
April 29, 2019 By: Juanita Jean Herownself Category: Uncategorized

Deputy Attorney General Rod Rosenstein submitted his resignation letter today and in the letter he wrote something weird:



A deputy attorney general should not be having “personal conversations” with the president.  Ever.

His resignation letter is oddly defensive.  I dunno, y’all. Is he trying to send a secret message like hostages do?

I dunno, maybe he’s just being a jerk … again.


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0 Comments to “Tool”

  1. Tom Funk says:

    The resignation letter sure didn’t read like the audience was the so called president*.

  2. Grandma Ada says:

    Maybe he will land on Trump’s re-election campaign like everyone else!

  3. AK Lynne says:

    I thought the entire letter sounded weird. Have to wonder what he was smoking.

  4. What got me was “courtesy and humor”. I’ve never once heard a reference to Trump and humor in a positive way, let alone courtesy.

  5. slipstream says:

    Do you think Rosenstein wrote that letter, or do you think the letter was put in front of Resenstein and he was instructed to sign it?

  6. “Courtesy and humor”? Just who did he address this letter to?

    Gotta wonder if slipstream’s theory might be right.

  7. Oh, come on, JJ. How else was Rosenstein supposed to keep Trump appraised of what Mueller was finding if they didn’t have regular personal conversations?

  8. This letter I swear has “code” in it! the kind a Congressional committee would love.

  9. RepubAnon says:

    It’s not as though they had one short meeting on an airport tarmac… or they were Democrats.

  10. Yet another R who will pack up his stuff and wonder where he left his integrity and reputation …

  11. AK Lynne says:

    Another vote here for slipstream’s theory.

  12. Seems that Rosenstein has thrown his pride and previously well-regarded reputation into the trumpster-dumpster, but to what end? I’m sure we’ll find out soon enough.

  13. Lunargent says:

    Even weirder: he ended it with the phrase “America first”.

    Gotta admit, I’m pretty flummoxed.

  14. Demented donnie does need another lawwyer/”fixer” since his last one is going to jail.
    This might of just been a “probation” period to see if he showed enough loyalty to the fool.
    Hope he never tried to take any notes since according to doddering donnie “real lawyers never take notes”

  15. eyesoars says:

    maggie@8… one wonders if he was blinking while he dictated the note: – — .-. – ..- .-. . like the US POWs in North Vietnam back when.
