Totalitarian Trainwreck Watch

November 22, 2016 By: Primo Encarnación Category: Uncategorized

Assuming, arguendo, that Dat Guy decides to follow the Fascist’s Handbook that Steve Bannon has written in his own smeared feces on the dungeon walls of Breitbart HQ, he’s going to have to not just crush his dissent, but crush other people he may not dislike but finds inconvenient.

In the rough and tumble politics of post-WWI Germany, Hitler’s rise in the German Worker’s Party (which he later renamed National Socialist German Workers’ Party i.e. “Nazis”) was concurrent with several of his Munich Army buddies organizing to provide “meeting security.” Borrowing the name Storm Troops (German abbreviation SA) from shock detachments formed by the German Army during the Great War, the SA (aka Brownshirts) brawled with other parties’ thugs, cracked heads of dissenters, and beat up “undesirables.”

Sound familiar?

As the Nazi Party grew in size and organization, so too did the SA under the command of several professional officers, who imposed a military order that Hitler found pleasing. Hitlers “Praetorian Guard” – the SS – was originally a detachment under the SA. The Hilter Youth also began as an SA group. By the time Hitler had assumed power in the mid-1930s, the SA was 30 times the size of the professional German Army. Along with manpower, they also had more munitions and transport than that allowed the Army by the Treaty of Versailles. The SA leader, Ernst Rohm, was demanding that the military be turned over to him, and that the full revolution had not yet come.

Most of the SA members were from the working class and actually believed in the “Socialist” part of the party name. Members of the SS, and other influential groups, were middle or upper class. They, along with the officer class, convinced Hitler that the SA was a threat to order, to Germany and to him.

So Hitler invited Rohm and dozens of other SA leaders to a meeting at a hotel. All were arrested and/or killed at the hotel or on their way.   This night, June 30, 1934, is called “The Night of the Long Knives.”

The middle class was happy – “order” had been restored.

The SS was happy – the way had been cleared for them to be the terribly efficient enforcers throughout the Reich.

The wealthy industrialists were happy – no longer was “Socialism” anything more than a propagandist’s word.

The officer class was happy – the military remained under their control, and would eventually absorb all the SA – i.e. the working class – into the Army for WWII.

And Hitler was happy – a powerful ally who wanted more than he was willing to give, and who was in a position to take it all from him, had been utterly neutralized. Brutality had been masked and hidden in dark rooms and relocated to remote camps. With a thin veneer of diplomacy, brutality now stalked the drawing rooms of the European capitals, like the Masque of the Red Death.

Today, in America, pay attention to what happens to organizations like the militias, and the Klan, and those knuckleheads who heil their heads off for Dat Guy. If they get taken down – hard! – by Dat Guy’s Justice Department, to the approbation of all, it might not necessarily be a good thing.

It might not even be a bad thing.

It might just be the start of a much, much worse thing.

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0 Comments to “Totalitarian Trainwreck Watch”

  1. Damn Primo. Normally when I come across someone who’s thinking along the same lines as me, it’s kinda satisfying. On several occasions, I’ve wondered how and when we’d have our own Night of the Long Knives. In exactly those words. Capitalized and everything. But somehow reading this post wasn’t very satisfying.

  2. ,That Other Jean says:

    EEEEEEE. There’s an ugly thought. Thanks for the timely warning, Primo. I doubt that Trump has it in him, by himself; but his friends. . .

  3. Interesting (frightening?) that Trump met with hand picked media reps behind closed doors in an “off the record” session. Then, he whined about his treatment by the New York Times, complaining he was treated unfairly. Perhaps the wheels are in motion, although I do not want to get caught up in a “leftist” conspiracy web. Seems we simply need to continue our diligence and work with facts. I think a lot of us here will look to you for understanding and suggestions about how to proceed.

  4. Time to subscribe to the Times.

    F**k that Cheeto-faced Twatwaffle.

