Tom, Hunt Your Hole

June 09, 2014 By: Juanita Jean Herownself Category: Uncategorized

Just when you thought it was safe …

Tom DeLay slithers out of his hole and hisses

“This president is undermining the rule of law and the judiciary committee ought to start hearings on it,” DeLay said on his Washington Times radio program, adding that the House may also consider impeaching Obama to serve as a “warning to future presidents” about “undermining the rule of law.”

He also called for a House investigation into Obama’s purported “connections to radical Islamists” and his “leaning and having too much sympathy for radical Islamists.”

Tom, Honey, Barack Obama is the President and you’re going to prison as soon as you run out of money for your lawyer to keep appealing.  And you’re going in a damn hand basket to prepare for the afterlife.

Tom DeLay is a convicted felon.  Damn, I love saying that.

Thanks to Lorraine In Spring for the heads up.

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