Today, I Am Thankful For My Family, My Friends, My ….

November 25, 2010 By: Juanita Jean Herownself Category: Uncategorized


Juanita would like to put a Thanksgiving smile on the face of all you people from foreign states.

Newspapers from around Texas — (Click the little ones to get the big ones).



And finally ….


…. where they quote the Beauty Salon and local Republican Party Chair Rick Miller who is shocked, just shocked, I tell you.  Rick, of course, blames the Democrats for Tom’s bad ethics.  Yep, THAT Rick Miller, the same guy who lead a gang of Tom DeLay’s  thugs to a Democratic press conference to beat up elderly ladies.

So today, when you sit down to eat Aunt Bessy’s sweet potatoes, enjoy the sweetness a little bit more.  Justice, sweet justice, has been done in Texas.

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