Trump for Sale

March 06, 2024 By: El Jefe Category: 2024 Election, Insurrection, Russians, SCOTUS, Trump

At long last, the fake gold plated billionaire facade is falling down around TFG’s ears.  Longstanding watchers have known that he’s always been full of hot air, not money, and had it not been for Fred Trump’s fortune and Russian money, TFG would have fallen by the wayside years ago.  Because they are well known, I won’t list all of his failures, but he’s lost banks and investors billions over the years, has been a pariah in New York for 40 years and only pulled himself from the brink with a successful “reality” television show and selling real estate to Russian oligarchs.

He used the presidency of the US as a cash cow, raking in millions at his hotel in a US government owned building in DC , overcharging government agencies for hotel charges, and making millions from foreign countries who laundered money through his resorts and buildings.  All of that, though, didn’t actually build any long term wealth for TFG because he really only owns a fraction of his properties with investors and massive debt.  Because of his terrible reputation and disastrous presidency, even his licensing deals have dried up.  Even with all that foreign money, his resorts lose millions every year and the musical chairs game is coming to an end.  He now owes massive financial penalties for sexual assault, massive financial fraud, and defamation that he’s still committing, and the tab is now well over half a billion dollars.  He’s admitted in official court papers that he doesn’t have the money to pay.

So, TFG is for sale. The purchase price is only reachable by the billionaire class consisting of guys like Musk, Bezos, and a handful of others, and on Sunday he met with Musk in Palm Beach.  Even after his $44 billion fiasco with Twitter, Musk is still estimated to be worth over $200 billion, and Bezos is more.  I’m not convinced that Musk is buying because much of his fortune is in SpaceX and Tesla stock, but there’s also this other little detail that SpaceX is significantly dependent on the US government for a good chunk of its revenue even though they don’t disclose the amounts.  So, if Musk purchases TFG and he loses the election, he would be hundreds of millions in the hole and have a pissed off Biden to deal with.  I don’t believe Bezos is a buyer.  It’s just not his style.  So, what if a Russian oligarch purchases him?  There’s not a lot we can do, especially since the Thomas Trump SCOTUS has pretty much unwound any meaningful campaign finance laws.  As well, it’s unclear if there are any state or federal requirements for Trump to disclose where he got the money to pay off his debts except for IRS regulations and if he’s president, that doesn’t mean anything.

So picture this – there’s a really good chance that we could have a president that has been bought and paid for by an oligarch who will remain unidentified; the DOJ will quickly drop all federal charges against him.  That leaves the NY hush money case and the Georgia RICO case which Fani Willis has almost singlehandedly fucked up for all of us with her love life. On the same day of his inauguration, he’ll immediately begin disassembling the US government as we know it through Project 2025 and re-forming it for his own benefit which includes consolidating power to the Oval Office and turning the DOJ into a weapon to prosecute political enemies like Joe Biden, Alvin Bragg, Fani Willis, and may others.

How’s that picture look?  So, sleep well tonight, dear readers, as the rest of 2024 could be the end of the US as we know it if Americans don’t get off their ass and take responsibility for themselves.

0 Comments to “Trump for Sale”

  1. REALLY FRIGHTEND. Even if you do not like Biden, would you really want the country run by a THEOCRACY instead of a DEMOCRACY?

  2. Ted, not Cruz says:

    Very true. But if we don’t address global warming, an existential threat to humankind, it won’t matter in the long run.

  3. Steve from Beaverton says:

    El Jefe, I already think of this shit when I go to bed (and during the day). Lately I’ve been trying to force myself to think about nothing when I go to bed so I can fall asleep. Having limited success. As Liz Cheney said last night, the country has 8 months left to save democracy from TFFG.

  4. Trump for sale?
    Is he bundled with a used Yugo?
    With an original 8-track and stack of Black Sabbath and Leonard Skynard? Freebird recorded in two sections, wait for the pause, click, and tape to reverse direction. Just like a Trump rally speech.

  5. G Foresight says:

    Probably best not to underestimate the Musk/45 connection.