  5. Obama never wanted your stupid guns as you did more damage to yourselves than he could. BUT…with the new american nazis taking over, now they are scared of your fire power to stop them from doing what they wish, so my guess is that the trumkins are the ones that will take your guns away!!!

  6. Godwin’s law is no longer satire. Reality has caught up with it and it’s now an inherent part of the news cycle.

  7. If there is a term you can add to Narcissism, Sadism comes to mind when thoughts of Drumpf intrude on my sanity. (I hate to use terms like Cheetos and Orange when referring to him as it demonizes a whole beautiful Autumn color and a favorite, if not good for me, snack.) I don’t think we can underestimate his potential for dangerous choices. His demons and demon-wanna-bes are even scarier if that’s possible. I am spending lots more time watching comedy movies and meditating and reading books to maintain my sanity. I need to know what I can reasonably and effectively do to help others and ourselves through this that is constructive.

  8. Polite Kool Marxist says:

    Where’s daChipster? He at least promised we could relax until after the 1st of the year. J/K

    My new morning anthem is suck it up, Buttercup:

    Less than 60 days and we need President Obi Wan Keno-bee more than ever. Please sir, wave those executive orders and do something about the “states rights” attacks happening to our brothers and sisters protesting the DAPL.

    It’s gonna be an expensive fight. Senators and Representatives to support in the 2018 elections. Planned Parenthood, ACLU, SPLC, and too many good causes fighting the good fight to list.

    As for whatever happens to the protected species now known as the Alt-Right, do not forget when the snacilbupeR demanded that federal agencies lay off watching those cretins. Luckily for us, the SPLC didn’t and provided us with an an observation site:

    Dat Guy tweeted out a dangerous signal yesterday under the guise of ‘good’ news. He won’t be pursuing charges against Hilz. On the flip side Donnie is already assuming powers a president does not have to a level Nixon never dreamed, control of the judiciary and FBI.

    Heads up. Whenever Donnie tweets sweet, beware.

  9. I am requesting some help from all of you. As one person I don’t think I have a lot of power, but I know there are things I can do. So…for the election I gave substantial extra credit points to my students for voting and taking others to the polls. My next opportunity to give my students some sort of context about what is now happening will come in the spring semester.
    I teach a fashion history course (two actually, but the first one only goes through the 17th century). In the spring I concentrate a lot of time on the 20th century. When we get to the 1940s I show the movie Mrs. Miniver. I get wonderful comments about it, plus comments that they never thought of how war affects the ones who “stay home.” I introduce the unit with some history of the time. Therefore the reason for my request.
    The topic of this diary is one I don’t know much about. I’m a WWII history enthusiast (I like studying the era), and I’m familiar with the happenings in the war itself. But I’m not very versed on the beginnings, at least in Europe. Do any of you know sources that can help me to connect the “then” with the “now”? Explanations of things that Primo has written about here, and others that I can use to help students understand that war isn’t only what they have been “experiencing” the last 15 years. That elections have consequences, but beyond that. I don’t have the time to read large texts, but articles and other such sources you might suggest to me would be greatly appreciated. I know how to research (it’s kind of my job) but I’m also an advocate of asking for help when needed.
    So anything, even things such as what is written here, would help me educate an admittedly small group, but if we teach one, that one can teach one, and so on.
    Thanks much! I truly wish I could meet each one of you in person.

  10. I think that the big question we should ask is, when it comes down to it, will the military side with America and democracy, or trump?
    Also, can we expect help from the outside? Any of the countries we have brought democracy (or close) to that would be willing to return the favor? Or will we have to get to the level of Germany in the 40’s before anyone notices or cares?

