Today in Trumpland

September 09, 2020 By: El Jefe Category: 2020 Election, Corruption

The Washington Post started releasing audio tapes of 17 interviews Bob Woodward held with Trump since last December.  They are blockbuster, including Trump actually admitting ON TAPE that he lied to the American people about the severity of the Coronavirus pandemic for months.

Woodward’s book also quotes Trump as saying of US military leadership, “my fucking generals are a bunch of pussies”. They care more about their alliances than they do about trade deals.”

In other news, Brian Murphy, a senior career DHS staffer, filed a whistleblower complaint against senior current and former DHS political appointees, former DHS Secretary Nielsen, Chad Wolf, who is serving as acting DHS secretary; and Ken Cuccinelli, the deputy DHS secretary. The complaint details orders from said appointees for DHS to lie to congress and downplay Russian interference and other foreign threats that would “make Trump look bad.”

To add insult to injury, today Trump named right wing nut bags Ted Cruz and Tom Cotton to his list of potential Supreme Court nominees.  No shit.

Yesterday, Bill Barr’s Justice Department announced that it was taking over the defense for Trump against E. Jean Carroll’s defamation case against him in relation to her charge of a 1990’s rape she alleged.  The Justice Department has claimed that Trump calling Carroll a liar was within the boundaries of his official duties as president.  No shit.

Lastly, the House Oversight Committee has announced the beginning of an investigation into Postmaster General Louis DeJoy into an illegal reimbursement scheme that paid his executives back for making contributions to Trump and other Republicans, a felony.

Happy Wednesday!

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0 Comments to “Today in Trumpland”

  1. And just think, its only Wednesday. Who knows what tomorrow will bring.

  2. What’s so disheartening is that not a bit a of this will make one iota of difference to the Trumpistas. We thought there was a daily fire hose of news coming at us. Hah! We wished. And, we still have just under two months of all this to go until the election. Any wonder why I’m drinking heavily these days?

  3. Steve from Beaverton says:

    I’m with ya Barb. Hoping the voters on the left of far right in the repugnantican party are seeing how sick Trumpf is. That would include vets on the right. Seriously, if you can’t add 1+1, I guess you could buy Trumpfs bullshit that he never disrespected the military. There’s no hope for his cult because the more he lies, the more they like him. That’s probably the way they live their lives. But for others? Come on. I have neighbors and family in that camp.

  4. El Jefe, the bottom line is this: we need to bury that Russian bot meme that the supporters of the f cking moron won’t be educated. Crap. Would have expected Putie’s little morons to be smarter than Donnie’s. But “it is what it is” as even donnie would say, he loves the uneducated.

    I won’t claim that a bullet to their cerebral cortex would educate them about Donnie. Donnie said so much in his brag about shooting someone on 5th Ave and being exonerated.

    But here’s the thing, El Jefe, you and Ms. Juanita Jean Herownself are dedicated to the truth. But we need to reach out beyond those of us who know the truth and support the Democratic leadership that speaks truth. Actively encourage them to lead with the truth. Speaker Pelosi, AOC, The Squad and others in the House try. They need more support from Democratic Senators, especially Chuck Schumer and the DNC.

    How you might ask, and reasonably so. Money talks. We don’t have Shelly Adelson’s money or the Koch or Mercer money. But there are millions of us which multiplied by as little as $20 can make a difference. Don’t trust the DNC, no problem, find a Democratic candidate you can support and send your donation directly. Need help? Search their name and trust me you will be directed to an avenue to donate directly to your choice.

    Don’t trust internet security. Can appreciable that. You can buy a one time use credit card for the amount of what you wish to donate at most retail stores. We do it all the time when we are not sure about the security of smaller vendors with whom we want to do business.

    If you think your $1 or $5 donation isn’t important, please multiply it by too many people in your circumstances for whom a dollar is a sacrifice and donate what you can to better all of your circumstances by removing Republicons in one huge wave. Thank you.

  5. Samella Williams says:

    “… “my fucking generals are a bunch of pussies”. They care more about their alliances than they do about trade deals”.

    This is a really stupid statement. Why would the generals care about trade deals?

  6. Even if these revelations have no affect on Trump supporters, there have been recent reports that Trump himself is moody, irritable, and generally out of sorts. He didn’t even leave the house on Labor Day, a rarity for Presidents in an election year.

    Keep ‘em coming. There’s only so much Sudafed Trump can pop to counteract his bad case of the white man’s funk.

  7. Barb and Steve @ 2 & 3:
    These days, given what’s come out about him, I have to wonder if the reason his minions still refuse to desert him has less to do with their loving him and more to do with loving to poke their thumbs in the eyes of the libruls.

    Hey! You hate him? Well, I”M gonna vote for him!
    Never mind that we almost exchanged nukes with N. Korea.
    Never mind that almost 200K are dead.
    Never mind that he inherited a sound economy and drove it into the ground.
    Never mind that Putin obviously has so much dirt on him that he’ll sell out the country to keep it under wraps.

    You hate him and that’s enough for me! Take that, ya libs!

  8. twocrows@7–I think you are absolutely right!

  9. Somewhere it is written what the Final Days would look like, as full with signs of The End. Looks like tRump is holding a full bag and it is so heavy he can’t run fast enough to avoid justice and that full bag will only drag him down to Davy Jone’s locker if he tries to swim for it.

  10. when trump is dumped the US will need a re-education program similar to north vietnam for the crazy 38%

  11. Harry Eagar says:

    BarbinDC Yeah, not the slightest sign that the Trumpeters in my orbit are paying attention or would alter if they were.

  12. Rachel Maddow reported that Woodward’s book also says Trump blabbed about a new secret nuclear program. That program is no longer secret now and will most likely lead to a new arms race. She also reported that the book said we were very close to nuclear war with North Korea in 2017.

  13. I haven’t said this for quite a while because I said it several times before. Quite awhile back. And it keeps being nauseatingly true.
    None of this matters to a significant portion of our society.
    Not because they see the same thing as us but draw different conclusions than we do.
    Because they see different realities.
    The ones they choose.
    Because they can now.
    Because those realities are out there now on the internet, fully supported. Not by diligent professionals in pursuit of the truth. But by people pushing a narrative.
    Sure, some of them are probably Russian. But I think most are just repugnantcan.
    We see the sky as blue.
    They choose to see the sky as orange, believing it’s what we call blue.
    And are totally repulsed by our sense of aesthetics
