
October 02, 2020 By: Juanita Jean Herownself Category: Uncategorized

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  1. together, but separate bedrooms. I hope he didn’t catch it until Wednesday

  2. Sandridge says:

    Please please please … If there is a god[s], may her/his/its finger rest upon the ‘SMITE’ button…

  3. Bet he wishes they all wore masks now. He’s been a professional germaphobe for decades, I have to say I’m somewhat surprised.

  4. yet another baby boomer says:

    Trying. Soooo. Hard. not to be snarky……nah, can’t do it. Shutting up now.

    But loving that Dr. Gupta on NBC who isn’t sugar-coating his scolding of the orange fool.

  5. Sandridge says:

    Meanwhile, back at the ranch, this is some serious shit:

    The USAF STRATCOM E-6B Mercury fleet has gone to Defcon 2.

  6. I don’t understand how this could possibly happen. I thought his daily dose of hydrochlorothiazide would prevent him from getting the virus.

  7. Marlene Steenhoek says:

    So color me cynical…he was touting at a rally that Biden was so scared he would probably cancel…Joe said “can’t wait” then the debate commission said changes would be made and the whining began…this is best excuse and bid for sympathy vote. Could be since he is losing his version of resigning to devote more time to family…I just would appreciate him losing his sense of taste and smell…KFC just isn’t as good as it used to be is its you snake oil salesman? I guess he will opt for bleach or a bright light shined up his yahoo? As Bugs Bunny says “what a maroon…”.

  8. There’s an E-6B Mercury off the east coast near DC and one off the West coast near Portland. E-6Bs are airborne command centers for controlling long range nuclear missiles. The message is the President may have COVID but don’t mess with us because the USA is ready for nuclear war. It’s a message to the small group of adversaries with SLBMs and ICBMs. So that’s comforting….

    Norm Ornstein was in the hall during the debate, he and several others reported that, “The entire Trump entourage came in w masks, took them off as soon as they sat down, refused to put them on when asked by Cleveland Clinic personnel. Flouting defiantly the law & rules. And Trump shouting only 8-10 feet from Biden for 90 mins.”

    According to the Washington Post, “After White House officials learned of Hicks’ symptoms, Trump & his entourage flew to New Jersey, where he attended a fundraiser & delivered a speech. Trump was in close contact with dozens of other people, including campaign supporters at a roundtable.” That’s what folks in the legal business call reckless endangerment.

    While I’d love to venture down the Q-like rabbit hole and suggest this is a fake because his party knows how much damage he is doing to everyone down ballot every time he opens his mouth, and this is a colossal sympathy ploy. I’m afraid that’s not the case. We need to vote him out of office not martyr either Trump or his progeny.

  9. Ormond Otvos says:

    Prayers answered. Tidal wave of schadenfreude. Wife whooping around like a four year old on a sugar buzz.

    Why is our sh!th0l3 president catching a hoax?

    MSNBC is running a five second clip of Trump kissing HoaxHix on the cheek. Every fifteen seconds.

    Twitter is alive tonight!

  10. Mister Lee says:

    This is one of those cases where we shall see what we shall see.

    Thus far, Donald Trump has had the Devil’s luck. I would not be surprised if he proves able to brush off COVID 19 the way other people blow off the sniffles.

    On the other hand, he may find himself the first President since Zachary Taylor to be permanently sidetracked by illness before his term expires.

    In any event, I won’t forget that he had many opportunities to avoid the virus which the tens of thousands of men, women, and children in ICE detention were denied.

  11. WHO sent the twit tweet??? If the trumpig himself, than with his history of NEVER telling the truth this may well be grandstanding and a total lie!! I can just see it in a few weeks…I am the greatest! CV19 can’t even get to me…or some such BS!!
    I will need independent verification of the trumpig wearing a respirator in a bed! And even then I will doubt it as real. The rePUKEians are con-men and crooks and the bar is never too low for them.

  12. Jeff Del Papa says:

    I actually want him to recover so he can stand trial. I wouldn’t mind one bit if he and Pence wound up on ventilators together. (Finally a woman in the White House, but stay in the bubble until they have had a chance to decontaminate, and exorcise).

    To misquote Johnstown; There are some obituaries I expect to greatly enjoy reading.

    But the virus gets us in another way, we won’t be able to line constitution, shoulder to shoulder screaming like maniacs as he takes that last slow ride to the capitol.

  13. Ralph Wiggam says:

    Pride goeth before destruction, and an haughty spirit before a fall.

  14. RepubAnon says:

    One wonders how long it will take before the Trumpistas blame a Deep State Plot for Trump’s illness.

