Trump Impeached

December 19, 2019 By: El Jefe Category: Uncategorized

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  1. Impeached and impaled by the petite spiked heel of Speaker Pelosi. Per the Speaker those two articles of impeachment are to remain hanging over the Republicons’ heads until Old Scratch Moscow Mitch at least pretends to want a fair trial in the Senate. Paraphrasing there obviously, but it is a declaration of “until hell freezes over, Mitch.”

    Two articles of impeachment from among so many sordid choices of Donnie’s criminality. Ya want more, Mitch? Speaker Pelosi is playing by honey badger rules. So yeah, test her at your own peril.

  2. It is as if most of the little kids on the school grounds finally figured out how to cooperate in taking down the school grounds bully.

  3. So, now we have a wounded, scared, addled brained coward backed into a corner. This should be interesting and scary.

  4. Nancy has Ol’ MoscowMitch and Rump by their tender parts. GOOD.
    So, will Mulvaney, Bolton and maybe a host of others give testimony? I hope Nancy drags this out till about October and the Dems feature it in every campaign ad now and until November 2020.

  5. Did I suddenly wake up in a universe where 45 will be removed from office? I wish it were so.

    Gang, 45’s not going anywhere until at least January 2021.

  6. One foot in the mouth the other in impeachment hell…

    Senior GOP congressman tells Fox News reporter Trump ‘could lose Michigan alone’ thanks to hateful attack on late Rep. Dingell: He’s ‘playing with fire’

    While President Donald Trump was being impeached in Washington, D.C. on Wednesday night, he was firing up his base with a MAGA rally in Battle Creek, Michigan — where the president, not surprisingly, angrily railed against Democrats.

    One of his targets was the late Democrat John Dingell, who represented Michigan in the U.S. House of Representatives from 1955-2015. Trump suggested that Dingell was in hell, and Fox News’ Chad Pergram is warning that doing so could hurt the president politically in 2020.

    On Thursday morning, Pergram (who covers Congress for Fox News) went to Twitter and reported, “Multiple sources tell Fox Trump is playing w/fire by taking on the Dingells in the swing state of Michigan.” A source described by Pergram as a “senior GOP congressman” told Fox News that Trump “could lose Michigan alone on this one.”

    Dingell, as Pergram notes, was the longest-serving congressman in U.S. history. The late Democrat, who was 92 when he died on February 7, 2019, entered the U.S. House of Representatives when Dwight D. Eisenhower was president and stayed for half a century.

  7. Many, many years ago I worked in a natural food store, where all decisions were made by the staff, which included hiring. We needed a new worker and picked a dark horse applicant, someone even less in the box than we were.

    There were signs early on that he played by his own rules, through minor infractions of our workplace ethic. This grew more disturbing over time, but by then one of our staff had become his girlfriend (his Mitch McConnell enabler if you will) so whenever we voiced concerns about his actions she dismissed them as inconsequential. We needed consensus, all of us to agree with any change or decision, and she supported him and his actions.

    Finally, one afternoon, he beat up a customer in a dispute over the quality of an avocado we sold in the store. That was the breaking point. We held an emergency meeting, everyone voted to fire him, except his girlfriend who now, Tulsi Gabbard-like voted “present,” and he was out.

    Trump has a year in which he can get himself in a knock-down-drag-out fight, yes, even worse than children in cages, etc. If he does finally go too far, more people will stay home on Election Day, and in effect vote “present.”

  8. Pelosi made me a little nuts with her waiting to start impeachment. She was right. That Ukraine call was well worth the wait. She and the rest of us may not have predicted WHAT but we knew frump could not resist doing something criminal. She is now going to wait to send the articles to the Senate. Welllll putting off the mock trial until more evidence comes out is one strategy. Likely a good one. Pelosi has something up her sleeve and I am jazzed to watch this play out. Frump might stroke out in frustration over his delayed acquittal if Pelosi waits long enough to hand the articles over to the Senate……a girl can dream.

  9. slipstream says:

    June 4, 2014, Trump tweeted: “Are you allowed to impeach a president for gross incompetence?”

    It turns out, the answer is yes.

