Tranquility Park? Not So Much.

November 22, 2011 By: Juanita Jean Herownself Category: Uncategorized

Occupy Wall Street Houston is camping at Tranquility Park downtown.  It’s a lovely park and they are working hard to keep it that way.

Last night, Tranquility Park — not so much tranquility.   An obviously disturbed man brought a rifle to the park and began firing, not at the OWS folks, but just firing at random.

The Houston Police Department downtown bicycle team  was on the scene faster than double geared lightening.  They brought the armed crazy man down with a shot to the leg and arm.

The incident, which saw bullets flying in a small, populated area during the after-work rush was over in a matter of minutes.

Witnesses said though the gunman pointed his rifle at people gathered in the park, he did not appear to be targeting the Occupy movement because he walked right by the main encampment on his way to the bridge.

Mayor Parker and Random Big Fan

The Houston Police Department protected the protesters.  Houston has a Demcoratic mayor.  She’s read the Constitution and kinda likes it.

As I watched the UC Davis campus, I kept asking myself, When are these cops going to realize that they are not the 1%?  When will it click that these kids are protesting the economic injustice of being a cop?  When will they realize that they are are on the same side as the protesters.  I know what a cop makes and they cannot afford to send their kids to college at UC Davis.

One day, I swear to it, one day a cop will click and realize that the OWS movement is about him.  And maybe that will start in Houston.

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