Trump End Times

October 21, 2020 By: Juanita Jean Herownself Category: Uncategorized

Jesus and the Crystal Ball, huh? Televangelist Pat Robertson reported on The 700 Club that he had been told by God that President Trump will be reelected… and his reelection will bring about the start of the End Times.  Okay, well, I don’t believe in the End Times but I have no doubt that something pretty much awful will happen if Trump is reelected.

I thought the End Times were brought about by the Anti-Christ and the Mark of the Beast on your forehead.  Well, Orange Trump and his his MAGA baseball caps pretty well seem to fit that.

Robertson mumbled on, “without question, Trump is going to win the election,” but it will result in widespread civil unrest, during which there will be at least two attempts to assassinate the president.

There’s the comforting thought that if the End Times come if Trump’s reelected, it’ll be better than having Trump, right?


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