  10. Sara O, at 8

    Pelosi grows in stature almost every day. She is smarter than most Republicans, has a serious but controlled mean streak, and the capacity to be just what Trump tends to call women who frighten him—NASTY. She also clearly has a great sense of humor, an appreciation for The Absurd, and an appetite for sweet, subtle revenge.

    She is going to Nasty all over Trump. I can hardly wait to watch it happen.

  11. Jane & PKM says:

    Just when Donnie didn’t think his embroilments could become any more actionable, Speaker Pelosi reveals she has many, many shoes with spiked heels. A special pair is being worn by Congresswoman Maxine Waters.

    Rep. Waters: ‘History Will Remember Those Willing To Speak Truth To Power’

  12. The positive is that Trump has finally done something to deserve a Time cover. He won’t even need to pay to have one mocked-up or have anyone photoshop it!

    Well done, Madam Speaker Pelosi, well done!

  13. Has anyone considered this scenario: Trump acquired by senate, but re-elected along with Democratic majorities in both houses?

    Revenge is a dish best served cold. And payback is a …

  14. But Just for Grins…

    Pelosi says the House may withhold Articles of Impeachment from the Senate.

    WASHINGTON – Moments after a historic vote to impeach President Donald Trump, House Speaker Nancy Pelosi said the House could at least temporarily withhold the articles from the Senate – a decision, she suggested, that could depend on how the other chamber chooses to conduct its trial on Trump’s removal.

    “We cannot name managers until we see what the process is on the Senate side,” she said, referring to the House “managers” who present the case for removal to the Senate. “So far we haven’t seen anything that looks fair to us. So hopefully it will be fair. And when we see what that is, we’ll send our managers.”

    The comments came as a group of House Democrats pushed Pelosi, D-Calif., and other leaders to withhold the articles – a notion that has gained traction among some on the political left as a way of potentially forcing Senate Majority Leader Mitch McConnell, R-Ky., to conduct a trial on more favorable terms for Democrats. And if no agreement is reached, some have argued, the trial could be delayed indefinitely, denying Trump an expected acquittal.

    Pelosi would not answer questions about whether she was entertaining an indefinite hold on the articles – one that could prevent a trial from taking place before the next presidential election.

  15. Jane & PKM says:

    Ted@13, oh hell to the nizzie no! As delightful as it might be to observe a fettered IQ4.5 squirm, his ‘people’ entrenched in government can do far too much damage even with Congressional oversight. No, no, and no. To cite just one example, recovering from Bitsy DeVile at Education could take decades.

  16. Grandma Ada says:

    Donnie’s BFF Vlad is reiterating the GOP talking points. Right, I know your not surprised.

  17. Henceforth Trump will be known as IMPOTUS, not to be confused with impotent. After years of trying he finally beat a Clinton’s vote margin, he’s now achieved the two highest votes in favor of impeachment in the history of the US.

  18. Let me speak to this as a widow. I lost my husband Nov. 1, 2012. He made it through Halloween and the “party” at the nursing home. The next day I was there, my hand in his. That day, like our wedding day, the arrival of the children, is burned into me. I can’t not feel it. The funeral was postponed to the day after Thanksgiving so family could attend. Then came Christmas. I know what Debbie is going through. Trump does not even have a reflection in a mirror.

  19. 1) Pelosi has done a masterful job at managing the House and the D cuacuas.
    2) Speaker Pelosi stated that she would only be Speaker for this term when this Congress began
    3) Granted it is a politicians option to change her mind but at 79 now she has more then earned her right to step back from the front lines of the battles
    4) Steny Hoyer does not represent anything but thuglicrats and blue dogs who wish to placate their thuglican daddies so he can NOT be allowed to put the country and party into reverse by seizing the speakership
    5) Who do YOU want to see step up to speakership when Speaker Pelosi completely voleentarily steps back from the position?
    6 I suggest Rep. Jayapul from Seattle where she has a seat for life.
    No more borderline d’s as leaders who have to placate thugs for reelection and as thus could not, would not, be full throated advocates for the d agenda, like dashcle did in the senate, selling out parts and deferring to thuglican blackmail to secure his reelection.
    Give me a Progressive leader, one of the largest caucauses in the D house membership, from an exceedingly safe seat.
    No faux d’s such as hoyer, cuellar, case etc.
    tell the blue dogs to go pound sand.
