
May 22, 2015 By: Juanita Jean Herownself Category: Uncategorized

For those of you who know and love Hairy Truman, I want to you know that he scampered over the rainbow bridge this morning.

He’s a regular at the beauty salon, often appearing in group shots.  He wore funny hats for us, bright jackets, and sometimes goggles.



Truman loved walks, playing fetch, going to the groomer, and getting treats.  He hated squirrels.  Hated those little suckers.

It was great that in his last year, we gave him a toy that played back;  his own little boy.





Last month they waited for treats on my kitchen floor with the same expression on their faces.

Bubba and I will miss that sweet puppy something fierce.

I hope your Memorial Day weekend is fun and safe.  I’ll be back on Tuesday unless the spirit moves me.

And please feel free to share a story about your dog.

Be social and share!

0 Comments to “Truman”

  1. JAKvirginia says:

    You and Bubba have my sympathy and love. You both were blessed with Truman and he was blessed with you both. He’ll always be in your hearts
    so he will live forever. Hugs.

  2. UmptyDump says:

    From a fellow dog lover, I’m sorry for your loss and your sorrow. Take comfort in all the good years you and Hairy had together.

  3. Annabelle Lee says:

    I’m so sad to hear about Harry Truman.

    My parents had a dog, a rescue that was probably a border collie/hound mix. She was a great dog, and she too considered herself to be on permanent squirrel patrol.

    They give so much, and ask so little. I’m sending you a virtual hug, and I’ll slip the local shelter a little donation in Harry Truman’s name.

  4. Sandy Havens says:

    So sorry to hear about Truman.

  5. Kate oDubhagain says:

    I’m so sorry for the loss of your little Wolfsoul. It’s terribly hard. Kinky Friedman said it best…”when you die and go to heaven, all the dogs and cats you’ve ever had in your life come running to meet you.”

  6. JJ, for the first time you wrote a story that made this old woman cry. I am so sorry to hear about the loss of your beloved Truman. Having lost my little girl poodle over three years ago, I know what you are feeling. Like Truman, she was a special dog and very smart. Maybe they are scampering together now.

  7. Jean Kuhn says:

    So sad for you. I know the feeling well. I have had to say goodbye to my own hairy one and it was a damn bad day for me. I am sure lots of dogs were there to welcome him and have a great time sniffing each others’ butts and running around having a big ole dog party.

  8. Cherish the memories. We do in this house where once Bell lived and added so much to our lives. Have never been able to find a dog to take her place.

  9. I was at Dr. Joe’s vet clinic a little over a year ago with my bearded collie, Spenser. Spenser was 15 which is old for his breed and he had a great life. All of my kids got to say good bye and I ended flying my middle child down for the day to say her goodbye. We were at Dr. Joe’s clinic when they gave Spenser the shot and were there when he passed.

    It was rough saying goodbye to a member of the family. I am glad that Truman got to play with Ben for a year. It is never easy saying goodbye to a family member.

  10. That Other Jean says:

    I’m so sorry! No matter how long our furry family members live, it’s never long enough. I hope Kinky Friedman was right, because it wouldn’t be heaven without the critters we’ve lost.

  11. SomedayGirl says:

    Sympathies. I hope Truman meets up with my goofy Golden Retriever, Loki, who I lost in March of last year. I still miss him all the time and there’s still a Loki-shaped hole in my heart and in my home.

  12. Edward Starsmith says:

    I don’t have the words. Other than to say I am sorry for your loss.

    My dog is my reason for getting out of bed. I don’t know what I would do without her.

  13. shortpeople says:

    My deepest sympathies on your loss.

  14. 1smartcanerican says:

    So sorry for your loss JJ. Hairy was a cutie for sure and was mighty happy having his own boy this past year I’m thinkin’. I also hope that Kinky is correct because I’d sure love to see my animal family again, both brother/sisters and kids that have enriched my life.

  15. Marcia in CO says:

    I hope your sweet Hairy T. is romping with my old pug named Pug [so clever, eh?] that I still shed an occasional tear over … he was the BEST dog ever except for all that shedding and I had to send him over that bridge close to 15 years ago … they never really leave your heart!
    Same goes for my beautiful Maine Coon cat, Feather! So gorgeous and I had to send her over 2 years ago!! I swear she still jumps on the bed sometimes!!
    Both were extremely tough good-byes except both were for the best for them … not me!! We know the hurt you and Bubba are going through!!

  16. AliceBeth says:

    So sorry for your loss. We lost our DogGirl 2 years ago.
    She was my constant companion during my cancer treatment. She followed me from room to room and comforted me. In the midst of the horror of chemo, I thought “I would not do this to a dog”. I am grateful for the chemo, but I understood why I was so miserable, my dog would not. The vet did not suggest treatment except for steroids for a few days. Once she got her diagnosis and got her medicine in her favorite vanilla ice cream, she did not take another bite of food…just vanilla ice cream. I still miss her every day and cry as I write this. My brother-in-law who lived on our property loved her as well and so dreaded putting her down. He died in a lawnmower accident on our property soon after her diagnosis. He did not have to lose her, we lost him first.

