Tone Deaf

May 08, 2013 By: Juanita Jean Herownself Category: Uncategorized

On the heels of children using their little guns to shoot other children and a few adults this week, the NRA Youth Magazine “Insights”  (Get it?) has a cover showing their determination to help the upstart Guns for Toddlers industry.


Indoor shooting’s fun, with BB guns.

No, I am not kidding.

Hell, it’s even more fun with a .22.

The article, while warning the kids that they need an adult’s permission and help to set up an indoor range, also makes it pretty clear that guns just aren’t much fun unless that can make something bleed.

Okay, at what age do we start encouraging children to play with real guns in the house?  I dunno these things.  I grew up civilized.

Thanks to Brian C for the heads up.

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