Too Dumb to Wear a Hood

August 14, 2017 By: Juanita Jean Herownself Category: Uncategorized

There is a reason the Klan wore hoods.  They did not want their neighbors to know who they were.

These new guys don’t mind.  They figured that since the president supports them, they are safe to hate.

Twitter has gone to work posting who these guys are.


He got fired.

And …



College Republican president?  He might want to update his resume.

And there’s many, many more being outted.

You know, you’d think that doing really stoopid crap in the day of social media would be of concern to people.  But, noooooo … the fumes from the tiki torches fried their brains.

Thelma thinks this is a good thing.  When these dudes grow up and want to run for office, we’ll know who they are and we can stop a future Jeff Sessions or Dan Patrick.


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0 Comments to “Too Dumb to Wear a Hood”

  1. The brown shirts et al. marched and hated without masks or hoods largely because, like today, they had backing at the top of the pyramid. This time around they are likely to run into the FBI. Wonder how many have finally realized this and boogied out of the country? I think they wouldn’t mind being fully charged and jailed for trial but to be used as a witness???? Wow! That would be the kiss of death from their compadres.

  2. ha. Back in the ’70s when I was at Berkeley I remember going to the Top Dog restaurant near Euclid avenue. It was across the street from the campus. There was another one down on Shattuck.

    A defining characteristic of the place (other than to get fairly decent hot dogs) was their habit of posting libertarian screeds and clippings all over the walls and clipboards of the place. This was way before most people had any access to any form of electronic bulletin board much lest the Internet. (Which actually did exist at the time but only for the privileged.)

    Much of the quotations were pithy pushback against both black and liberal activists and speakers at the time. An original I recall (typed and clipped) included: “This is a notice that whenever you hear any politician claim that they speak for ‘the people’ they are lying because they do not, in fact, speak for the owner of this restaurant unless specifically authorized by me.”

    I didn’t fall for it (being mostly apolitical those days) but even at the time I thought that the “hard-headed logic” of libertarianism would indeed be quite heady to the impressionable college students filtering through.

  3. Like my mama always said to me and my brothers, it’s all fun and games until somebody loses an eye.

  4. Now, updated for 2017, the latest edition of:
    “Where’s Racist Waldo?”

  5. JAKvirginia says:

    I guess it wasn’t safe to come out of the (Nazi) closet. Pity.

    How’s it feel, boys?

  6. Linda Phipps says:

    Thelma and JJ … so far being branded with the political equivalent of 666 HAS NOT stopped Sessions.

  7. The whip cream on all of this would be the coincidental release of a statement from Mueller on his findings on Russian collusion etc. Yep. That would probably not just make the day but the year!

  8. Some of those NaziKKK terrorists are getting fired. One Fargo, North Dakota family publicly disavowed a relative, saying they are “bleeding heart liberals” and afraid of him. That’s about 200 miles from where I live. I have no sympathy for those pathetic bastards. Aren’t they the ones who are always saying you should have the courage to stand up for what you believe in. Well there you go a$$holes.

  9. It really is hard to remember to keep the eye holes to the front.

  10. One of the things they expected to get out of this rally, was to have random women in bars agree to have sex with them. Therefore, no hoods. If they don’t know what you look like, they won’t know that you are exactly the right person to take home or to the parking lot.

  11. Is now a good time to point out that 8 GOP-controlled legislatures have tried to make it legal to “accidentally” drive into protestors. In the North Dakota House, the bill failed 41-50. It passed NC House; stalled in Senate. Died in committee in TN. Disgraceful to have ever come up. The original versions of the TN, RI, and NC bills “were strikingly similar, even down to the language used,” I can’t prove it but my gut says ALEC.

  12. I live in the same town in which this college republican person “goes to school.” He is often in the local newspaper spouting off about white people (of which he is one,) and “conservatives” (ditto.) Many WSU students have a vague inkling of life; but, he ain’t one of them.
    Pullman, it’s always something.

  13. I’m less interested in these un-hooded White male terrorists being fired from their jobs, although that result IS a tasty icing on the cake, and more interested in local police in Charlottesville and elsewhere using the videos to prosecute assault cases.

  14. Jim Caiella says:

    I used to think like Thelma, but consider this. When Vietnam was in full swing, we were convinced that karma would chomp on those who “chose” not to serve. Yet the chicken hawks in power are far too many to name. We know who they are but they still get elected. And we still see Nixon cronies popping up all the time. Nope. Not holding my breath on this one either.

  15. “we’ll know who they are and we can stop a future Jeff Sessions or Dan Patrick.”

    we know who dan patrick and jeff sessions are, and we still can’t stop ’em …
