May 09, 2017 By: El Jefe Category: Uncategorized

Looks like the FBI was getting close, so Trump fired him.  Hello, special prosecutor.

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0 Comments to “TRUMP FIRES COMEY”

  1. wowza

  2. Just as Nixon fired Archibald Cox when Cox was getting a little too close to the truth. And we all know how that ended up. And Rumpie isn’t half as smart as Nixon was.

    If Comey knows where the bodies are buried, he’ii take down Donnie himself.

  3. Didn’t like Comey, would like to say “Good riddance”, but be careful what you wish for is the fist thing that came to mind when I heard this.

  4. It remains to be seen if this congress has the b#lls to appoint an independent special investigator with the chops needed to do this properly. This is not 1974. Most of the congresscritters are truly well and bought.

    And, I expect that the news networks to roll over with a lot of hand wringing except for Faux who will go on to cheer the ‘new direction’ in the FBI. With that not enough of the electorate will muster the necessary outrage to push the said congresscritters out.

  5. TrulyTexan says:

    I’m guessing Jarrod will be replacing him?

  6. Juanita Jean Herownself says:

    Nixon had a Saturday Night Massacre. trump has. Tuesday Afternoon Coverup.

  7. slipstream says:

    Geeze. Comey practically handed him the election with a carefully timed announcement of the FBI’s investigation of Clinton’s emails — while carefully not mentioning the FBI’s investigation into the Trump campaign’s collusion with Russian intelligence. And now Trump fires him.

    Where is Trump’s loyalty?

    Oh yeah. Ask Ivana Trump and Marla Maples about Trump’s loyalty.

  8. Sandridge says:

    A bit like Idi Amin shitcanning his trusty food taster, eh? Wondering what’s in the refrigerator now…

    If you can’t stand the heat, fire the stove?

    I jes luvs the smell of an orangewash/coverup in the afternoon…

  9. Time for Hillary to seek political asylum in Canada.

  10. El Jefe says:

    Schumer has called for a special prosecutor. “Trumpgate”?

  11. maryelle says:

    After watching what went on with rethuglicans during the Yates hearing, I fear that they will vote down any push for a special prosecutor. They don’t want the truth. Can’t handle the truth and will shut down this investigation to prevent the rest of us from finding out how far up the traitors go. These are evil people.
    We are doomed.

  12. Sandridge says:

    Comey was also scheduled to appear, in two days hence, before the Senate Intelligence Committee. Curious, no?
    Let alone the smokescreen laid down over yesterday’s Yates and Clapper testimony.

    This is all very carefully planned and timed, as Maryelle says, by “evil people”, very, very evil; as far as her “We are doomed”, I’ve been saying that for months.

    There may be only one solution, but I’ve been (rightfully so) cautioned on stating it, and had ‘comments disappeared’, so I’ll just clam it…

  13. As this unfolds, bye bye Mexican wall, hello stonewall.

  14. Replacements? Cristie, Guliana, Nugent? Now I need brain bleach. Sorry if I screwed up your dinner.

  15. The smart money is probably on Giuliani. But I would LOVE to see the Motor City Mad Man spend a few days as director of the FBI. Not that I hate the FBI, but Nugent is just so, so, insane and inane.

  16. @Ralph Wiggam

    Canada has some interesting points but if I ever had to flee Texas and plead for political asylum, I’m headed to Monaco. European Mediterranean. That’s the ticket!

  17. Linda Phipps says:

    Replacement: Gorka

  18. Ahhhhh! Just a day or so ago Dick Durbin on TV (Yates/Clapper hearing) proposed a special investigation commission. Then Comey screwed up on the amount of emails downloaded from Uma’s laptop. Not thousands, or hundreds of thousands as it turned out. Maybe a dozen and none of them classified. Bet it was the correction of the number that set CJ’s sox on fire. He always prefers impossible numbers that either make him look so good or so victimized. Now Comey is a free agent. He can say what he wants, write a book, go on speaking tours, hire himself out to some other country. Good play, CJ! Those that screw themselves do it best!

  19. Aggieland Liz says:

    So, FORMER FBI director James Comey goes to the Senate on Thursday? How does this change anything? I say press on, hammer down, dammit!

    And the poor fella thought it was a joke when he saw it on teevee. Boy, I’d volunteer to sing, I would! Small hands and no ba**s, that’s the president y’all!
