Trump Slow Walked Puerto Rico Hurricane Relief, then Blocked Investigations

April 22, 2021 By: El Jefe Category: Carson, Gleeful Cruelty and Dickishness, Trump

Jon Stewart was right a few years ago when he described Trump’s behavior as, “Gleeful Cruelty and Dickishness”.  At the time, Stewart was talking about Trump’s “Zero Tolerance” immigration plan that separated thousands of children from their parents at the border, and then purposely lost track of them, but his characterization most certainly applied to his intentional slow walking of funding relief to Puerto Rico after hurricane Maria devastated the island in 2017.  There was absolutely no reason to do so except to make American citizens’ lives more miserable as if that was even possible.  As evidence that his cruelty was intentional.  He then obstructed investigations into his cruelty just because.  Trump is an asshole, just to be an asshole.  He relished wielding the power of the presidency to not serve Americans, but too harass those he didn’t like, and I don’t have to describe who it is who he didn’t like.

Disappointingly, but not surprising, the obstruction of oversight was led by Ben Carson, the comatose Secretary of Housing and Urban development.  His staff aided in the corruption, even as Carson feigned concern about delays in approvals by OMB of funding while refusing to cooperate with the IG trying to get to the bottom of the delays.  It was classic Trump…assuaging his own need for adoration while urinating on people who desperately needed help.

It boggles the mind that a human being can be such a shitbag, but we are talking about Trump, so that’s no surprise.

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0 Comments to “Trump Slow Walked Puerto Rico Hurricane Relief, then Blocked Investigations”

  1. Steve from Beaverton says:

    Is that the same ben carson that recently said that those demanding racial equality are just acting like animals? Both he and his ex-boss (or maybe he’s still his boss) are embarrassments to humanity.

  2. It’s the assholish part that his supporters loved so much that more of them voted for him than any other candidate in history. Except for the guy that beat him.

  3. BarbinDC says:

    To the Orange Moron’s alleged mind, the problem with the Puerto Ricans wasn’t that they spoke Spanish and were Latinx, no, it was because they couldn’t vote for him. Ergo, they weren’t worth the time of day to him.

  4. Katherine says:

    El Jefe, it boggles the mind that a human being can act like that, but the subject of this conversation is pond scum, not a human being. And he is on my list of ERBWWBIH. ( Evil Rat Bastards Who Will Burn In Hell )

  5. Teh Gerg says:

    But of course, Trumpophiles think that being a cruel, repulsive scumbag is what it means to be a True AmuriKKKan.

  6. I don’t remember when average the Rethuglican began acting like Trump, but I think it started with W. At that time, it wasn’t so bad. My wife told me of an incident when a woman who worked for her told her that Rethuglicans and Democrats wanted the same things, they just differed on how to achieve them.

    That may have been true once upon a time, but it’s clearly not the case now. Combover Crime Lord demonstrated to them that it’s just hunky-dory to act out their worst impulses and that nothing bad would happen to them if they did.

    The Derek Chauvin verdict showed that there is some justice in the world, but real justice would be seeing CCL sentenced to spending the rest of his offal life behind bars. Failing that, I’d be OK with seeing him spending it beneath a highway overpass, panhandling for handouts from passing motorists. I’ll even make him a sign saying “Thank you. God bless.”

  7. Nick Carraway says:

    Conservatives want the same things. They just want them for themselves. They either justify denying it to others based on some kind trumped up moral high bar or they get their full on Trump on and just drop all the pretense.

  8. slipstream says:

    What Katherine said.

  9. The Orange Tart slow walked Puerto Rico because they didn`t give him his commission .

  10. Old Fart says:

    I seriously do not want to hear about Fear Leader, unless it’s about indictments and convictions. Does anyone know about changes in a positive direction to the disbursement and renovation of the areas that should have been? A little good governance News would be nice after 4 years of cruelty…

  11. Y’all have heard this from me before. Trump is a psychopath. Them that are have no boundaries and a glorified vision of themselves. They do not relate to other people at all no matter what. Remember that famous phrase during his campaign? “Only I can fix it!” Yup! Total trademark psychopath. And they sure do love to talk, especially about themselves. When challenged they may take a step backward in iteration but them step forward twice with re-iteration. And they are capitol T terrific perfect at the “victim” role and the use of persuasion, usually not so subtle as in the incitement to riot on January 6. And frankly Rudi Guilianni is in the same boat. Not surprised at all that Don Jr. is following in da-da’s footsteps. His grandpa Fred was as psycho as Donald and that would also go for his great-grandpa. YUP. One actually truly crazy family line.

  12. Buttermilk Sky says:

    Everything that falls into trump’s gravitational field is ruined. Carson was considered a brilliant surgeon; now I wouldn’t let him cut my hair. Lin Wood was a competent lawyer who did good work for the wrongly accused Richard Jewell; he’s working for the latest Arizona “recount” of ballots, an exercise in futility to undermine faith in democracy. Giuliani was always a racist thug but he didn’t appear on 9/11 with brown liquid running down his head, ranting about dead Venezuelan dictators. Do you think trump is a radioactive robot from the future? I know that’s not helpful but it’s all I’ve got today.
