Trump Reveals His Foreign Policy to Steve Doocy

September 19, 2016 By: Juanita Jean Herownself Category: Uncategorized

Okay, so Trump went on Fox and Friends this morning to reveal his foreign policy plans after last night’s bomb in New York.  It’s kinda technical so I hope Steve Doocy understood it.



So, his plan to fight Isis is to gather a posse and knock the hell out of the Nation of Over There.

Why didn’t Obama think of that.  Yeah, thanks Obama.  No, seriously, thanks Obama.


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0 Comments to “Trump Reveals His Foreign Policy to Steve Doocy”

  1. People want this jackass to be President.

    George Carlin summed it up: “Think how stupid the average person is… and then realize that half of them are stupider than that!”

    And John Stuart Mill: “Conservatives are not necessarily stupid, but most stupid people are conservatives.”

  2. Polite Kool Marxist says:

    Hey Donnie, spare us the expense and blood shed. Pass GO, pass the Oval Office and head straight to Crawford, TX to finger paint with Dubya. Maybe turn little Mikey loose for some hunting with Darth Dickey.

  3. JAKvirginia says:

    Wow, Donnie! Ya wanna talk slower so we simple folk can understand! All that there tekneecul talk goes right over my head. Maybe you could get Katrina or KellyAnne to ‘splain it? Ya think?

  4. An idiot exposing idiotic spiel. The poor saps that cheer his remarks fall in the same category.

  5. Trump, the Tang man, has such foresight. Or his foreskin is just too damn too tight so he senses stuff.
    He demonstrates great potential for assuring invincibility for the nation, under war, for liberty and justice for all. What a warrior for we white patriots! (Not.)

    So I will just revive my wrinkled Weekly Reader instructions on how to build a bomb shelter and get on with life.
    In the meantime, is it too worrisome to have fantasies of torturing Steve Doocy for, I dunno. …existing?

  6. Or trump is intentionally playing stoopid because he knows his audience. However, this does not mean that he is not ignorant on many subjects necessary to run this gov’t. He is terribly dishonorable and will rely upon the same kind of people to run the gov’t details while he gives imperious orders in the limelight in the same vein as a god IMO.

  7. Have they even determined who did it yet? Seems these attacks are pretty conveniently timed to push the rethuglican agenda. Just sayin’.

  8. My flabber is gasted. Again.

    Hair Drumpf has crossed that imaginary line in which his regurgitation of word salad is in such profusion and confusion that it makes Caribou Barbie almost literate by comparison. My gosh.

  9. JAKvirginia says:

    A military strategy straight from Atari.

    In other news, we got a nice rain here in DeeCee. And it’s a little cooler. How’s the weather with y’all?

  10. As much as I despise hearing the Fox propaganda channel in any kinda waiting room, this might actually be be a good thing. This latest bunch of handlers he’s gotten has done amazingly ( or frighteningly ) well at keeping Donnie on a coherent ( albeit repugnant ) message. The more he can be kept saying what’s actually on his mind at any given second the better the chance we’ve got at undecideds. So, doctors, tirestores, etc., viva Fox!

  11. Knock the hell out of them. Isn’t that Isis’s plan?

  12. Fred Farklestone says:

    Is Donnie a Russian spy!
    I googled photo’s of him in the ’90’s and early 2000’s and he wasn’t wearing a U S of A flag in his lapel! It looks like he just recently started wearing a flag on his coat! That’s enough evidence right there that Trump works for the Russians plus he probably is in cahoots with Iran and Syria, wouldn’t you say?

    Here’s the 1990’s, no U S of A flag is shown in his lapels and everyone know’s what that means!

  13. Sounds more like a lynch mob than a posse.

  14. He’s got the angry old man thing down pat. Unfortunately that’s all his supporters think he needs. Talking tough is the answer to everything. Diplomacy, strategy and intelligence are forgotten in the rush to bomb, hit, smash and swear. That about sums up his foreign policy. God help us all.

  15. This is the man who has dazzled Palin fans: those who think total gibberish is wise and profound because they hear a few buzzwords.

  16. “Like knock the hell out of them. And we’ve got to get everybody together . . . .”

    Oh. So his plan is to put a coalition together and go to war.

    Now, why didn’t Obama think of that?

    Wait, what? That’s exactly what we’ve been doing for 15 years.

    Come to think of it, even W. Bush thought of it. He wasn’t so great at the coalition part, but he did have the war part down pat.

    Of course, the trucks were made of plywood and tended to splinter when they rolled over an IED — and the parents had to pass the hat to buy body armor for their kids. Which the army promptly took away from them because it would sow envy among the ranks since some kids’ parents couldn’t afford things like body armor.

    But Bush/Cheney did have the send-other-people’s-kids-to-war part pretty well nailed.

    And that’s Trump’s new plan.

  17. This Cheeto-faced Twatwaffle has obviously taken lessons in “Salad-Speak” from the Tundra Twit; I’m guessing he’s gotten very high marks, because he does it so well.

  18. When Drumpf’s offspring belly up to the battle, we’ll see how tough he is. Send those Trumps to Afghanistan. We’ll see how much he is ready to sacrifice. He doesn’t know the meaning of the word.

  19. Linda Phipps says:

    Trump has his own military force, all good shooters: Eric, Donald Jr, and the Oaf Keepers, and let’s not forget the good old boys from Malheur, the ones still not in jail. Send them over to whup em.

  20. What a great idea! Instead of the middle class and poor kids in the front line the firing line, let’s see how the Drumpf boys do. They just love murdering animals so I wonder what would happen when their prey shoots back? Why drop those weapons and run and hide. Drumpf is a craven coward and the dung doesn’t fall far from the rump.
