Trump and Climate

June 01, 2017 By: Juanita Jean Herownself Category: Uncategorized

I have increasingly come to believe that Trump’s only goal as president is to erase every vestige of President Obama’s presence on earth.  All of it.  Everything he ever said or did.

So here comes the Paris Accords.  First, I am confident that whatever he does he will call it winning. Second, it is admirable in a weird way that he’s not doing it on Twitter.  The world needs more covfefe.

Third, I completely understand that he’s using this as leverage, you know like wheeler-dealers do.  He’s thinking, “I’ve got something other countries want. What will they give me in return?”  I seriously doubt that by “me” he means us.  I think he’s holding out for other world leaders to give him a damn golf course somewhere or a hotel on Boardwalk.  I dunno, but I do know he doesn’t give a tinker’s damn about us.

Look, when even the CEO’s of big oil think we should stay in because if everybody dies, there’s no one around to buy their oil, then we need to stay in.

If you’re holding your breath waiting for his announcement, don’t do that.  You may have to hold your breath afterwards.

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0 Comments to “Trump and Climate”

  1. You are absolutely right. Jonathan Chait in New York Magazine today said it all comes down to political tribalism. All the “reasons” the GOP had in the past to oppose this pact have evaporated. China and India have cut their emissions even more drastically than they had initially proposed. The consensus that global climate change is real cannot be denied.

    Chait quoted Grover Norquist, who said that everyone who is against Trump is for staying in the pact. Everyone who likes Trump, respects him and voted for him, wants us out. As simple as that. Just like under Obama, if he was for something they had to be against it, even if it adversely affected the country.

  2. RE: “…Drumpf’s only goal as president is to erase every vestige of President Obama’s presence on earth. All of it. Everything he ever said or did.”

    Couldn’t agree more. The Republicans intend to eradicate everything visible from the Black guy’s presidency. A sad commentary indeed on who the Republicans are. I can’t imagine what it must be to Black in this country and witness this day in and day out by elected “leaders”. Hilary is right, the combination of the wealthy upper class and the bigoted less wealthy working class is a basket of deplorable.

  3. JAKvirginia says:

    Does he even know what the Paris Accords are or does he think they’re Hondas made in France?

  4. Old Quaker (Colorado) says:

    It is so obvious that only person or thing DJT cares about is named TRUMP.
    He’s tearing our republic and our alliances to shreds.
    He’s so stunningly stoopid he doesn’t realize he’ll go down in history as a stupid fool.
    He who tells us he’s so smart and who goes nuts when he”s ridiculed. Karma huh.

  5. Jane & PKM says:

    It’s symbiosis among snacilbupeR parasites. Donnie’s goal is to tramp stamp as much property as he can for his own gain and sell off what is ours that he can’t stamp. In return the Jeff Sessions types in the party base willingly turn a blind eye to all his graft and corruption. In exchange they receive Donnie’s cooperation in annihilating all who are not white fright wing “Christians” of the hating variety.

  6. Maymoon says:

    I honestly was a bit concerned that Ambien was used as the excuse for “cuvfefe”. Perhaps he should another sleep aid, worrying that it seems to affect him that way.

  7. charles phillips says:

    Good one, JAK!

  8. dbtexas says:

    Thank you! Too much press time has been given to analysis of Trump’s “ideology.” Simply looking at the photo of Trump at the Correspondence Dinner when President Obama was taking him to the wood shed is ample evidence of his anger. Now, his “ideology” is simply getting even. I do not believe he has the intellectual capacity to go beyond his petty narcissism, country be damned! Trump is, by every measure, a pathetic example of humanity. And, Republicans simply go along because they know he will sign their bills. I believe in the long arch of history, we will survive and progressive attitudes will prevail. But, we are taking massive steps backward, and, I fear these positive changes will not occur during the remaining years I have on earth. Sad.

  9. Lunargent says:

    Lately I’ve been toying with the idea that Russia may actually be trying to exacerbate climate change.
    Not only because of that 2Trillion $ oil reserve deal. But a warmer climate would open up their seaways, and maybe convert their vast stretches of tundra into arable land. While simultaneously wreaking havoc and instability on many other countries. So for them, win-win.

    I’d be interested in knowing how our military assesses this aspect. I know that they do regard climate change as a leading driver of global instability – a fact that our rightie politicians persistently ignore.

  10. He’s on the tee tee right now spouting something he doesn’t know and it shows! This guy has absolutely no idea of his self image, and many other things!

  11. he’s even lost Shep Smith – Fox News – who said ‘we now stand with Nicaragua and Syria’

  12. Karen Byrd says:

    He’s refusing to honor the Paris Accord. The US now sat ands in history as the only country, besides Nicaragua and Syria, to refuse to sign the accord every other country wants. Esteemed company we now keep, right? And this from a man who petitioned Scotland to build a sea wall to protect his Scottish golf course from global warming. My fervent hope is that Mar-A-Lago is under water first.

  13. 1smartcanerican says:

    That was the most hateful speech I’ve ever heard from a “leader” ever! I’ve never hated anyone like I hate this man. He is singlehandedly destroying this country and has removed us from the world stage. We are now a third world country all due to this presidency. I simply do not understand how we came to this point in our history.

  14. Maymoon says:

    Well he did it, he is pulling out of the Paris agreement. Someone should tell him that sometimes is NOT about the DEAL but is is about the RIGHT THING TO DO! Pardon the caps. I am mad!

  15. WA Skeptic says:

    I don’t care what he does or what he eliminates; he’ll never be able to eradicate our memory of the intelligent, caring, witty man that preceded him in the office of POTUS and who he fails to equal in any way.

    Oh, my poor country.

  16. Marge Wood says:

    Just so he doesn’t blow everyone up.

  17. maryelle says:

    Just read about all of the mayors of American cities who are banding together to continue promoting the goals of the Paris Accord. Trump used Pittsburgh in his speech.Glad that Bill Peduto, Mayor of Pittsburgh, has spoken out against Trump’s latest moronic move and is joining with the other mayors in supporting the climate goals anyway. The Rebel Alliance:

  18. Lunargent says:

    Mayors are great, but governors would be better.

    I hope every truly sentient official in this country stands up against this act of utter petulant insanity.

    This creature is a black hole, sucking everything good and sustainable out of our world.

    CURSE HIM. May he perish in darkness.

  19. May Trump live interesting times…

  20. Don A in Pennsyltucky says:

    Yesterday I concluded that Trump is consumed by hatred of the Obamas — all 4 of them. That family is everything that Trump can never have so he wants to tear down everything that Barrack accomplished as President and Michelle as First Lady. The girls are still young but they are clearly smart in a way that none of the Trump offspring can ever be. So this morning not only do I find that Juanita Jean has arrived at the same conclusion but at least one other person has as well. Must be something in the air, the water, or something.

  21. Old Fart says:

    @Lunargent: I am horrified to agree.

    I heard this scenario on MSNBC recently, and the more I think about it, the more it makes (terrifying) sense. Russia with it’s entire northern shore available year round…

    I guess 45 doesn’t understand that to lead means to have the interests of a *group*. Otherwise it’s just anti-social behavior…

  22. Old Fart says:


    Watch John Kerry’s segment on Andrea Mitchell’s show!
    I’ve never seen him so worked up!

    And he does a very thorough job of ripping 45 a new one…