  11. Polite Kool Marxist says:

    Janice, #1 keep on doing what you are doing, paying attention and sharing your thoughts. #2 pay attention to the 2018 elections and vote. Beyond that there are a number of ways to make your voice heard. Donate to any one of the many good causes you select and can afford. There is power in small donations; 300+ Americans x $5 is power. Volunteer, if you physically are able. (rides, answer phones, etc.) Write/e-mail your Senators and Congress people. It’s tempting to think they are not paying attention to us, but if enough people take the time to let their thoughts be known there is power in numbers. (ask Senator Heller, he loves me. 😉 )

    Educate. Share your thoughts not only here at The World’s Most Dangerous Beauty Salon, Inc., but everywhere you converse and traverse.

    Roar, ladies, roar!

  12. Polite Kool Marxist says:

    JanK, first please allow me to thank you for being one of those people I love and to whom I owe so much. You’ve probably noticed that a historian I ain’t. But, I do have a scintilla of German history.

    Books start with WWI and WWII. I recommend ~1890 with the once innocent Wandervogel, a youth hiking group that through distortion and politics became the Hitler Youth.

    By simply googling Wandervogel you should find a wealth of information that isn’t “large text” but articles of reasonable length.

    Costumes? Music? Again not my wheelhouse, but for inspiring students, they might like this:

  13. Not sure that we will have an exact equivalent to the SA in this country as the sheer numbers of the SA are not matched by the militia movement but the development of a praetorian guard is well underway.

    There has been the significant growth within the officer corp of a sub-group of officers that can only be characterized as “Fundamentalist Christian” in their outlook. This includes a lack of tolerance for non-Christian belief and an outlook of “us vs them”. This effort has been on-going for years and, in the past, made the news at the service academies, most notably at the air force academy in Colorado Springs.

    It might be that there are already exists significant elements in the professional military who regard themselves as the new Praetorians and might be willing to serve as such.

    Tom Cotton as Secretary of Defense comes to mind.

  14. Primo Encarnación says:

    JanK – GOOD FOR YOU.

    The root of the Second World War IS the First World War. Most directly, the crushing punishments the victors put on Germany, including reparations, plus the onset of the Great Depression, set the stage for what was essentially the end of a 20-year Armistice.

    A very accessible book on the arms race that led up to WWI, with an appreciation of the self-doubts of Kaiser Wilhelm II as stacked up against the other grandchildren of Queen Victoria scattered about Europe is “Dreadnought” – born with a shortened arm, and terribly insecure compared to his British and Russian cousins, Wilhelm’s reckless drive to be respected was highly like Dat Guy, so he built a Navy to rival England’s. Although, historians still argue as to what the roots of the conflict truly are.

    William L Shirer’s “The Rise and Fall of the Third Reich” goes deeply into the internal politics of Germany’s Weimar Republic during the crucial years. Shirer was there in Berlin for most of it. A younger person might be more interested in Shirer’s “The Rise and Fall of Adolph Hitler” written for the younger audience.

    Churchill’s 1st volume of WWII history (out of 6) also deals in great detail (but from the British PoV, obviously) about the players on the European stage at the time between the wars. The first chapter or so will give you a great understanding of the problems Germany faced.

    It’s pretty hard slogging, sometimes, but the prose is immaculate.

    There are probably hundreds of sources on these topics. Between Hitler and Churchill and FDR, I’ve probably read a dozen biographies.

    If you like, I could open a dialogue with you via e-mail. What you are doing is very important, and one of the options I’m considering going forward is getting into education as my “retirement” profession – I would LOVE to teach history.

    Show the kids “Cabaret” if you’re allowed to.

  15. @Janice

    Number 1 thing you can do is vote and aid the get out the vote (GOTV) effort. The other number 1 thing you can do is roll up your sleeves and run for elected office. Think in terms of “taking a turn” not “serving a term”.

  16. @Primo

    Well said.

    Good onya.
    Rise and Fall remains one of my favs.

    Mein Kampf translations are also “interesting” in tiny doses. If you feel like invading France you’ve read too much. If you feel like invading France and then occupying it for 1000 years you’ve read way, way too much. Put the books down.

    Churchill is interesting for the stated reason. Read with While England Slept for point-counter point purposes.

