Totally Worth The Trip – Corrected Link

July 31, 2019 By: Juanita Jean Herownself Category: Uncategorized

Y’all, you might want to click your way over to the Dallas Observer to see them damage Ted Cruz with videos of … Ted Cruz.

How a man can embarrass himself so much is a mystery to me.

Corrected Link!


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0 Comments to “Totally Worth The Trip – Corrected Link”

  1. Jane & PKM says:

    Thank you. Where do we send the money? In an election year sending money seems to be one of the better ways to express a heartfelt thank you. Especially when words would fail to express the full range of gratitude that you did not embed that video. Logging on and having that video blast away without warning is a good reminder of why we keep the speakers muted. Teddie Crooze is a fool.

    We need an interstate compact. Some states elect cretins, representatives who should be neither seen nor heard. You can elect who you want in a democracy, but damn please muzzle them and put a bag over their head before sending them out in public. Teddie Crooze is one of them. Tom Cotton would be another. North Carolina you know what you need to do.

    Maryland. Senator Warren left a dead body on the stage last night. You might want to collect John’s remains. And, for gawd’s sake someone please inform him that he’s really dead.

    Nevada sent two intelligent and attractive ladies to the Senate. So we’re feeling a little uppity and damn impatient with the rest of ya’ll. 😀

  2. Jane & PKM said: “Maryland. Senator Warren left a dead body on the stage last night. You might want to collect John’s remains.”.

    And yet, I’ve seen a number of teevee news segments on the Democratic debate last night and the debater most shown [often the only one] was none other than John effen Delancy [or De-something], a very minor player.
    WTF! Que pasta? Vas ist loes? [like I didn’t know why– the effed up ‘librul’ MSM]

    I don’t quite agree with El Jefe’s thread below, but damn, the Dems had better cull the herd quick and seriously get down to the sole task at hand: beating the livin’ shit outta every f’in Republicker on every ballot everywhere. ASAP. We can’t afford to fuck this one up.

    A lot of the eventually ‘left behind’ Democrats are still more than talented enough to earn positions in the incoming Dem administration, whoever heads it up.

  3. Jane & PKM says:

    Sandridge, I hear ya, man. Those what would be if the species wasn’t dead moderate Republicons can stop running as Democrats. Give them the hook.

    Delaney? Let’s leave that with Senator Warren’s mic drop assessment: “I don’t understand why anybody goes to all the trouble of running for president of the United States just to talk about what we really can’t do and shouldn’t fight for. I don’t get it.” Word on twitter is that John was seen over on Fox licking his wounds.

    There’s also chatter about some of the talking heads saying Marianne scored some points. What for? maybe from the APA for balancing her medications with diet.

    I can appreciate El Jefe’s frustration. I’m just not ready (yet) to concede allowing the DNC to grasp defeat out of the jaws of victory. How soon they forget the policies and people who won the seats in the midterms. Tom Perez may be the nicest guy in the world. But damn, Democrats need an old style Howard Dean with a 50 state strategy and something not so phlegmatic in the temperament department. If we’re not literally going out in the streets clubbing Republicons, we need to be doing the metaphoric equivalent.

  4. I was a little disappointed that (unless I missed it) no one was chanting “Go back to Canada” at Cruz.

  5. 403 – Forbidden

    That’s what I got when I went to your corrected link. Maybe correct the correction?

  6. Jane & PKM @3, Right, we need effen pitbulls, rotts, g shepherds, mastiffs, Conkillers.
    Mostly we have yappy terriers, chihuahuas, pugs, lil anklebiters, when we be needin’ throat-rippers.

    The pack will get culled, hope it happens before the sorry ‘imaging’ does permanent damage; at least hardly anybody has been paying much attention [except us political junkies].
    Then if somebody would wire a high-tension power line up the Democratic leadership’s collective hiney and jumpstart them…
