Totalitarian Trainwreck Watch – Elections Schmelections

November 28, 2016 By: Primo Encarnación Category: Uncategorized

While the world shakes its collective head in wonderment at America’s collective head up its fundament, Dat Guy throws shade on his own election.

In yet another Twitter explosion of flotsam from a wrecked mind, the Resident-Elect has taken exception to the recounts going on in states like Wisconsin, where 18% of his lead was erased BEFORE THE RECOUNT because of inflated totals that several precincts have admitted to. Other irregularities include a precinct with 0 registered voters casting 12 votes (8 for Dat Guy but ALL 12 filled down ballot with Republicans) exit polls that do not reflect the final vote totals, as well as Clinton under performing in precincts with electronic ballots versus precincts with paper ballots.

Clearly, there are discrepancies which require study in states that Dat Guy won; however, it appears to be unlikely, at this time, that enough votes could change in order to change the outcome of the election in the Electoral College. Any normal soul, one not crippled by self-doubt and twisted by self-love, would let this process play out. Imagine, for a second, if he had Tweeted “I welcome recounts. Faith in US Elections bigger than any one candidate!”

But that’s not how Dat Guy thinks, if we want to call what he does thinking. Instead, he views it as a personal attack. From his point of view, the story line is all about himself, and his obvious magnificence. Anyone hinting that he was not the preferred choice of a vast majority of voters is now committing high treason because (if his brain actually ran to any historical parallels in French) “L’etat – c’est moi!”

In order to hit back, as he always does, Dat Guy went into a frantic Tweet-spasm accusing all and sundry of the same things he and his campaign are. Everything that further bruises his inflamed and pustulent ego is fodder for his short, fat fingers. Summarized, they say:

I won in an Electoral College landslide. I would have won the “so-called” popular vote if I wanted to. In fact, I did win because there’s millions of illegal votes. In fact, there’s fraud in VA, NH and CA. The desperate Dems. The lying media. HRC concession is binding. And this is a Green Party money-making scam.

Somewhere in the slimy recesses behind his octo-chins, Dat Guy dimly feels that the best defense is to be offensive. He hopes that by throwing enough dirt in the air, he can blunt any criticism via the I’m-Rubber-And-You’re-Glue Gambit, or at least use both-siderism to minimize damage. Beyond that I doubt that he has the candle-power to have fully thought out the consequences of his actions.

Unfortunately, the effects on our country are the same whether he is intentionally trying to destroy the integrity of US elections in order to maintain his hold on power, or whether he is simply too stupid to understand that that is what he is doing.


Claiming that elections are invalid, crooked, rigged or otherwise stacked against the strong man, and that his enemies are using the crooked system to steal from “the people” while delegitimizing dissent, dissenters and the free Press is not just another page, but an entire chapter from the totalitarian play book.  Convincing his rabid followers that such things actually are treasonous because “L’etat- c’est Dis Guy” is an important step towards one-party “free and fair” elections where 95% of votes cast support the “Dear Leader” – to be 99.9% next time as the remaining 5% are purged not just from the voter rolls, but from society itself…

That’s what leads to Resident-For-Life Dat Guy.

What has 10 thumbs, 8 chins and 0 brains?   DIS GUY!

What has 10 thumbs, 8 chins and 0 brains?



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