  17. Polite Kool Marxist says:

    Susan, Bubba and family, please know your sweet Truman is in good company. He’ll be met at the bridge by two of my Labradors with tennis balls in their mouths.

    Jane has a goofy Golden Doodle as the house pet, while there are always a dozen or so ranchies running about to run the ranch. Plus, as an early birthday present, Jane’s Dad bought her a Rottweiler puppy. I’m just grateful he gave her the dog early and didn’t keep it long enough to be attack trained on me. Old boy is getting soft; he’ll like me yet! 😉

  18. Rubymay says:

    I’m so deeply and sincerely sorry for your loss. I always looked forward to Truman’s escapades, and I know we will all miss him. My heart goes out to you and your family.

    Saying goodbye to my furry little children over the years broke my heart every time, and I know how precious our furry kids truly are.

  19. Cat lady here, sending my sympathies your way. Death is an SOB.

  20. BarbinDC says:

    Truman was one lucky dog.

  21. eljefebob says:

    We are sad that little Truman left you today, but hope you feel comforted that little Max and Mimi are already there, ready to play. We sent them off with a few teddy bears and balls to spread around to their friends. For me, I think there is a bark party going on over there tonight.

    El Jefe

  22. Mah Fellow Murkuhn says:

    Our Ginger was very much like Hairy, but with an apricot coat. She lived a long life, almost 15 years, and then suddenly went into acute kidney failure about a year ago. We still miss her. I’m sorry for your loss.

  23. Hollyanna says:

    So sorry to hear about Hairy Truman. What a bright-eyed little cutie he was! It is so very hard to say farewell to our furry companions. We sure hope that Kinky Friedman is right–there will be a huge reception committee waiting for us; Alex, Ebony, Raffi, Star, and Phoebe–and that is just the doggies…

  24. I am sorry for your loss, and I know how empty the house must feel now, but you gave the little guy a very happy life. I’m sure that as he left, he was saying, “Thanks for everything– I had a great time.”

  25. elise von holten says:

    So sorry for your loss. Our Jasmine will welcome him to the dog park because he is smaller than she is and big dogs scared her because of her wild, abused, background. As a rescue dog–she saved my love when his life fell apart. When I joined the family, she had a hard time giving up the beta position, but came to love me liked she loved Steve.
    It still hurts. And their love is such a gift.

  26. So sorry about the loss of your beloved Hairy T.

    Although I’m a bit skeptical about a human heaven, I know there is a dog one. My old beagle Chico is there sleeping on his back and guarding any garbage can near him. (We never could stop him from loving garbage—he loved the smells and used to roll in any he managed to knock over).

  27. There’s nothing like the love of a dog. He and “his boy” are very photogenic.

  28. austinhatlady says:

    I’ve had to say goodbye to a number of much beloved puppies over the years, all rescues in one fashion or another. Caesar, a Sheltie, was my first fluff-butt puppy, as a friend called him, and Caesar lived to 16. His long time buddy was Mamselle, a papillon who came to straight from the streets and al ssh o a fluff-butt. Then there was Cherie, a Lhasa Apso; Tosca, a papillon mix; Duet, a husky mix who had obviously been abused; and Willbit, my first poodle who was too small for the too big name of William bestowed on him by the rescue group. Currently, Twyla, a poodle, and Apache, another papillon, are asleep beside me and are receiving extra hugs and kisses in memory of Truman. Bless you, Susan.

  29. Very sorry about your furry friend, he was as lucky to have good owners as you were to have his company, peace to you and Truman.

  30. Tom in Plano says:

    I am deeply saddened to read of your loss of dear Harry. I’m confident that my late rescue, Dottie, will see that he is loved and cared for over there. Dottie came into my family at about 3 years of age, the vet guessed, and she was almost 19 (in people years) when she crossed over that bridge. She is still held dear by my kids and grandkids, cherishing fond memories. I send you my hugs!

  31. Carolina says:

    Hugs to you and Bubba. I lost my beloved Arnold Robert 7 years ago. Just a little terrier mix that showed on my porch one night covered in fleas. Two years later went thru some very hard times and figured God sent him to me to love and take care of me which he sure did. God does stuff like this…:)

  32. I’m sorry to hear of your loss. No dogs here, but Fuzz Butt was my very sweet rescue cat. She was with me 17 years, and I took her to the vet last August because she had decided it was time to go. She was such a good girl. Now I have a hairy little varmint named Greta Garbo. She is a dwarf hamster and hilariously funny.