  17. Polite Kool Marxist says:

    TrulyTexan, please do not let rogue officers like Mike Flynn scare you. Remember the CIA and mercenaries were the waterboard team, despite ensnaring a few mostly low ranking military members. Shades of Vietnam, Lt Calley and Capt Medina. But under Dubya they sank lower to young enlisted troops to pay the price Cheney and Rumsfeld should have paid.

    As much as Donnie might try, we are not all Banana BLOTUS. While the snacilbupeR might try to dismember the US Constitution, they forget that the military operates not only under the Constitution, but also under a set of rules called the UCMJ. We train under the UCMJ and we believe in it. Flynn is an anomaly as are most of Donnie’s transition team.

    Paramount in the UCMJ – an order must be legal and lawful. That’s a high hurdle for Donnie to either leap or comprehend.

  18. This is the most terrifying post I have ever read here at the beauty salon. Lately, I have been thinking a lot about what my father and uncles would think about Trump. They all served in WWII and are gone now. It is probably a blessing that they don’t have to see what is happening in our country. My father especially detested flashy, conspicuous consumption, blowhards. Instead of simply complaining though, I want a plan of action. Any suggestions besides simply donating to the SPLC and ACLU?

  19. @JanK
    I babbled while Primo composed, but read Arms of Krupp alongside Dreadnaught.

  20. Polite Kool Marxist says:

    Laura, if this mess of morons goes as far as an inauguration, you could always attend and protest. Maybe lead a few cheers of “No Trump! No KKK! No Fascist USA!” and “deport her now!”

    Beyond donating, write your elective representatives. As discombobulated as some of us may be feeling after this ‘election,’ imagine their fears, both Democratic and snacilbupeR members of Congress. Let them know that while dissatisfied with Congress “we the people” are not in tune with alt-right or Donnie. Be specific with your concerns, both local and national. Gun safety, foreign policy, human rights, immigration policy, bank regulations … let them know everything that concerns you.

    Join with your local party to address the national party. Send a platform of your concerns. “Plan of action?” I would encourage you to be part of the action and determine the plan.

  21. @Laura 18, I have never been interested in joining Facebook but one of my dearest friends in another state has just about convinced me to join FB so I can join As I understand it you have to be recommended by someone to be able to join. There are all sorts of encouragements and lists of actions to take, some on a daily basis.

    If anyone knows of other sites and ways for action please chime in.

    Oh, and wear your safety pins.

  22. Those of you who have responded to my request so far: Thank you! I’ll keep monitoring in case any more suggestions come in.
    Primo: I would love to do a one-on-one with you. I suppose we go through Juanita Jean to connect. I’ll send a “request.”
    I sure seem to be using a lot of “…” lately. Poor narrative construction. I must endeavor to overcome it.
    Despite the horrible things I believe are in our future, all of you give me some hope.
    Thank you.

  23. ,That Other Jean says:

    @JanK: Following up on Primo’s suggestions, Shirer’s _Rise and Fall of the Third Reich_ is the best thing out there, but it’s very, very long and extremely detailed. His _Berlin Diary_ is also excellent for getting a feel for the time and place. Shirer was a correspondent in Berlin from 1934-1941, sending stories home to the US about the people, military and civilian, involved in the run-up to the war and the war in Europe before we got involved. Informative as it is, it’s a lot shorter and not nearly as densely written as _Rise and Fall_.

  24. One other suggestion, if you can afford it, is to phone your political reps rather than write. Letters and emails are easier to ignore just because of their sheer volume. Someone has to answer the phone so it’s harder to ignore.

  25. Polite Kool Marxist says:

    Oops. My bad. Failed to mention one guy we should be inundating with e-mails, Hypocrite in Second, Mike Pence. Ask Indiana how he would invade all our bedrooms and stick his nose where Donnie’s hands roam.