  15. Karma. Just plain old karma. Always knows where you live!

  16. I am somewhat cynical but…
    so he has apparently got Covid, after it finally dawned on him that he somewhat blew it during the debate and his internal polling indicated that he had little or no chance to win the election…
    Will be interesting to see what his next steps will be as far as the election is concerned…

  17. I know this is probably horseshit but nothing these cretins do surprise me anymore. After the debate I wouldn’t be surprised if this is all bullshit. To demonstrate that Covid is harmless
    Don’t get me wrong, him dying in agony gasping for air would be cause for celebration.
    But him getting Covid and not being affected by it would be a political touchdown for his base.

  18. While I agree with many others that this may be another “fabrication” in that deluded orange brain, IF he truly is positive as if the first porn star, then probably the family who was maskless at the debate are positive. AND then they went on infecting countless others. THIS should be enough to lock them up.

  19. Don’t you thing Melanie got it as a matter of form? If she didn’t have it then we would know for sure they have been apart! Also, there go the rest of the debates, and an excuse for bad behavior in the last one! If he has it it will be great Karma !

  20. Why do l get the feeling this might be a dodge to allow a more sympathetic candidate to run?

    Boss Tweet has access to immune sera, so I would hope he’s in for a mild ride…

  21. I hope Karma gives him what he deserves for the deaths of 200,000 plus innocent Americans that he did nothing prevent.

  22. Aghast in Austin says:

    The question never seemed to be “if?” It was always “when?” If this is true, and now the question actually is “if?”, it robs us of the chance to send him a huge message of rejection
    at the polls, and gives him the chance to continue his message of hate from martyrium.

  23. Good point (picked it up from HuffPost comments):
    “His Supreme Court nominee was exposed and needs to quarantine. No big deal, we can reschedule the confirmation hearings for a later time.”

  24. Opinionated Hussy says:

    Dear Lord, I hope the asshat didn’t give it to Joe Biden. if, indeed, he has it and this isn’t just a way to avoid the next 2 debates, 3 days ago he was contagious as heck and – as has been pointed out above – shouting only 8 feet or so from Joe.

  25. I read a comment on another website that made me LOL. It said “RBG has just won her first case with God.”

  26. NEVER ask for chrisANALs, rePUKEians, or the trumpig to die of CV19!!! They should not be given the easy way out!!! Please catch it, suffer a lot thru it, then get complications, and SUFFER thru a long life!!! And then go to their heaven cuz I can’t think of any place worse for them to be told to bow down to a bigger narcissist than they are!!!

  27. Brad in Dallas says:

    He’ll be lucky if he only has respiratory symptoms, diarrhea and headaches for 10 days. With his age and state of health he’s got about 50/50 chance of going in the hospital. A small percentage get ARDS in the first day or two and expire. Most need IVs, many need respiratory support, and the odds of long term organ damage after the initial infection subsides are high. Some chance he could become a Long Hauler and be bedridden and weak for months. Unless the WH clamps down hard on daily health updates, we’re all about to get a nationwide lesson in the severity of this disease in the elderly.

  28. …. and still, there is something fishy in the whole situation. I can’t help thinking that Trump is playing America, again. I just can’t see what exactly is it this time. To cancel debates? Delay elections? To play a martyr? Prove that covid is not a big deal when you are “tough”?

  29. The covidiot was ~15 feet away from Joe, thank goodness, and Joe is still testing negative, so…
    Melamine has also tested positive…wouldn’t it be ironic that the only time she touched him in the last 3 months (at the debate) he gave her the virus lol

  30. ~ A spoonful of sugar makes the bleach go down,

    ~ In the most delightful way.

  31. Brad in Dallas says:

    FrauFree–if he’s trying to work an angle, I think it’s to get out of a fight he’s clearly losing without having to have his butt kicked. He’ll have some overwhelming reason to be medivacked to Dubai, where he can recuperate at his golf course in a country without an extradition treaty with the US, and spend his remaining years laundering money and tweeting about how he was robbed and the ‘Murrican people want him back as king. White Supremacy terrorists will engrave his name on their weapons for 75 years, and Putin will have a permanent TV studio in his hotel for his propaganda broadcasts. It’s a win-win-win for the only people who count in Trump’s world–himself and Ivanka and the wealthy people whose affection he craves.

    All seriousness though, his and Maleficent’s health are in some jeopardy here, if it’s true. He has a non-zero chance of not living till the election, and we need to be prepared for what the GOP pulls if he goes.

  32. RepubAnon says:
    “One wonders how long it will take before the Trumpistas blame a Deep State Plot for Trump’s illness.”

    And…here’s your answer lol
    GOP Sen. Kelly Loeffler Demands Punishment For China

  33. Jane & PKM says:

    This is like being notified we’ve won the lottery. Since we don’t buy lottery tickets, we are somewhat more than a little skeptical about the good news. How much does Commander Clorox lie? So much that he would lie about having a hoax disease. Still waiting for the punchline. Guesses anyone? Maybe two shots of Clorox and he’s cured?