    “Out of the night that covers me,
    black as the Pit from pole to pole,
    I thank whatever gods may be
    for my unconquerable [pet’s] souls.”
    (William ? wrote that. Anyone know his last name?)

  33. MimiDiane says:

    I’m sitting here crying for a dog I never met. Truman looks exactly like our rescue Bichon, Yogi Bear. We loved seeing his pictures and hearing about his escapades. We know he enriched your lives.

  34. Skyblue says:

    The Last Battle

    If it should be that I grow weak,
    And pain should keep me from my sleep,
    Then you must do what must be done,
    For this last battle cannot be won.

    You will be sad, I understand;
    Don’t let your grief then stay your hand.
    For this day more than all the rest,
    Your love for me must stand the test.

    We’ve had so many happy years –
    What is to come can hold no fears.
    You’d not want me to suffer so;
    The time has come, so let me go.

    Take me where my needs they’ll tend
    And please stay with me until the end.
    Hold me firm and speak to me
    Until my eyes no longer see.

    I know in time that you will see
    The kindness that you did for me.
    Although my tail its last has waved,
    From pain and suffering I’ve been saved
    Please do not grieve – it must be you
    Who had this painful thing to do.
    We’ve been so close, we two, these years –
    Don’t let your heart hold back its tears.

    Author Unknown

  35. Irene Hahn says:

    I am so sorry, Susan! We knew Truman so well through your posts! {{{{{HUGS}}}}}

  36. Debbo, it’s “Invictus” by William Ernest Henley. Here’s the whole poem:

    Also a good one when the election, or anything else, doesn’t go your way, or for the beloved animals that came to us as strays:

    In the fell clutch of circumstance
    I have not winced nor cried aloud.
    Under the bludgeonings of chance
    My head is bloody, but unbowed.

  37. Here is the full poem:

    The author is William Ernest Henley

  38. Corinne Sabo says:

    Nova, my 3 legged dog, says he wishes he had known Hairy.

  39. coprolite says:

    I am so sorry to hear about the loss of your friend, confidant, family member.

    it hurts. it’s painful. we miss them, we imagine we still hear them in the house or yard. you call their name, they don’t come. you won’t find them in their favorite spot. it hurts, the pain is real, the loss does not go away, quickly, only gradually, with time

  40. I am so sorry for your loss, but happy for your time with Hairy.

    We had a cat named Hairy many years ago. We have three dogs now, one of whom spends thunderstorms wrapped around our heads. He weighs 70 pounds…..

  41. So sorry to see a good friend pass. My two pups, Lexi and Missy wake me every morning. Lexi by gently scratching my ever increasingly bald head and if that doesn’t work Missy passes gas till I figure out its either let them out or pick up poop off the floor. Its a sign of how much I love them both that I dread the day they’re no longer there to wake me. Do yourself a favor, amble on down to the local shelter in a few weeks and pick up a stray. You can call him Louie after your favorite congressman ;>)

  42. Larry from Colorado says:

    Sorry about your loss. Maybe the little human can make up for it?

  43. So sorry to hear of your loss. Hope Harry T bumps into T, Scruffy, and Sabrina. They each wore bandannas or vests or what have you for us as well. Good sports all.

  44. Mary Beth Hilburn says:

    Every loss reawakens all previous losses. It is what makes us human. At a school, where I was an administrator, we tragically lost a student to AIDS that he had contracted from his drug addicted mother. The children were devastated, and we had counselors available. Most talked of losing tutus, or wonderful dogs. Then we all cried together and released balloons.

    I have 2 corgis that were obtained when my husband was terminally ill with cancer. In my right mind I knew they would be two more things to take care of. In my heart, I knew no one loved dogs like my husband. I took them to the hospital to visit him, and they ran down the halls unerringly to his room. He was ecstatic. They provided so much joy to him, and so much company to me now that he is no longer with us. My heart reaches out to you.

  45. I am so sorry about Truman. It is so hard to say goodbye to our pets.

    We said goodbye to winnie 3 weeks ago. We named her after a favorite aunt, who thought it a hoot she had a feline namesake!
    She was with us for almost 17 years.

  46. It’s hard losing them but they make life so much richer.
    The best solace I’ve found is to adopt another one (or two) from some rescue operation and make both your life and theirs better.

  47. Lisbeth says:

    So very sorry for your loss. Heartbreaking for sure. Hope the wonderful memories are a comfort.

  48. dan miller says:

    I am so sorry.

  49. Mary Lynne Foster says:

    Thank you for sharing. You and Truman were blessed to have each other.

  50. So sorry for your loss. He sure was a cutie (as is his playmate). I lost my Zoey about 6 months ago and I sure miss her but she was 15 and very ill. I’m just now beginning to think maybe there’s another little guy or gal that might like to come home with me. They always break our hearts in the end but the love they give in the meantime makes it worth it.
