Today in Trumpland Besides Impeachment Proceedings

November 12, 2019 By: El Jefe Category: Trump

A disgruntled former Breitbart employee came to her senses and leaked hundreds of Stephen Miller’s emails.  You won’t be surprised to learn that he’s a racist pig privately just as much as he is publicly.

Trump says dreamers are “hardened criminals” as SCOTUS hearing begins.

Rick Gates testified today that Trump lied to Mueller about him “not recalling” talking to Stone about WikiLeaks when he in fact did multiple times.

Trump ordered to pay $290,000 in legal expenses to the Scottish Government after losing battle to stop a wind farm.

Trump claims that Ivanka created 14 million US jobs by herself.

There are too many lies to even keep up.

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0 Comments to “Today in Trumpland Besides Impeachment Proceedings”

  1. Nearly three years ago it was: “Welcome To The Trumplight Zone” time for us all.

    ‘You’re traveling through another dimension, a dimension not only of smoke and mirrors but of outright lies and treason; a journey into a hellacious land whose boundaries are that of propaganda. That’s the signpost up ahead—your next stop, the Trumplight Zone.’
    [with apologies to]
    — Rod Serling

  2. AlanInAustin ... says:

    Let’s be honest — Ivanka might well have created 14M jobs. Not all of them in the U.S. and not all of them sustainable (fact checkers, conspiracy bloggers, criminal defense lawyers, editorial cartoonists, etc.), but still….

  3. Buttermilk Sky says:

    If the Scottish government gets a single pound out of the short-fingered vulgarian, I’ll eat a haggis.

    He forgot to add that all 14 million Ivanka-jobs went to displaced coal miners. There were tears in their eyes when they said, “Sir, you’ve given us our lives back.”
