Tom DeLay Got Off

October 01, 2014 By: Juanita Jean Herownself Category: Uncategorized

The dissenting opinion says  …

delaycigar“You can always tell when an opinion is written with the outcome decided before any legal analysis is done because it reads like a medical report written by a doctor who has never conducted a physical examination of the patient. This is precisely how the court of appeals’ opinion in this case comes across.”

All of us are disappointed but not surprised.  As long as one party controls the courts, nothing is against the law for their politicians.

He was convicted by a jury of his peers and all of his friends went to prison, but Tom DeLay walks.

He’s still a pathetic little man with a very cocky attitude.

Thanks to Kyle for the heads up.


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0 Comments to “Tom DeLay Got Off”

  1. Kate Dungan says:

    Oh, don’t worry.

    I’m sure Karma and her Greek sister Hubris are sharpening their knives for him, because you just know he’ll be getting into other things. Just like a roach.

  2. And we know how he’ll brag about getting away with it.

  3. UmptyDump says:

    Watch him try to regain his congressional seat in 2016.

  4. Juanita Jean says:

    I’m thinking like you are, UmptyDump.

  5. Polite Kool Marxist says:

    Oh no, cannot begin to imagine what magnitude of obnoxious this will release in the ever not so humble Delay. Texas Democrats, please organize now and locate a candidate to teach this idiot some hell fire humiliation. He slimed his way out of disgrace, so let’s see if he can be fitted with a suit of defeat.

  6. virginiamary says:

    Cocky, crooked and completely dishonest! The law does not apply to him.

  7. He’s such a scumbag.

  8. Sandridge says:

    (Anything Is OK If You’re A Reptaliban)

    (Momma wouldn’t go for that one)

  9. Super Sleaze knew the fix was in when he tripped the light fantastic on Dancing With The Stars. One can only hope he gets tripped up while dancing around his misdeeds.

  10. Relax, everybody. Nemesis has something really gross ready for him with his name on it. And he’ll never see it coming.

  11. Corinne Sabo says:

    Did he change his underwear after?

  12. Corinne Sabo says:

    Did he change his underwear after?

  13. Sam in Schertz says:

    Now he’ll have time to collect more money for another home for foster kids which he can use for cigars and wine.

  14. Great. No wonder Perry acts like his legal charges are inconsequential.

  15. Marge Wood says:



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