball forward and demonstrate progress. They can win by delivering on the top ten concerns of over 70% of Americans.

  4. twocrows says:

    Mary Trump has put to bed the allegation that R’s are afraid of Trump. And she ought to know, she’s had a front row seat virtually her whole life.
    She says this is the norm. They’re not afraid. Trump has simply given them permission to be their worst selves – – – it’s what he does.

  5. megasoid says:

    ~ Castaway ~
    Liars, liars, pants on fire
    Your bull is longer than a filibuster

    Ask me, Mitch, why it won’t fly
    You ditched my ass and I don’t trust ya
    Don’t tell me different, know it’s a lie
    Stealin’ my base, I’ll see you all die

    Why must you hurt me, I know what you do
    No third party, cause I’m gonna screw you
    Too late the effort, y’all are through

    Cease and desist cause I’m gettin’ real pissed


    ~ Apologies to the Castaways

  6. CU In Tenn says:

    When the QOP let the orange buffoon into their tent they should have known they were stepping in something they would not be able to scrape off their shoe. Had they been living under a rock or on another planet for the past 30 years?

  7. Steve from Beaverton says:

    Miss lindsey said this weekend that trumpf could destroy the repugnantican party or make it very big. Not that I put much stock in what he says but, but I believe the former. If Biden and congressional democrats continue to deliver what the vast majority of Americans want and need, it’s going to be hard for trumpf to deliver winners. He’s a proven loser. Besides, he’ll be tied up with court dates.

  8. Grandma Ada says:

    I emailed my Senators before the impeachment vote asking them to vote to affirm the impeachment. No word from Cruz, but just today I got an email letter from Cornyn – blah blah blah more investigation needed blah blah blah dangerous precedent and on and on. It’s the GOP elected leaders but also the zombies who keep sending them to DC that are I his majesty’s thrall!

  9. Yellowstone says:

    About 30 percent of our population has always been bat shit crazy.

    During the 20s and 30s, we had tens of thousands of KKK members marching through our Capital. The American Nazi party staged rallies at Madison Square Garden just before WWII. In the 60s white racists did their best to intimidate and bully blacks into submission. For the last few decades, the country has seen the growth of white militias. Trump is just the latest incarnation of these soulless people.,

  10. Bob Boland says:

    Just slightly off topic but if the former GOP is now the party of Trump does that mean we should refer to them as the TP (Trump Party)?

  11. Just like Sarah Palin, Trump will eventually slowly disappear from the public forum. He’ll be so busy with all the lawsuits and investigations coming his way that he won’t even have time to play (read: cheat at) golf. His GOP brown-nosers will have to jump ship and try to re-write history to save their sorry asses. I have no doubt that this is all coming and I can’t wait.

  12. john in denver says:

    AP now has a response from the RNC: “RNC maintains right to use Trump’s name in fundraising”

    RNC attorney “maintained that Trump had also “reaffirmed” to the chair of the RNC, Ronna McDaniel, over the weekend “that he approves of the RNC’s current use of his name in fundraising and other materials, including for our upcoming donor retreat event at Palm Beach at which we look forward to him participating.””