    Ask Mike about the failures of of TLOTUS to perform her marital duties and accompany Donnie to the White House. Barron is not that much of a special snowflake that he cannot attend Sidwell Friends School or any number of schools available in the Dee Cee area that previous presidential children have attended. Seriously. Ask ‘fiscal conservative’ Mike why we should shoulder additional Secret Service costs and additional associated costs because BLOTUS and TLOTUS are not supporting traditional marriage.

    RA, I’d look a little silly in a woman’s pantsuit, but I do wear a safety pin with my hoodie. As they say, “all politics are local.” Here in NV we follow the Desert Beacon, TX has the Burnt Orange Report and WMDBS. America Blog is available as is Crooks & Liars. My recommendation is for everyone to follow their links and sublinks until finding an action spot where the urge to roll up your sleeves strikes you.

  26. Schirer’s Berlin Diary. Used that for my senior year term paper in high school. Very, very revealing. Also, U.S. newspapers and other periodicals that covered the Bund active here in America prior to our entry into the war in Europe. The Bund went after everyone of German descent and tried to rope them in and fleece them of their money. Just plain damn thugs. My grandmother told them where to go when they showed up at her door and tried to BS her into joining.

  27. JAKvirginia says:

    @JanK: Not sure what you’re asking for in relation to fashion history. But let me caution you. That era of European history is part of a process. That process began in 1789 with the French Revolution — the process of removing aristocracy or, if you will, imperialism from Europe. See Europe 1900 vs. Europe 1945. Totally different map, politically speaking. The founding of the United States is also a part of it with the echoes of our Constitutional principles challenging the age old idea of imperial rule. For me, one of the best summations of the entire period comes from H.G. Wells (yes, that guy) and his “The Outline of History”. Since his purpose was an overview of history, his style is short, sweet, and to the point. Published in 1920, with copyright renewals by him and his publisher up til 1961, it has been a real help to me gaining a deeper perspective of complicated historical events. Volume II takes you right up to the beginning of Hitler’s rise. See if you can find it. I refer to it often. A good read.

  28. Last August I had a short conversation with the son of some long-time friends, just days before he was deployed to Kabul. He’s a very smart young man, a West Point grad, and has passed all the army’s Ranger training programs. He believes in the Army, whatever that means.

    He was saying that a lot of his co-workers, so to speak, were pro-Trump. Because of the circumstances I wasn’t going to press him on it, but the idea of having “a strong leader” seemed to be a compelling argument for him, and them.

    I know that the military oath is the country and the constitution, and not to the President, but Drumpf is not one to shy from quoting De Gaulle’s tautology, “L’etat, c’est moi.”

    I am afraid.

  29. I didn’t know that De Gaulle said that. I guess he was quoting King Louis IV. (At least I think it was Louis the Fourth–but maybe it was Louis XIV. I have forgotten my French history.

  30. ,That Other Jean says:

    Louis XIV–Louis the Fourteenth (1638-1715), aka “The Sun King”–although there’s no actual documentary source for the quote.

  31. Polite Kool Marxist says:

    BillR, in deference to your description as “a short conversation” will let the “intelligent” pass. Has/had potential, maybe. But that young shave tail and his friends have a lot to learn, if they accept STD and draft dodging Donnie as a ‘strong leader.’ Maybe I was wrong and the UCMJ is no longer taught in the military. I fear for them and wish them well, if they are serving without a clear understanding of what constitutes a legal and lawful order. There are the men and women like Sec/Sen Kerry who learned and served, then there are the Swift Boat types. May your young family friend and his friends return home safe from Kabul with their potential strengthened.

  32. Polite Kool Marxist says:

    BillR before I need to apologize or say never mind, here are a few quotes I would like to share with everyone. These are not by the usual suspect, Mike Flynn. I share them as an admission in the short time since I have left Barack Obama’s Air Force in a war of George W Bush’s choosing, the damn UCMJ appears to have been scrapped.

    “Be polite, be professional, but have a plan to kill everybody you meet.”

