Truman’s Second Amendment Rights

January 08, 2015 By: Juanita Jean Herownself Category: Uncategorized

Most of you know that I have a dog named Truman.  He’s 15 pounds of fierce and fabulous.

I love Truman dearly but I have decided that he cannot exercise his Second Amendment Rights.  Yeah, he’s upset about it and yabbers about his cold dead paws and stuff, but damn.

Click right about here to see why.

From Wyoming to Florida, dog posses with vicious intent are shooting their owners.  And you gotta admit that’s not an easy accomplishment considering that most dogs don’t have opposable thumbs.  However, those that do are real sumbitches.

One of them even used a 12-gauge shotgun to shoot his owner in the butt.

And there’s this guy who, bless his heart, doesn’t know how to unload his rifle so his dog shot him.

As luck would have it, Truman does not have thumbs, which kinda explains why he’s really bad at loading the dishwasher, but he can change the teevee channel with the remote using only feet so I’m not taking any chances.

Thanks to Kevin for the heads up.

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