Truman is Ready (UPDATED)

January 25, 2011 By: Juanita Jean Herownself Category: Uncategorized


Verdelia made Truman a safety hat to watch Michelle Bachman’s speech tonight:


I know a whole lot of people, including people I respect, think that CNN should not have broadcast Bachmann’s speech.

Juanita disagrees.

“I could have listened to it forty-leven dozen times,” she admits.  “It was a train wreck of monumental proportions.  Michelle, who I call Our Lady of Perpetual Insanity, gave her speech from a room at the nutcracker suite.  Honey, she made Bobby Jindal look like Cicero.”

“I kept looking over my left shoulder to see who she was talking to,” Juanita admits.  “She never would look at the camera, which is strange because that’s all she looks at when giving speeches on the House floor.”

“She’s making up history again.  It’s apparent that she just looks at the pictures in history books and makes up her own story to go behind them.  Not only does she not know anything, Honey, she don’t even suspect much.”

“By the way, Paul Ryan also gave a speech.  It wasn’t as good as Bachmann’s.”

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