    “Why is a reported illicit drug user and unmarried father of 11 children by three women, a man whose social media site, X, is overrun with hatred and pornography, celebrated across the length and breadth of the new right, including parts of the Christian right? The answer is that if Trump is MAGA’s champion, Musk is its gatekeeper.”

  6. Thanks for the update.

    There’s some current attempts to update & discontinue using ‘hush money’ as a descriptor, and say what it was intended to do: Election Interference.

    Puts light on the seriousness of the ‘catch and release’ deal & timing used to interfere in the election, in addition to the public *ussy tapes~ *rump was up to multiple methods with his extramarital relationships that, yes, were paid off —but for the sole purpose of election interference.

  7. John in Lake Oswego says:

    If the Orange Monarch was found guilty of sexual assaultin that NYC case, why isn’t he on the sexual offenders list????

  8. Hey, c’mon, Syphilis DOES *promise* …………………. /s

  9. Nick Carraway says:

    I’m sure the urgency is on a whole different level. However, this has been going on for years. You have to wonder who got their hands on our secrets he stashed near the shitter and how much they got them for. He knows this game and has played it his entire life. The moment he slows down and plays defense he is dead. So, he will bluster and attack until he takes his last breath. He will never serve a day in prison.

  10. Pancho Sanza says:

    “Fani Willis has almost singlehandedly fucked up for all of us with her love life.”

    I hate to see anti-Trump people buying into MAGAtland arguments.

    Fani Willis didn’t fuck up anything, she’s a damn hero.

  11. G Foresight@5
    I agree with your post completely. Although Musk may state that he is not going to bankroll Trump, there are plenty of clandestine ways for him to support Trump without leaving any footprints. Musk is used to burning billion dollar bills (Twitter purchase), so dropping a few billion into some dark money organizations that support Trump will keep him “clean” in the public eye. Of course, Musk will expect ROI from Trump in the form of favorable legislation or more tax cuts for the obscenely wealthy.

  12. Thank you, Pancho Sanza@9.

  13. Thanks El Jefe, you covered some important stuff. Sprinkle a little white supremacy into the poisonous blend of Republicanism which includes Corporate fascism and Religious Extremism and we got ourselves one hella blend of Rapture Ready, or Not! We cannot rest easy till all three are deleted from a civil society.
    Though Musk can and will afford a $$$ half billion $$$ of non disclosed dark money investment to treasonous tRump for a special favor now and again.
    Republicans have cheated in many previous elections, so my biggest concern is for a fair election (with no bloodshed) in 2024.

  14. Steve from Beaverton says:

    You bet the muskrat will easily be bought if trumpf wins. He’s such a dirtbag.
    How convenient that Fanni Willis did something human (legal) to distract the press and whir up magats while a serial sexual predator is running for president again.

  15. Steve from Beaverton says:

    State of the Union tonight. Suggest you read the speech Joe should give on Jeff Tiedrich’s piece today. I for one won’t be giving MTG and the other magats in congress the pleasure of making me mad. I wish I could copy it here but can’t seem to do that today. Perhaps someone else can.

  16. Steve from Beaverton says:

    Mark. Works. Thanks!

  17. He’s the MAGAot’s man, ain’t no doubt about it.
    Some guy on cable[?] TV named Seth Meyers [never seen/heard him] has the ultimate take on, and summary, of Komrade Donnei:

    Pretty well sums up this nation’s prime threat ever. Take what you need, modify it, and lay it on your MAGAot cult acquaintances [for all the good that will do]:

    “Well, here we are, you guys. Donald Trump is now the presumptive GOP nominee for president again for a third time, despite the fact that he’s a twice-impeached, four-time criminal indictee and racist, who’s been found liable for fraud and sexual abuse, banned from doing business in the state of New York for three years, owes over half a billion dollars in fine, took millions from foreign governments while he was president, tried to extort a foreign country to interfere in an election in 2020, and encouraged another to help him win in 2016.
    Actively undermined the nation’s response to a once-in-a-lifetime pandemic and let a deadly disease spiral out of control; is about to go on trial for breaking campaign finance laws by paying hush money to cover up an affair during the 2016 campaign.

