Top Trump Crony Named Postmaster General

May 06, 2020 By: El Jefe Category: Uncategorized

Louis DeJoy, a Trump crony and mega donor to his campaign, has been named Postmaster General.  That’s correct – the agency first headed by Benjamin Franklin is being turned over to a Trumpist stalwart who I predict will begin dismantling it prior to the November election to thwart efforts for vote by mail.  The speed at which Trump has been able to take over the entire US government without so much as a sigh from the Congress or the courts is nothing short of breathtaking.  Trump’s petty grudges are doing real long-lasting damage to our country while invertebrates like Ted Cruz and John Cornyn just sit there.  Corruption in the GOP is complete.

The US is now unrecognizable to me.

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0 Comments to “Top Trump Crony Named Postmaster General”

  1. L.Long says:

    ANd yet the DEPLORABLEs will continue to praise him and will vote because they will not care about being infected or infecting others during the voting.
    Surprise I also am not terrified of the CV19, so I will be voting Dem!

  2. Jane & PKM says:

    Little Donnie* short fingers is very short sighted, but Fred Smith says thanks. Donnie*, you* st00pid soap, we don’t mail our ballots to you*. In fact without being asked the local election officials sent us ballots for some state elections next month and also will be doing so for November. If you* close the USPS, meh. We’re certain Fred would be happy to deliver and pick up ballots at a tidy profit to FedEx. With what we’re saving in a curtailed the campaign season do not think for a minute that “the poors” can’t afford to vote, we’ve got that covered.

    Think about this, Donnie*, really. How many of your deplorables will be able to follow the instructions to complete a mail-in ballot?

  3. twocrows says:

    I began reading about the Republican determination to dismantle the Post Office back in the 1980’s, I think it was.
    A Republican congress forced the PO to fund its workers’ pensions for [iirc] 75 years into the future. This is a huge disadvantage — no other agency or business is compelled to do any such thing.

    And now —- now —- when Democrats are calling for the saving of lives by using vote-by-mail in the midst of a pandemic, R’s show their hand. Wisconsin showed us exactly how they plan to approach the election this November. Lives be damned — what we need is to suppress the vote. Period. And, if Mother Nature helps us do that, so much the better.

  4. Grandma Ada says:

    Please vote in November!

  5. George Conway belongs to an anti-Trump organization that’s making ads. I certainly hope he makes an ad targeting not only Rump, but all of the whiney, mealy mouth, spineless GOP senators that allowed him to destroy this country and kill so many people. Voters need to be reminded how they did nothing to stop him.

  6. John Spokas says:

    That oughta do the trick. He’s got a guy in there to crash and burn the USPS just in time for November. No more junk mail and a letter to the next town will only 5 bucks.

  7. thatotherjean says:

    There will be SO MUCH to repair in the government of this country by the time Trump & Co. are out of office. So many agencies to put back together! I don’t doubt that it will take decades to get to whatever the new normal will be when COVID-19, if we’re lucky, gets treatment and/or a cure–or maybe a vaccine to prevent it. If we don’t vote Trump out in November, I can’t imagine what the country will look like when my grandson grows up, but I’m pretty sure I wouldn’t want to live in it.

  8. Jane & PKM:
    That’s a very interesting idea. I just hope somebody in our camp’s infrastructure has given it a lot of thought too. I’ll bet the Cato Institute and all those think tanks have plans for any contingency. I could imagine this one involves picking which courts to file the lawsuits in with the friendliest path through the appellate process to Robert’s Supreme Court. Maybe some of our folks have plans for alternate routes through the courts. Let’s hope.

  9. maggie says:

    Well, dang! I just saw a political commercial on TV the other day that was, I think, supposed to be pro-Trump. However, they chose to glorify him with all the devestating things he has done and still plans to do. I had heard tht there were actual real Republicans who were running ads that were anti-Trump. Would somebody kindly tell this little old silver haired lady just what the heck she actually did see???

  10. BFSMan says:

    Mass shooting after mass shooting. 70,000+ dead and counting from COVID-19. Hundreds of thousands dead in illegitimate wars. Children ripped from their parents’ arms at the border. The political organization that laughably calls itself the Grand Old Party is just fine with all of that.

    Tell me again, why do they call themselves prolife?

  11. Linda Phipps says:

    I wonder what Trump’s deplorables will be thinking when their next shipment of meds will cost more than at the local pharmacy.
