Tom DeLay: You Slept With Half The Cocktail Waitresses in Austin, You’re 68 Years Old, Pudgy, and Have Had At Least Two Face Lifts That I Know Of But Suddenly You’re Mahatma Gandhi?
Y’all, seriously.
“If this Supreme Court rules against marriage, all hell is going to break loose,” DeLay said, citing a pledge signed by politicians and activists, including Mike Huckabee and Rick Santorum, who have vow to defy such a ruling by the court. “We’re going to stand for marriage even if it takes civil disobedience.”
Okay think about this. What are you gonna do? Tie up gay people? Throw spit wads? Pee in their swimming pools? When the preacher asks, “Does anyone here know any reason why …” you’re gonna yell out, “Sex!”
How do you defy marriage equality other than not marrying a gay person? No, think about it. That is exactly what you should do if you don’t like gay marriage.
Honey, the ruling will come down soon and I’m gonna keep my eye on Tom DeLay. That’s a promise.