    Orchestrated a months-long coup attempt that culminated in a violent insurrection to disrupt the peaceful transfer of power and install him as an unelected dictator.

    Stole classified documents and obstructed attempts to get them back, has never once won the popular vote, and has been routinely rejected by a majority of Americans in election after election.

    Spews deranged conspiracy theories about everything from climate change to immigration to vaccines to windmills. Glitches on three-syllable words, two-syllable words, and one-syllable words. Cheats at golf, can’t spell his own name, his wife’s name, or the words “indicted,” “education,” “unprecedented,” “stolen,” “Denmark,” “Kentucky,” or “tap.” And is on top of everything else the single weirdest and most off-putting human being on the face of the f—ing planet.

    And this is the same planet Ted Cruz lives on. So that’s saying something. “

  18. Steve from Beaverton says:

    Well put Sandridge.

  19. Steve @18, I was just quoting and linking the source, although I try to keep most of that crap straight in mind.
    But it’s really hard to keep up with such a prolific and serial crook like Donnei. Been following politics since I was a kid and never saw anything like this SOB before..
    Damned scary that 85% of the peeps in my area worship this scummy bastard [even more rabid than the rest of Texass].

  20. Sandridge @ 17,

    Thank you for mentioning the stolen classified documents. With at least one indictment for espionage, how in hell can he ever be trusted with the information of TS documents or get a TS security clearance? Where did he get all the millions while he was president? His son-in-law made two billion with the Saudis. Just what did the Saudis get? This man is a vile, lying criminal with serious financial/tax/bankrupcy issues. This bassturd belongs in prison. God forbid he wins.

  21. Steve from Beaverton says:

    Papa- to your point, he qualifies as the gop presidential candidate to get current classified documents and briefings. Good news for his authoritarian buddies like putin. That’s also scary.

  22. Steve from Beaverton@21,

    Biden and the IC could just as well give him bogus (although very reall appearing) classified docs as bait, which if he give the information out, they’d be able to track it back to Trump. And he’d probably do it. Yep, scary as hell.

  23. Dark Brandon kicked the Rethug’s asses tonight! They weren’t expecting Sleepy Joe to be revved up to the 8,000rpm redline, and for the whole time. [I kept wondering where/why he didn’t have something to drink, he must have gotten thirsty during that righteous rant].

    Squeaker Mikey kept wincing like Biden was giving him a dill pickle juice IV. Then he’d shake his head. Johnson also had some surprised sly grins when he realized that Biden had just skewered his team with another subtle zinger.

    The rest of the Rethuglikans looked stunned until about half way through Biden’s SOTU. Joe caught them off-guard and was pummeling them mercilessly, with tons of facts and examples of their f’ed up bullshit policies. He didn’t let up, he just kept beating their sorry asses into the ground.

    Now to keep the pace up until November, when the MAGAots get stomped. And get every damned Democrat at least as fired up as President Biden is.

  24. During Biden’s SOTU he also made lots of references to his ‘predecessor’s’ many flaws and fuckups! Without naming the SOB.
    WTG JOE!

    Now, “Hit ‘Em Again, Harder!”, Joe!

    [An old WWII slogan about the USS Harder, SS-257, one of the most famous USN submarines.
    My uncle’s destroyer participated in several training exercises with the Harder near Pearl Harbor in 1943; one on one, and as part of a hunter-killer squadron versus a sub wolfpack including the Harder.]

  25. slipstream says:

    Go Joe!

  26. Old slow Joe transformed into “Give’em Hell Harry “ , (HST) right before our eyes last night. It was spectacular.

  27. G Foresight says:

    RE #23 “…get every damned Democrat at least as fired up as President Biden is.” Good point, but that is not easy to accomplish. “Facts” don’t matter much to a large number of voters. Elections are about what future you prefer. Ds need a massive voter turnout, especially in the in the so-called battleground states, to overcome the bias of the Electoral Collage. So Maybe Joe goes full speed with FDR level policies and emphasize the core of those values?

    The bedrock Rs won’t change any time soon, so why try to appeal to them? They favor 45 because he mirrors their beliefs (as it suits TFG, not so much because he believes such things).

