Truman Will Bite You, You Dog Abandoning SOB

October 04, 2012 By: Juanita Jean Herownself Category: Uncategorized

I’m not saying that electing Mitt Romney will be devastating to dogs because Mitt Romney puts his dog on the roof of his car like luggage.  I’m not saying that.

Oh hell, yes I am.

If you will put your dog somewhere you wouldn’t even put your laptop, then you’re a sick person.

Y’all, the Texas Lege did one good thing last session – they tightened laws on dog breeders.  Breeders have to provide humane treatment for their dogs including outdoor time and keeping them from becoming matted and sick.

So what do people who don’t like government regulation into their private torture of animals do?  They dump their dogs.

Residents in rural Flower Mound, near Stonecrest Road and Highway 377, called police about 1 a.m. Tuesday. Dozens of Maltese mixed-breeds were running loose along the road.

Animal control scooped up 51 pooches in about an hour. They all needed a good bath — some had fur so matted they could barely walk, according to police …

The night after that, a herd of cocker spaniels turned up in Denton County.

There is a real special place in hell for someone who would do that.  And if you can catch them, Truman will pee on their leg.

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0 Comments to “Truman Will Bite You, You Dog Abandoning SOB”

  1. Evil!!!!!
    Love that graphic, btw

  2. OMG … love that graphic … made me totally laugh out loud!!

    What a cute little white puppy … what god-awful crappy people would dump those pups … there just has to be a special place in Hell for people like that and Mitt the Twit!

  3. Bud Malone says:

    Again, another dozen frozen urine balls to Romney.

  4. Elise Von Holden says:

    Copying the graphic to a sign for my lawn…made my day!,

  5. Corinne Sabo says:

    Sounds like puppy mills are getting rid of their dogs. Now we need to get rid of Romney. I am NOT equating him with dogs, my dog would never speak to me again if I did.

  6. I am so sorry for these little pups to get abandoned like that, but they are now being treated better than every in their lives. I do not understand how people can be so cruel to animals of any sort. It sounds like the Maltese is a sweet breed. Looks like something AustinHatLady would just adore.

  7. Ellen Childress says:

    I believe in no-kill shelters for abandoned animals and foster homes, etc. But here in Dallas our “no-kill” shelter has become a place that has not had air conditioning in the ungodly summer heat for five years, and when I call about a stray dog, the answer is that I should lure the dog into my car and bring him to the shelter. If the animal is dead, someone will pick him up in 24 hours if I will bag him and put him on the curb . . . . where, of course, other animals, including coyotes and foxes and other stray dogs can tear open the bag. People are rather stupid.
    That’s why I still believe in euthanasia because life for so many abandoned, unloved or otherwise unwanted animals is filled with pain, illness, starvation, cruelty, and a depth of loneliness that we cannot even imagine. Not every animal can be saved. Not every animal can be given a good home. My particular love is cats and the shelters do less for them than they do for dogs. I feed five feral cats, several cats that probably belong to some of my neighbors, and a kitten that I will probably take into my home. It’s expensive and risky, but they are loved. And this morning, to my amazement and then tears when I filled the food bowls and water bowl in the courtyard, there was a well-chewed, faded orange ball with blue stripes around it that one of the cats had brought in the night and carefully placed beside the food bowl. A gift? Perhaps because cats do bring gifts. The kitten brings me waterbugs. But the ball is a treasured reminder of lives lived where there are few special things, little care, and not much love. I will put it back tonight where its owner can play with it again. And I will add two more from the rich store of toys in my house that my two cats have.