    *** Mama, please don’t read past this line ***

    “So it’s a hell of a lot of fun to shoot them. Actually it’s quite fun to fight them, you know. It’s a hell of a hoot. It’s fun to shoot some people. I’ll be right up there with you. I like brawling.”

    “I come in peace. I didn’t bring artillery. But I’m pleading with you, with tears in my eyes: If you fuck with me, I’ll kill you all.”

    “It is mostly a matter of wills. Whose will is going to break first? Ours or the enemy’s?”

    Obviously there are some words there that might offend many people. However, the word I find most objectionable is “enemy.” Be it Afghanistan, Iraq, Iran or Syria, I have no enemies with the people. Quite frankly, I am beyond tired of politicians telling me with whom I can be friends. We have tried their way too many times. $Trillions for bombs. Imagine if only a small fraction of that had been sent to build schools, hospitals and means to clean water and food.

    Sec/Sen Kerry, thank you for the treaty with Iran. It’s a start.

  33. @PKM

    Based on the third quote I suspect Mad Dog Mattis said all of the above. Gen Mattis had quite a career in the Corps and all the DFW Marines of my acquaintance revere him. I’m not so sure about anointing him SecDef at this time, or any other in this or any other reality or dimension. But that’s just me.

    This quote, ““Be polite, be professional, …” I first heard around 1971. It gets used quite a bit in handgun self-defense classes as a reminder of “proper” mindset.

  34. Marion (formerly known as MM) says:

    This book came highly recommended to me. I haven’t read it yet, but I plan on ordering it.

  35. Marion (formerly known as MM) says:

    The book is apparently about how the changes were so small they were not that noticeable or worth protesting until things were completely out of hand.

    Given who Trump is appointing and nominating and the rise in anti-immigrant, racist and anti-Semitic actions since his election, I’m very very concerned for many many groups he has worked hard at marginalizing.

  36. Read The Peace to End all Peace, which is about the Treaty of Versailles, big egos of the “winning” leaders of WWI. The so-called peace, and division of Europe into random mixings of ethnic groups to form new countries, was a primary reason for WWI.

    Another way to get involved is to attend your local newspaper’s editorial meetings. Ours meets for about a hour twice a week and anyone can attend to listen and occasionally make a comment.
    Write your letters to the newspaper- regularly- on one subject at a time, and stay away from personalities.

  37. Marion (formerly known as MM), I only read the description of the book, but it sounds so much like the Cheetoh-faced Ferret-wearing Shitgibbon Cocksplat’s behavior. Brrrrr. It gave me a shiver.

  38. didn’t proof my post-
    The “Peace” led to WWII not I

  39. PKM, honestly, I will be happy if my young friend, and his mates, make it home sound in body, mind and soul. I will say his intelligence (if that’s an accurate measure of his succeeding at WP) is not necessarily accompanied by wisdom. I have no military experience whatsoever, so I have no idea where (or if) soldiers find wisdom in their experience.

  40. –> JanK … Also recommending Shirer’s work for its thoroughness. One other resource — if you have a local military museum, check with it. I had a very informative conversation with one of their elderly ‘tour guide’ volunteers who helped liberate Dachau.

    –> Laura 18 = maybe this for frustration relief? {I’ve posted the info at DKos as well… .}

    Citizens might be able to check the ballot trail in their states. For any ballots marked on paper and then read by machine to be counted, there may be a way to independently verify what those counts were.

    Apparently a lot of counties in the states use Optical Scan machines, which capture an image of the ballot as it is scanned. Since the ballots have no personal information, a state / county / city election board might be compelled to release the images of ballots under an FOIA request. and select ‘ 2016 ‘ to see a clickable national map.

    To see a county breakout, in the national map, click on a state/select the state from the dropdown. Below that is a “Polling Place” list of machines used in that state. Clicking on a county /selecting from dropdown shows its Polling Place Equipment used.

