Translation Services

January 19, 2017 By: Juanita Jean Herownself Category: Uncategorized

Welcome to Juanita Jean’s new Translation Services for Trump Supporters.  Give us any Trump supporter tweet and we’ll translate it to English for you.

This morning’s work product:


Snowflake are what they call you and me, which is terribly ironic considering they are the white ones. And obviously, Snowflake is both the single and plural form of this word.

Obama let a trader go.  Of course he did. Trading is not illegal.

By the way, Tomi Lahren is a young Ann Coulter with a screeching voice who has a webcast on The Blaze.


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0 Comments to “Translation Services”

  1. Just what we need: another White Power Barbie. Thanks

  2. Seen a lot of this stuff lately. Always thought they had a drinking problem. Still do.

  3. Well if not a drinking problem, they at least have a spelling/grammar problem.

  4. Jane & PKM says:

    To be snacilbupeR is to deny all science, except the Frankenstein lab. Just when there was evidence of Ann Coulter fading into oblivion, Tomi Lahren slithers out of their lab.

    Who knew that reading could be so dangerous? There’s Lyin’ Ryan and his cult devoted to all that Ayn Rand said and never said. Out to crucify the English language as spearheaded by the word salads of Snowdrift Snooki are a phalanx of devotees who read George Orwell’s “1984” as a template. All Hair! the King of Truth or Twitter, Orange Foolius.

  5. I was feeling sorry for you Texans, being represented by Gov. Oops, Sen. Cruz, and all. But alas, now we have Ms. DeVos representing us in our lovely state.

    C’mon home, Betsy! You’re embarrassing us!

    Signed, Michigan.

  6. After she learns to spell, she might be dangerous. Unfortunately,
    for this nincompoop, the only corruption uncovered is what’s coming down the pike for Comrade Drumpf. Can you spell TREASON?

  7. Don A in Pennsyltucky says:

    Now if only someone can translate what Prince Drumperdinck says when someone asks a question. I think that Fox and Fiends just take some of the words and writes something that the fan club wants to hear.

  8. WA Skeptic says:

    She’s mad because the POTUS exercised his prerogative and commuted the sentence of a “trader”??? What’s wrong with being a capitalist????

    And, yeah, I DO think that being a Quisling for a foreign government is bad. Nothing about that has changed in the history of our country. “Benedict Arnold” springs to mind, as well.

  9. daChipster says:

    Hall & Oates had her pegged:

    You’re a rich girl, and you’ve gone too far ’cause you know it don’t matter anyway. You can rely on the old man’s money.

    There’s more; you all know it. Sing along.

  10. e platypus onion says:

    Dumi Lahren is from South Dakota fer some reason. I like white power barbie as an insult and a truth all rolled into one.

  11. I had to read down to WA Skeptic before I realized that she meant “traitor,” not “trader.” Incoherent indignation….

    No wonder they think the Secretary of Education doesn’t need to know a damn thing about the public schools, not having touched them at any point. Every time I see a grossly misspelled sign, it’s screeching some right-wing nonsense like “Obama Muslin” or “Obama Ant Christ.”

    Hint to RWNJs: a good education is a real asset when you’re trying to be insulting.

  12. They want it to be a word of derision but I’ll accept the moniker ‘snowflake’ proudly. Snowflakes are a wonder of nature, unique, and beautiful. Snowflakes together can be a thing of majestic beauty but also a source of danger. Yep, I’ll be a ‘snowflake’ and join with other ‘snowflakes’ to see what we can do. As the meme says: Obama’s watch is over and winter is coming.

  13. JAKvirginia says:

    Merry: A snowflake is also water in a beautiful form. Last time I checked, water is essential for life as we know it. Now RWs? They seem to be sludge. Got to do a ton of filtering to get the water. Sigh.

  14. I think the Trumpers are just speaking in tongues.

    Forked ones.

  15. This person isn’t *quite* as bad as Coulter. On the Daily Show she seemed… human. She just needs clicks and re-twaddles to pay her daily bread.
    Seems ironic she is so upset about traitors given whom she champions…

  16. Craig Waters says:

    Dear Miss Juanita,

    You’re going to have to be a little more clear when translating. I had to look at that tweet four times before I knew what she was trying to say.

  17. WA Skeptic says:

    When I referred to “Quisling” I meant The Pale-faced Twatwaffle, and I’m afraid I wasn’t clear.

    It makes my heart hurt to think of that a** walking where people like Madison, Lincoln, both Roosevelts, and so many others of greater heart, worth, and intellect have trod.

    I hope he feels how unworthy he is and runs back to his tawdry condo in NYC.

    My poor country.

  18. Minnie @5: how do you think I feel? Born & raised in Michigan, but have lived in TX for 32 years. Worst of both worlds, currently.
