Too Late
Sub headline in Idaho newspaper: Idaho Republican State Representative Karey Hanks said she has “done some research” and said face masks can cause injuries to “even our souls.”
Yeah, she doesn’t want to wear a mask and there ain’t no stopping her research.
So, when questioned about her findings, she admits that the Mayo Clinic says it’s safe the wear a mask, but Karey insists that it causes anxiety by reminding us, “after all, people are wearing them to avoid getting sick or others sick.”
Which seems like there would be more anxiety if you weren’t wearing one, but Karey didn’t have any research on that.
And then …
For the damage to “our souls,” there’s no good way to measure that. Maybe the grief and anxiety of getting loved ones sick with COVID-19 could be the best barometer to measure it.
Which, of course, has nothing to do with a mask, and would only get worse without one.
So, maybe the headline should read, “Karey Hanks does research and discovers it’s safe to wear a face mask.”
Let’s introduce her to Greg Abbott.