    To search equipment, underneath the 2016 national map/ 2016 state map, at the bottom screen, from the “Search Equipment” dropdowns select “State”, “Equipment”. View that state’s entire list of the machines used, or constrain it further to Optical Scan, since In some states, there’s a mix of every sort of machine from paper ballot to only a touch-screen.

    Sift out the ones which have optical scans. Quickly and quietly send a certified FOIA letter to whoever supervises the election to demand copies of all those ballot images. Follow up with a call. If there’s any hint of impropriety or stalling, go in person to ask for a downloaded file. Take along a couple of brand-new, still-wrapped flash-drives. Or ask them to post the image files online. Count the votes you want — from president down to your local level.

    Of special, national interest: Florida Michigan North Carolina Pennsylvania Wisconsin.


  41. And remember, that the culture in Germany for years on end also involved religion. Every Sunday church goers heard from the pulpit a spew of hate against the Jews and possibly anyone or anything else that was in someone’s political sights. Add to that hero worship of fantastical military uniforms (see old photos of the Kaiser all duded up on a horse). Supplementing all of this was the culture dropped on women: good women were supportive (subservient) of their menfolk and the government without ever thinking of themselves, as if they were worth anything. Critical thinking was considered treasonous. Check out what happened to Bonhoeffer.

  42. Polite Kool Marxist says:

    Micr, correct you are that it was Mad Dog Mattis talking smack. That mindset and the fine work of the CIA is what fosters national embarrassments like Abu Graib. Not prosecuting Cheney and his cabal encouraged the crazies. Didn’t take BLOTUS long to find his man. My words of warning to anyone below the rank of major – beware of what flows downhill.

  43. Does anyone know if the KKK is planning on marching in the Inauguration Parade on January 20th? It has been some time since the white-clad pin heads have shown the ‘faces’ (snark) in the Nation’s Capitol. ‘Laissez les bon temps rouler!!!!’

  44. Polite Kool Marxist says:

    BillR, spectacular catch on my lame military intelligence joke, since I didn’t provide the the key word: military. Military ‘wisdom’ is probably similarly counter intuitive. Your friend’s son was best prepared for all of this by his parents. Going in a good person, he’ll do fine.

    Seems like such a long time since President “Mission Accomplished” started all of this and President “Hope and Change” ended all of this. May everyone return safe and be the ones to become the Senators and Congress people who bring the peace.

  45. Louis XIV

  46. And Trump, just another chicken hawk draft dodger. You can tell, they are always most belligerent.

  47. On numerous forums, I’ve seen people musing, “How did the Germans allow Hitler to happen?” I think we’re in a position to find out.

    For the past 80 years, we’ve studied the Third Reich from the comfort of our armchairs — after the fact. It’s easy to pass judgment on the Germans because we are able, from this perspective to see the entire arc.

    We would do well to remember — it progressed bit-by-bit. Incrementally. Step-by-step.

    And, suddenly, you couldn’t get a job if you weren’t, at least nominally, a member of the Nazi Party. You could lose your home. You could lose your children.

    And it was too late to do anything about it.

  48. Ummm. Please allow me to digress.

    Some people did do something about it. People like Sophie Scholl, Victor Kugler, Miep Gies, and countless others. We owe them enormous debts – not just for all they did but for the examples they provided.

    If need be, may we be as courageous.

  49. Marge Wood says:

    Bonhoeffer and his family (parents, siblings) finally decided to kill Hitler. Bonhoeffer was a member of the Confessing Church, most of whom stood against Hitler. My cousin, Theodore Thomas, did his doctoral dissertation about the women of the Confessing Church. I recommend that you dig it up and read it. The women were amazing. Their husbands–elders and preachers, were in jail or dead. The women tended the gardens, preached, and took care of their children. Bonhoeffer could have stayed in the USA during the war, but he said no, his church needed him. He was killed right before the end of the war.
    Last night I could hardly sleep because of Trump and Bannon, and WWII and Hitler and Nazis. Tell your children.
