Today in COVID-19

March 11, 2020 By: El Jefe Category: Coronavirus, Corruption, Trump

Latest I’ve got, but it’s coming hard and fast:

Tom Hanks and his wife test positive for COVID-19

NBA has suspended the NBA season.

Trump bans travel to the US from Europe, except the UK.

Trump’s effort to play down the pandemic has worked…on Republicans.

Brazilian official (accused of corruption, of course) has tested positive for COVID-19 after spending the weekend at Mara Lago.

Trump loyalists test positive for COVID-19, including Matt Gaetz, who stupidly wore a gas mask in Congress last week to mock the threat.  He wins Dumbass of the Week award.

Italy shuts down ALL stores except for pharmacies and grocery stores.

WHO declares the Coronavirus outbreak a global pandemic while calling out “alarming levels of inaction.”

Stocks fall into bear territory for the first time in 11 years in the face of Trump’s incoherent response to COVID-19 and Saudi-Russian oil price war.

Other than that, not a goddam thing happening right now.

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0 Comments to “Today in COVID-19”

  1. Grandma Ada says:

    And don’t forget the Houston Rodeo. As a BIH (born in Houston) I’ve never known it to be skipped. And you know that his majesty will try to make us skip the November election!

  2. It’s like the morning of 9/11.
    But without the buildings.

  3. Jane & PKM says:

    Grandma Ada, what if we were to hold elections and no Republicons participated? Blue states and active Democrats in red states know how to do the mail in ballots. So yes we can have an election, and safely, with or without Republicons if they continue to follow IQ4.5* and Moscow Mitch in pitching hissy fits in lieu of action.

  4. I just commented on the post Can the Coronavirus Help Save Democracy. It coulda just as easily fit this post.
    You folks are great.

  5. Did anyone else notice that Trump sounded like he had a cold at this evening’s public announcement? I thought he might sneeze at any moment. He was audibly wheezing.

  6. charles phillips says:

    Good data source:

    In my home state, King county has 234 known cases, with 26 deaths. Think Seattle area. That a morbidity rate of 1 in 9, or just over 10%.

  7. charles phillips says:

    And in reference to PKM (4), repugs will eventually be dragged into the light of reason and things will progress ‘better.’ It will probably be too late to prevent a massive die-off, though, so your theory still works.

  8. Gaetz tested negative.

  9. Old Fart says:

    Next up: GOPs try to accuse Obama of failing to prevent this pandemic. Or how Hunter Biden conspired…

  10. maryelle says:

    Flying Junior, Drumpf always sounds like that
    when reading from the teleprompter.
    They must drug him up with Ritalin or something
    to help him focus. On the other hand, given all the
    places he’s been where confirmed cases popped up,
    it wouldn’t be surprising if he came down
    with it, hisownself.

  11. Robert McClellan says:

    The ban doesn’t include US citizens or green card holders, since this is the US I am not sure who it does cover.

  12. The story said Gaetz tested negative but El Jefe said positive. Which is it?

  13. The Surly Professor says:

    El Jefe, you got all our hopes up. But I just checked, Gaetz does not (yet) have Covid-19.

    The linked WP article has some interesting plots there. Not just that many Republicans are ignoring the science and following Trump’s assurances. But the way that Independents are closely tracking the Democrats in how they view the danger posed by Covid-19, both personally and nationally. That is promising for the the 2020 elections … and increases the number of people willing to take steps to help tamp down the Trump Plague.

  14. Aw nuts! I was hoping Gaetz would learn his lesson
    the hard way.

  15. Just sent following email to my Senator. Would hope others would support this.
    Congress mandating Vote by mail to avoid public health issues on voting day.
    With coronavirus in the US isn’t it time for Congress to pass a bill mandating Vote by Mail opportunity for all voters in the country.
    If the Virus continues to plaque the US into November the sort of extended waits and crowding that have been shown in states that have either very limited, or none, vote by mail options would be risking increased exposure for those who wish to us their franchise.
    Considering these are generally in states where they have resisted the ACA and Medicare expansion it would seem to have the makings of a public health crisis. Plus a history of voter suppression.
    Granted the risk may lessen dramatically by Nov.
    But if doesn’t, waiting for the last minute would be impossible for states such a Florida, Texas and other states which regularly have bottlenecks for voters.
    To establish procedures and infrastructure, rules for printing ballots etc. must be started now ( better yesterday) to be effective.
    This is a public health issue that has the risk of requiring people to balance health v. civic involvement.
    I will accept specific response but do not waste any electrons in a canned response.
