Trump Fundraising

September 10, 2020 By: Juanita Jean Herownself Category: Uncategorized

Dana Milbank has come up with some dandy ways for Trump to raise money from for his campaign since the 1 billion dollars he started with has been squandered.  He’s saying he’ll finance it himself but he doesn’t have any money.

Here’s one of my favorites.

TMZ reports that a Bible signed by Trump is being sold through a memorabilia company, Moments In Time, for $37,500. In the photo on the merchant’s website, Trump’s Sharpie signature is scrawled generously across the title page, where the author’s name might go, right below “HOLY BIBLE/KING JAMES VERSION.”

Think of the other things he could auction – that NOAA weather map he altered with a Sharpie, chunks of the wall that fell down, the toilet paper stuck on his shoe, a scroll of all his chiefs of staffs, a copy of the check Mexico sent us to pay for the wall …. oh wait, oops.

Enjoy poking fun at the haughty this morning.


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