Today’s Rick Perry is a Brat Game

July 01, 2011 By: Juanita Jean Herownself Category: Uncategorized


“Well,” Juanita grins, “how ’bout them biscuits!  Joe Ray and Amelia June’s baby boy Rick is flashing his wares around the neon lights of Beverly Hills, California.  That there’s a long way from Paint Creek, Texas.  He’s getting as uppity as a mountain goat.”

“For those of you wondering if Rick’s running for President, ask yourself this:  would a two ton hog make a lot of bacon?”

“I know I was taking bets a few months ago that Rick was running for Vice President, but even I didn’t realize how poorly the Republican field was going to do, and I don’t think much of them to start with,” she admits.  “There’s not a one of them I’d trust to go to the grocery store for me if I gave them a list and exact change.”

“So, ole Rick is strutting around California trying to get some of that Paris Hilton money.  I just hope they don’t mistake him for the Midnight Cowboy,” she frets.

In other Rick Perry is a Brat news, he’s tied for second place in the GOP primary poll.  He’s first place among teabaggers.   But, Obama still beats him by 10 points – and that’s before Rick opens his mouth.

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