True the Vote Can Kiss My Big Blue Butt *UPDATED*

October 10, 2012 By: Juanita Jean Herownself Category: Uncategorized

I’m fixing to tell you the damnest thing you’ve ever seen or heard.

Today you get to know why I’ve been chatting about Cathy Engelbrecht and her True the Vote bullies. There’s been a story a’brewin’.

Cathy Engelbretch did not sniff out voter fraud when it was right under her nose smelling like a goat with a three day old catfish on its back.  And here’s how I know that.

Like Cathy Engelbrecht, I live in County Commissioner Precinct 1 in Fort Bend County.

Bruce Fleming: Loves to Vote

Bruce Fleming is the Republican nominee for County Commissioner, Precinct 1, in Fort Bend County.  He won in a runoff election.  Bruce was also named Precinct Chairman of the Year last year by then GOP County Chairman and thug-about-town Rick Miller.  Miller then recruited Fleming to run for county commissioner which seemed like a good idea at the time since Fleming is unemployed.  Here’s Bruce’s website.

So Ole Bruce is a dandy Republican who loves God and hates government.

Recognizing that rights come from God, not government, and that it should be a servant, not a master, are foundational principles under attack today.

Let me tell you about Bruce’s foundational principles.

In 2006, 2008, and 2010, Bruce voted in person in Fort Bend County and by mail in Pennsylvania in the same general elections. According to his financial disclosure forms, Bruce Fleming also owns a house in Pennsylvania.  (He homesteaded a house in Texas and a house in Pennsylvania, but that illegality is a whole ‘nother story.)  Bruce felt that owning houses in both states gave him the right to vote in the same elections in both states.  That’s a third degree felony in Texas.

Bruce’s Fort Bend County voting record
(Obviously one of those Rush Limbaugh Vote for Hillary in 2008 voters)


Bruce’s Pennsylvania Voting Record

Yes, it’s the same Bruce Fleming with the same address and the same birth date.  And, even though Bruce registered in Fort Bend in 2006, he’s still an eligible voter in Pennsylvania.  We’re still checking to see if he’s asked for a ballot by mail in Pennsylvania this election.

Cathy holding a True The Vote Goat Rodeo last night in Bruce's very own precinct

It appears that Bruce’s wife did the same thing in 2010.

So here sits True The Vote and the King Street Patriots out chasing imaginary voter fraud when real voter fraud is happening right here in their own front yard.

Ain’t that just the damnest thing you’ve ever seen?

There’s more to this story and all kinds of ugly Republican twists and splatters but I thought you’d want to chew on the glorious irony of Cathy Engelbrecht’s own Republican county commissioner candidate being a felony chronic serial voter frauder.

My Republican neighbor’s yard.  Let’s see which signs come down before the rest of the story breaks.

Bruce Fleming is running against incumbent Democratic County Commissioner Richard Morrison.   It is a Republican district but Morrison won it four years ago.

If the spirit moves you, make a donation to help Fort Bend Democrats get word out about this. You know you would love to be part of making fun of True the Vote.  You know you would.

UPDATED:  Bev Carter has her say – and boy howdy! – in her column and on the front page.  To be honest, I had forgotten about the asst. county attorney and voter fraud but I do remember the bathroom thing.  So, the only voter fraud in this county has always been Republicans.

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