    “…the Americans who support [TFG] are… elderly and rural: they are often, but by no means solely, working class and/or non-graduates. But, above all, they love [TFG] because they, too, are hostile to the Americans that he purports to hate.

    These hated Americans – the language of [45’s] rallies is visceral – mostly live in big cities down the east and west coasts. They favor federal government, identity politics, social liberalism and free trade. They are led by a college-educated, liberal establishment. Of course, these are generalizations – but that is what [45] trades in.”

    And this cartoon about the immigration border issue makes the point that compromising and appealing to Rs to vote for Joe is futile.

  28. G Foresight@27,
    Elections are about what past you prefer.

  29. PanchoSanza@10 – I beg to differ for two reasons: 1. Personal romantic relationships between boss and subordinate are generally not tolerated in the business world, especially in the MeToo era. Having anyone working for you in a romantic relationship is extraordinarily bad judgement. Period. 2. This is probably THE MOST IMPORTANT prosecution of Trump because it is not controlled by the DOJ. So, even if he’s re-elected, he can’t make this one go away by pardoning himself or forcing the DOJ to drop it. By exercising incredibly poor judgement in engaging in a romantic relationship with a subordinate Willis has endangered the entire case by making herself vulnerable to the very attacks she’s experiencing now due to her own poor judgement. If she’s forced out by the judge, it’s likely no one will step in to take it and it dies. Even if she’s not forced out, she’s damaged her credibility with the entire jury pool. I consider that a “fuck up”.

  30. Steve from Beaverton says:

    Certainly repugnanticans were caught off guard. Loved the expressions on the the speaker’s face compared to Kamala’s. MTG acted and looked like a baboon. I still saw and read media that gave Joe some credit but not without their normal “ya buts”. At least the repugnantican rebuttal speech got low marks. She really wooed the women, right?

  31. slipstream says:

    The Republican message: a woman’s place is in the kitchen.

  32. slipstream @32,
    The message I got from the Katie Britt reply was that the GOP want women to be evangelical traditional wives: wear a cross, keep their mouths shut, get the biscuits in the oven and their buns in bed.

  33. Steve from Beaverton says:

    What a piece of work Joe Lieberman is getting behind a 3rd party to run against Joe Biden under the guise it will take republican votes away from trumpf. He has to be smart enough to know it will hurt Biden’s chances more than trump’s.

  34. Regarding Squeaker Mike Johnson [R-FU], after rewatching much of President Biden’s SOTU, with the TV closer to my eyeballs:
    Mikey was much more smarmy and was constantly rolling his eyes and smirking like a demented chimp when he obviously disagreed with Joe [and to score MAGAot points] than I caught the first viewing. Sixth grader stuff.

    Guess the little shithead couldn’t do much else, Biden was kicking his and the GROPers asses so thoroughly from one end of the room to the other.

    A dominating masterful performance from Good Ol’ Sleepy Joe.

    Hit ‘Em Again, Harder, Joe!

    Every effing day from here on.
    Rain on the GROPers parade with a daily deluge, keep them off-guard and scrambling around like ants getting whizzed on.

  35. treehugger says:

    You’re preaching to the choir here. I will never support Trump, any Trump ass-kisser, Trump family member, or any Republican, generally. Nor will my immediate family or my friends. The Magats seem to be unswayed by anything Trump says or does. Those people scare the bejesus out of me. The fence-sitters need to be persuaded, but I’m not sure how. People gripe about the media, but they don’t listen to or read unbiased news reporting. I think a lot of people just don’t believe anything.

  36. G Foresight says:

    RE:29 Frank Wilhoit, “Elections are about what past you prefer.”

    Somewhat. But people draw from the past and project the model into the future. Does a person want a future multicultural democracy based on the premise that all humans are created equal and it is the consent of the governed that grants legitimacy to government? Or do they want a future government designed to facilitate a rigidly socially-stratified society following unchanging values of white Christian nationalism, with popular sovereignty more of an afterthought? American history has both.

    See “The Two Nations of America”

  37. Jerrytown Ray says:

    I think you misspelled “billion”.
