Trump Destroys US Lobster Industry

July 21, 2018 By: El Jefe Category: Trade War Based On Lies

So much winning.  Trump’s idiotic tariffs have now claimed another victim – the US lobster industry.  As we all know, China has been retaliating against US tariffs.  One of China’s targets? US lobsters.  They’ve slapped a 40% tariff on live lobsters and 35% on processed.  Overnight, lobster prices plunged over 30% and are still falling.  China is buying all of it’s lobster now from Canadian lobstermen.  What was going to be a great year for this industry has now been destroyed.  For nothing but Trump’s narcissism.

You can bet that most of the people who work on lobster boats are Trumpists.  Over 44% of Maine’s 2016 vote went to Trump and he received 1 of the state’s 4 electoral votes. Now these Trumpists are paying the price for their vote.

There is a place for anger, and THIS is it.

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