    Or, Donnie has nothing left to throw at the election, so he’s going for the pity vote. Or, he’s amping up to blame Covid-19 for his loss in his inimitable it’s never his fault fashion.

  34. Isn’t it romantic? Can’t you just feel the love for his wife when he refers to her as “@FLOTUS?” #CrazyInLove

  35. Steve from Beaverton says:

    Just heard on CBS that Trumpf’s doctor quack quack says he’ll be able to continue his duties as normal. That means he’ll be able to watch Fox News and encourage his proud boys on Twitter all day.
    Also, looking for a yard sign that says “Biden 2020, Trumpf 20 to life”. Anyone seen a supplier for those.

  36. The Surly Professor says:

    If Trump does croak, will Melanoma dig out and wear her “I really don’t care, do you?” coat for the funeral?

  37. For someone who did a bunker-dive when the protesters revved things up outside, he sure sounds casual about his infection.

    (14 seconds)

  38. Harry Eagar says:

    He calls his wife FLOTUS? Better than Mother but only just.

    The hedlines write themselves, don’t they?

    Non-essential WH worker tests positive


    Hope and change return to WH

  39. From a facebook group that I occasionally follow:
    “a reminder to all Americans that the net effect of our prime minister catching Covid-19 was that it prompted a surge of patriotic support. From which he emerged with renewed popularity. Which enabled him to tear up key functions of the state

  40. Is it wrong to hope that Pence was exposed, POTUS and VP are both incapacitated for a time and Nancy Pelosi takes over for, oh, maybe a coupla weeks leading up to the election?

  41. Looking ahead at least a little bit. Say that he survives but has lifelong lating side effects that make him into a perpetual patient. He then uses his situation to avoid tax fraud charges inasmuch as he is unable to handle a court process or even a federal trial for treason. Also remember what he said about impaired vets and how he dosn’t like them and that they are essentially losers. He will have to live with his own loser-ness. Just imagine how well that will work out. Karma. I tell ya. Karma.

  42. thatotherjean says:

    The absolute best I can do is to hope that the President, First Lady, and Ronna Romney McDaniel recover–eventually.

    I profoundly hope that Joe Biden didn’t catch COVID-19.

    Oh, and–thanks, Hope!

  43. Bob Boland says:

    IF he really has Covid (big if), and IF he succumbs to it, then the election will still go on. Under those circumstances I suspect that Pence will lose, badly. Yes, there will be sympathy/solidarity votes for the late unlamented Grifter-in-Chief but I seriously doubt that most of Trump’s base is enthusiastic enough for Pence push his numbers high enough to win.

  44. Jane & PKM says:

    While it was expected we’d be filling out our mail-in ballots with pleasure today, now it’s with uncontainable smiles. Four years without a President and First Lady has been too long.

    We have a proposition for Republicons who fear the thought of even a temporary President Pelosi. Hey Repugs, care to join us in an early inauguration for President Biden and Vice President Harris?

  45. Sandridge says:

    With speculation on the remote possibility of a [2nd in line of succession] President Pelosi, she could then annul some recent moves by Kamerad Trump. Like putting the Barrett SC nomination in abeyance… command the reversal of many recent Cabinet officer’s anti-American moves, etc. Hmmmm…

  46. I like presidential candidates that don’t get sick.

  47. Ormond Otvos says:

    A sign of how four years of misdirection have blossomed, already with the conspiracy, hoax, lies theories.

    Nationwide petition to have a team of NIH doctors examine him, and then testify under oath that he really is sick.

    I’ll believe he’s sick when he appears on a ventilator.

  48. Opinionated Hussy says:

    I think there is a real possibility that he does NOT have Covid, but is claiming to have it, so he can talk about how ‘like a bad cold’ it is and how the Dems have overblown the whole thing in order to cause unemployment, ruin the economy, and win the election. Given the brutality with which he treated Hilary when she caught pneumonia (and kept campaigning through much of it), I do not put any lie past him.

    Got a mailer from a far right religious nut group in which the first claim was that the House Dems voted to allow illegal aliens to vote. Guess they missed the whole “Thou shalt not bear false witness” thing. When will the DNC start suing these groups out of existence for these lies?

  49. I saw elsewhere something about Barrett already catching Covid 19 earlier this year. However, as of yet no one in medical science has been able to prove that catching it and recovering from it give anyone any immunity for another go-round!

  50. (I am concened that The President has been helicoptered to Walter Reed Hospital.
    Perhaps, if it had been explained this way, there would have been a different outcome.
    -It only takes one sperm to fertilize an egg.
    -It only takes one person to ultimately infect another person.
    -If someone does not want to become pregnant, they take precautions. Sometimes that doesn’t work.
    -If you get it, it is probably your fault.
    -Once you get it, there are many (Republicans) who don’t want you to have any options to ameliorate the situation.
