May 03, 2014 By: Juanita Jean Herownself Category: Uncategorized
Welcome to The World's Most Dangerous Beauty Salon, Inc.
My name is Susan DuQuesnay Bankston. I live in Richmond, Texas, in the heart of Tom DeLay's old district. It's nuttier than squirrel poop here.
I am honored and privileged to know Miss Juanita Jean Herownself, hairdresser extraordinary and political maven. Since she does not have time to fiddle with this internet stuff, I type her website for her and you can read it if you want to. If you don't, she truly does not give a big bear's butt.
A lot of what I post here has to do with local politics, but you probably have the same folks in your local government.
This ain't a blog. Blogs are way too trendy for me. This is a professional political organization.
Is that their equivalent to our usage of “gohmert”?
1btw, I love the drawing in this cartoon.
2Is Benghazi Arabic for HE’S BLACK!
3Ralph Wiggam, in their white English to Arabic dictionary it’s dog whistle code for “he’s black and occupying our White House.” It must really chafe their chaps that President Obama is busily fixing all the FUBARS of the previous occupant, Dubya the Dumbest. That President Obama is smarter than the average good ol’ white boy makes their heads explode.
On cue, where’s Loopy Louie to defend the ‘aspersions on his asparagus’ and Benghazi his way into a little of Juanita Jean’s sweet attentions?
For the record, ‘aspersions on his asparagus’ translates as: King of Crazy won’t be out crazed. Cue up the Loopy Louie!
“Cenk Uygur’s Righteous Rant Against GOP And Fox News Benghazi Overkill”
Sadly, four dead on President Obama’s watch. The GOP sure doesn’t want to add up the numbers for Reagan, George HW Bush, and Dumbya.
5I think Benghazi is Arabic for ‘We’re scared to death of Hillary Clinton”.
6WTH is Loopy Louie? He’s being out crazed by Sarah!
“Sarah Palin thinks she smells blood in the water over Benghazi and takes to Facebook to bare her fangs.”
Earth to GOP, you go with those four dead and see how many of Reagan’s, GWH Bush, and Dumbya’s dead get shoved down your hypocritical throats. Not minimizing the deaths of four people, however, do you really want to own the thousands of your dead at the hands of your clowns?
Loopy Louie alert, speak, before you lose your Throne of Crazy.
7Benghazi — rethugican for “that’s all we got!”
Best part of this is that the majority of the American public has no idea where Benghazi is and what it is really all about and frankly since they are so hard at work trying to find a decent job, they frankly don’t care.
8Apparently Benghazi has a multitude of meanings to the GOPers and one more might be: We lost Obamacare as an election issue and this is our last best hope.
9None of those several hundred deaths on Dubya’s watch count because:
1. They weren’t white
2. They weren’t Merikans
3. Dubya & his junkyard dog (The Dick) are white
4. They don’t have a clue where any of those places are, &
5. Bengha-a-a-a-azi sounds so good
Here is a link to the May PPP poll which shows where the 39% who don’t know where Benghazi is think it is.
10Ben·gha·zi also Ben·ga·si (bɛnˈgɑːzɪ)
1. A city of northeast Libya on the Gulf of Sidra. Inhabited since Greek and Roman times, it is a major port and was a capital of Libya from 1951 to 1972. Population: 685,000.
tr.v. (bn-gäz, bng-)) ben·gha·zi·ed, ben·gha·zi·ing, ben·gha·zi·ments
111. To harp away at an issue again and again and again, for an interminable length of time, while contributing absolutely nothing to any discussion whatsoever.
2. To attempt to agitate or upset greatly, while in reality producing reactions of scorn, disbelief and laughter.
3. To annoy, pester, or harass over imaginary issues for strictly political purposes.
4. To drool and mutter while continuously repeating a single word until it becomes a mantra.
C’mon guys,you don’t seriously believe wingnuts keep this alive for political purposes,do you? Secretly they are astounded only four people died and are making sure the next attack kills way more contractors so Obama catches heck some more.
12Benghazi is my new swear word! I have a 9-year-old.
13Something these tealiban @$$holes in Congress conveniently “forget” is that it was THEY who voted to decrease security (waste of money, natch) at our embassies and consulates.
For more Benghazi fun, head here: